This award was first given in 1964 and honors Paul E. Garber. Your growth in CAP as both an officer/non-commissioned officer and leader is very important.Our goal is to provide you with the tools you need to succeed. Only the most dedicated senior members achieve this level. ... Purpose of the Senior Professional Development Program.....4 1-2. Five levels comprise the Senior Member Professional Development Program. The two-day program is the first in-residence school of the senior member professional development program. Professional Development Program. This regulation outlines the program to prepare senior members in the special skills required for Civil Air Patrol (CAP) mission accomplