But Wheaton said the union might decide to return to work during the ratification vote because temperatures are starting to get colder, and it might not make sense for them to stay on the picket lines. Corporate greed. Those who hold the line do whatever they can to survive. Spectrum Strike. by Guest Post on . As the calendar has turned, Spectrum workers have exhausted strike funds, exhausted their savings, and become desperate. About 1,800 Local 3 members employed by Charter/Spectrum as technicians, engineers and warehouse workers went on strike in March 2017 after the company refused to back off proposals that would have shifted most of the pension and health-care funding to employees. Instead, Charter appears to have won a mysterious ally in the form of a Spectrum employee hired after the … Workers could stay on strike until after all members vote on the contract. With many striking workers moving on, Walcott has been desperately attempting to keep the strike’s momentum alive. International Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 3, with 1,800 workers out on strike for more than a year, thought they were so close to a contract, they had stopped picketing Charter/Spectrum. The revolution will not be televised on Spectrum-Time Warner Cable, because 1,700 of its workers in New York and New Jersey went on strike. Hundreds of union members and supporters rallied in New York this week on behalf of Spectrum technicians, who have been on strike for one year (and counting) in … This spring, hundreds of striking Charter Spectrum technicians will hit the three-year mark just as NYC lawmakers consider 10 more years of Spectrum, a … Perkins and Sabatino are among the roughly 1,800 IBEW Local 3 NY and NJ Spectrum workers on strike against Spectrum since March 28. Some have crossed the picket lines and returned to their old jobs. Charter/Spectrum is forcing technicians to install refurbished equipment not capable of maintaining … Local Union No. Nov 10, 2017. With the strike dragging on into its third year, Charter, which operates under the brand name Spectrum in New York, has refused to play fair with its workforce. Charter said the union wasn’t taking a great deal that included raises for most members, though IBEW Local 3 claimed most of the proposed raises were required by the state’s minimum wage hike. Approximately 1,800 workers walked off the job on March 28 after Charter Communications refused to bargain in good faith, attempting to slash benefits by halting their contributions to workers’ pension and medical plans. International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 3 Members have been out on Strike against Charter/Spectrum since March 2017 and have been hoping that, as a “Union Town,” the City of New York would take their plight into consideration and spike Charter/Spectrum’s Franchise Agreement rather than renew it. 1,495 likes. NEW YORK – Hundreds of elected officials, workers and labor leaders joined forces at a rally today in support of IBEW Local 3’s 1,800 workers, who have been on strike since March 2017 against cable giant Spectrum, where Gov. March 19, 2020, ... A New York City-based union that’s engaged in what is currently the country’s longest-running strike won its request for review with the federal labor board as it fights off a decertification attempt. The strike started on March 28, 2017, with the union saying the telecom, which does business as Spectrum, was cutting pension and healthcare obligations. Striking Spectrum Workers Granted Review of Decertification (1) By Andrew Wallender. This strike is about getting what the workers see as fair. UFT members were among the thousands of union members who came out on Sept. 18 in support of the 1,800 Spectrum workers who have been on strike for six months against the cable giant to keep the company from destroying their retirement and health benefits and threatening their job security. Then this $41 billion company, one of the largest multichannel cable service providers in the U.S., walked away from the bargaining… This was a billion dollar deal and the executives received millions in bonuses. Stay up to date with the latest information about the Local 3 Spectrum strike. Estimates among Workers vary, but they say that close to half of the original Strikers are still out. Those who hold the line do whatever they can to survive. As the calendar has turned, Spectrum Workers have exhausted Strike Funds, exhausted their savings and become desperate. As for the dispute with Charter in New York, the company defended its package on offer to union members and blamed the IBEW for the strike. Ibew I'm still learning the in … The strike by more than 1,800 members of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers against their employer, Spectrum-Time Warner … Striking workers outside Spectrum-Time Warner Cable’s Northern Manhattan shop on West 219 th Street in Inwood said on Tuesday that the company wants to stop contributions into worker pension and medical plans, and to take away certain paid holidays and personal time off.. Richard Shabman, a shop steward at the Inwood site, home base to about 275 employees, accused the … Throughout the strike Spectrum has run a multi-million dollar television ad campaign, including during New York Yankees baseball games, to give … The workers only want what is fair. Andrew Cuomo and dozens of top city and state leaders signed a pledge to boycott Charter Spectrum, including NY1, while the union’s picket line remains in … Despite a year of its workers striking, Charter/Spectrum — backed by a large segment of the finance capitalist class, including such big names as Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, Deutsche Bank and Credit Suisse — still refuses to bargain with IBEW Local 3. But amidst a full-blown pandemic, it … Local IBEW 3, the union representing more than 1,800 Spectrum employees, is trying to … The demonstration marked the one-year anniversary of their unfair labor practice strike. On Monday, October 30th, thousands of union members from all across the New York City labor movement gathered for the second time in a month to rally with 1,800 Local 3 workers on strike from Spectrum since March. After being on strike for seven months, bills are piling up but the Local 3 members are not giving up. Additionally, Charter/Spectrum has unfairly disciplined workers for repeat On Strike Now for Three Years, Spectrum Workers Are Demanding Public Ownership The crowd listens as New York Governor Andrew Cuomo speaks during a rally of hundreds of union members in support of IBEW Local 3 (International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers) at Cadman Plaza Park, September 18, 2017, in the Brooklyn borough of New York City. The Spectrum workers behind the co-op, members of IBEW Local 3, have been on strike practically since Charter showed up in 2016 and bought Time Warner. To make matters worse, Charter/Spectrum did so during a period of high profitability. Troy Walcott, a 20-year Spectrum veteran and a union shop steward, has been one of the strike’s most visible leaders. 3 IBEW techniciansare on the 53rd day of their strike against Charter/Spectrum. New York/New Jersey workers have been on strike against Spectrum/Charter since March 28, 2017. According to Perkins, at the heart of the dispute is Spectrum’s, (which recently bought out Time Warner Cable (TWC)) refusal to come to an agreement with the union on the main sticking points. He is one of more than 1,700 Spectrum workers in New York and New Jersey who have been on strike for almost five months after hitting an impasse … "Spectrum, currently under investigation by the National Labor Relations Board for violating federal labor law, is the only nursing home provider in Connecticut to experience a strike … “By keeping its members out of work, Local 3 …
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