On average, Armezon PRO herbicide is 2.5 times more likely to receive an activating rain than competitive herbicides. For best results, container or soil surfaces should be free of weeds, trash and clods at the time of application. Armezon PRO herbicide has high bioavailability to deliver control under wet and dry conditions. 14 15 14 15 15 3 27 4 19 SOA Armezon PRO = Armezon + Outlook 14 fl oz 0.51fl oz 12.3 fl oz 16 … Always use in accordance with the more restrictive label … Even in cool, wet conditions, Acuron is unlikely to injure corn when used according to the label. Impact® Herbicide is a powerful force in postemergence control that offers outstanding control of broadleaf weeds along with remarkable grass control. With two active ingredients, trials show Axial Bold delivers improved consistency and broad-spectrum control of top grass weeds including: wild oat, yellow foxtail, Italian ryegrass, green foxtail and barnyardgrass. Armezon PRO Herbicide is the most flexible corn herbicide on the market delivering more reliable activation. Please refer to the Arsenal ® product label for complete application information. For use on: For management of: Use Rates. It offers excellent crop safety, flexible recropping and a wide application window. Atrazine 4L herbicide controls many annual and broadleaf grass weeds. Always read and follow label directions. RESISTANCE-MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS For resistance management, IMPACT Herbicide is a Group 27 Herbicide. Armezon® PRO herbicide. Herbicide HERBICIDE FOR WEED CONTROL IN CORN, COTTON, SORGHUM, SOYBEAN, SMALL GRAINS, PASTURE, HAY, ... Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor, or going for treatment. 1 Includes ALS/SU (Group 2), Auxin (Group 4), Glyphosate (Group 9), PPO (Group 14), and triazine (Group 5) resistant biotypes. Laudis Herbicide; Laudis Herbicide (CA) Laudis Herbicide EPA # 0000264-00860-ZA-0000000 States Registered ARMEZON HERBICIDE Revision date : 2017/03/10 Page: 1/10 Version: 4.0 (30559876/SDS_CPA_CA/EN) 1. ARMEZON Revision date : 2019/04/30 Page: 1/12 Version: 5.0 (30549386/SDS_CPA_US/EN) 1. GameOn ™ specialty herbicide, a cutting-edge formulation, delivers exceptional broad-spectrum postemergence broadleaf weed control. Application Information. AAtrex Liquid 480 herbicide Share with email Share on twitter Share on facebook Share on linked in Print page. BASF Ag Products TOPRAMEZONE 7969-262. GameOn includes a new active ingredient Arylex ® active, as well as 2,4-D choline and fluroxypyr. BASF Ag Products DIMETHENAMID-P + TOPRAMEZONE 7969-372. Armezon is a group 27, post-emergent herbicide that is quickly absorbed by leaves, roots, and shoots to quickly control target weeds. Identification Product identifier used on the label ARMEZON PRO Recommended use of the chemical and restriction on use Recommended use*: herbicide Refer to the Armezon™ herbicide main label, EPA Reg. Armezon Pro: Add NIS at 1 to 2 pt/100 gal. See label for a complete list of weeds controlled by all tank mixes. A preferred complement to the widespread use of glyphosate-based herbicides. View the product label for Armezon PRO Herbicide from BASF Ag Products. You may also contact 1 … Do not apply Armezon Pro, Callisto, Resicore, or Revulin Q with MSO adjuvants. ARMEZON PRO Revision date : 2015/07/31 Page: 1/13 Version: 1.0 (30615364/SDS_CPA_US/EN) 1. ARMEZON herbicide provides post-emergent weed control in corn. Always read and follow label directions. Protect containers from physical damage. The Armezon + glyphosate tank-mix provides control of all the weeds on the glyphosate label, plus provides improved control of the weeds listed above. See label for a complete list of weeds controlled by all tank mixes. 3 Including glyphosate tolerant biotypes. Corn growers using Armezon tank-mixed with glyphosate and atrazine get the benefits of multiple modes of action for excellent control of annual grasses and broadleaf weeds. ARMEZON HERBICIDE Revision date : 2010/08/10 Page: 4/8 Version: 1.2 (30559876/SDS_CPA_US/EN) Keep only in the original container in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from ignition sources, heat or flame. View labels, MSDS, and other safety information for Laudis Herbicide, which provides residual control of more than 65 grass and broadleaf weeds in corn. Armezon PRO herbicide is a combination of topramezone, the active ingredient in Armezon herbicide, and dimethenamid-P, the active ingredient in Outlook ® herbicide. Armezon 0 9 9 3 9 18 18 Wait 18 months for crops not listed on the label. In each case where a range of rates is given, the lower rate should be used on Anthem Flex 0 18 0 0* 10 18 18 Consult label for rates exceeding 3.64 oz/A *Allow 11 months for barley. 7969-262, must be in possession of the user at the time of application. The micro-encapsulated technology in Warrant herbicide helps provide improved crop safety and residual weed control for up to 30 days after application. Armezon herbicide provides postemergence weed control in broadleaf weeds and grasses in all types of field corn, sweet corn, popcorn, sugarcane and between crop rotation of several other crops, like sunflower and canola. Protect against contamination. 1 Suppression 2 All types, including glyphosate-resistant Apply when kochia is … Benefits of Armezon ® Herbicide … No. Armezon PRO herbicide is the most flexible corn herbicide on the market delivering more reliable activation. Armezon Pro 50 days (topramezone + dimethenamid-p) Broadleaves and several annual grasses (barnyard grass, crabgrass, Giant Foxtail, Wild Proso Millet For sweet corn and popcorn label recommends 20 fluid ounces per acre Best control will also occur if broadleaf weeds are less than 4” tall and grass weeds are less Glyphosate as a tank mix partner will allow for the control of weeds in addition to those on the ARMEZON PRO label; refer to the glyphosate label for additional information. Water Volume. Identification Product identifier used on the label ARMEZON Recommended use of the chemical and restriction on use Recommended use*: crop protection product, herbicide Recommended use*: herbicide When following the instructions on this supplemental label, the user must have this label and the entire Armezon container label in possession at the time of pesticide application. Always read and follow label directions. Armezon herbicide provides postemergence weed control in broadleaf weeds and grasses in all types of field corn, sweet corn, popcorn, sugarcane and between crop rotation of several other crops, like sunflower and canola. Active Ingredients : Topramezone 29.7% Armezon PRO herbicide is the most flexible corn herbicide on the market delivering more reliable activation. On average, Armezon PRO herbicide is 2.5 times more likely to receive an activating rain than competitive herbicides. In addition, Armezon PRO herbicide delivers broad-spectrum POST grass and broadleaf weed control. State Availability Yes No Not Specified This information is for reference only. Refer to label for more details. This application includes the following administrative documents: Armezon® herbicide container label, EPA Reg. Active ingredients. Atrazine 4L may be applied before or after weeds emerge. Product benefits. Packaging. Comp # NV # EPA # Product Name Cancel Date Label Options; N907: 95: 71532-22-7969: Acquire Fungicide Seed Treatment: 12/31/2021: EPA Label : N907: 147: 67064-2: ADMIRAL LIQUID Warrant ® herbicide is an acetochlor-based pre-emergence and postemergence residual herbicide. FREEHAND Herbicide is a selective herbicide for the control of most annual grasses and certain broadleaved weeds. For more information about putting our products and programs to work for you, contact your nearest BASF BetterVM sales specialist or call 1-800-545-9525. 7969-262, for complete Directions For Use and all applicable restrictions and precautions. In addition, Armezon PRO herbicide delivers broad-spectrum POST grass and broadleaf weed control. Bayer Global; ... Laudis Herbicide Label & MSDS. Refer to label … Herbicide sites of action are numbered and can be found on the herbicide label or in the 2020 MSU Weed Control Guide for Field Crops. This chemistry combination helps provide strong contact and residual weed control. In addition, Armezon PRO herbicide delivers broad-spectrum POST grass and broadleaf weed control. Improved Crop Safety and Weed Control with Patented Micro-encapsulation Technology. Apply ARMEZON herbicide when the corn is at the 1 to 7-leaf stage, broadleaf weeds are at the 1 to 8-leaf stage and grass weeds are at the 1 to 4-leaf stage. Armezon can be used as a standalone herbicide (for application in field corn only) or tank mixed with glyphosate and/or atrazine. See label for full details on tank mixes. spray (ASAE) category indicated on the labels for those tank mix partners. Reichman Sales & Service PO Box 698 - Toluca, IL 61369 Phone: 815-452-2665 Fax: 815-452-2837 Pylex herbicide is the standard for control of goosegrass and bermudagrass in cool-season turfgrass.In select warm-season turfgrass, Pylex herbicide provides excellent control of goosegrass at reduced rates.It also provides excellent control of nimblewill, crabgrass and other tough weeds. Current Label Current Safety Data Sheet. Application Directions. On average, Armezon PRO herbicide is 2.5 times more likely to receive an activating rain than competitive herbicides. Identification Product identifier used on the label ARMEZON HERBICIDE Recommended use of the chemical and restriction on use Recommended use*: herbicide The Armezon + glyphosate tank-mix provides control of all the weeds on the glyphosate label, plus provides improved control of the weeds listed above. Crops & Pests. When tank-mixed with glyphosate, ARMEZON provides multiple modes of action on annual grasses and broadleaf weeds. ATRAZINE 4L Herbicide will control most annual Broadleaf and Grass weeds in Corn, Sorghum, Sugarcane and certain other crops as specifiedon this label. brand name (Armezon herbicide) and make several minor label changes as per PRN 98-1 o.. No substantive changes have been made to the label outside the scope of PRN 98-1 o.. BASF is changing the primary brand name from Topramezone 2.8 SC herbicide to Armezon herbicide. See active ingredients, product application, restrictions, and more. It provides a simple, lasting solution for the toughest pasture and rangeland weeds and clears the way for more forage, meaning greater flexibility in a grazing program and higher per-acre beef production at the lowest cost possible. When emerged weeds are present, ARMEZON PRO plus atrazine is applied pre-emergent or post-emergent to corn in tank-mix combination with adjuvant(s) or glyphosate. Armezon ® PRO herbicide and Outlook ® herbicide, both highly flexible pre- and post-emergent residual corn herbicides, activate with just a quarter inch of rainfall, unlike competitors that require up to an inch of rain. This product may be applied before or after weeds emerge. Axial ® Bold herbicide is built on the foundation of Axial brands, the industry standard for grass weed control in cereals. Armezon herbicide is a highly flexible post emergence solution designed to help corn growers protect their yield potential. Armezon herbicide is a highly flexible postemergence solution that is designed for high-yielding corn growers. The authority permits and storage regulations must be observed. Armezon® herbicide. Go ahead, tackle those weeds. Primero® is an effective tool in controlling large yield robbing grass species. months (consult label) **Consult label for seeding small grains, small seeded legumes, forage grasses, and tobacco. No. Any weed population may contain or develop plants naturally resistant to IMPACT Herbicide and other Group 27 Herbicides. Callisto, Capreno, and Revulin Q: Add PO adjuvant at 2 to 4 pt/A or HSOC at 2 qt/A. As an effective cross-spectrum tank-mix partner, it is tough on broadleaf weeds and grasses to protect yield potential, yet safe on corn. Read the label affixed to the container for Armezon before applying. Application Method. Higher Revenue Potential Outyields competitive herbicides by 5 to 15 bushels an acre because of its unique combination of powerful weed control, longest-lasting residual and proven crop safety. This Quick Reference Guide is not a substitute for any product label. FREEHAND controls weeds by inhibiting seedling development; it will not control established weeds. State Availability Yes No Not Specified This information is for reference only. Resicore: Add NIS at 1 pt/100 gal or PO adjuvant at 2 pt/A. Active Ingredients : Topramezone 29.7% Comparable Product : Impact Use of Armezon according to this labeling is subject to the use precautions and limitations imposed by the label affixed to the container for Armezon. Tank Mixes. See label for list of crops Atrazine 4L can be used on. I took the treatment list for all herbicide entries in the corn commercial comparison trials from 2006-2019 and … Refer to the atrazine label for precautions, restrictions and limitations. Click here to learn about ImpactZ. GrazonNext ® HL herbicide is the easiest way to get broadleaf weeds out of the way of pasture production. Armezon® herbicide is your ideal tank-mix partner for post-emergent weed control in glyphosate-tolerant corn. 2 Suppression only 3 For improved control of Canada fleabane - field corn only: apply Laudis herbicide in tank-mix with one of the dicamba-containing tank-mix partners. Making pasture improvement easy. Atrazine and Fastac are restricted use pesticides.
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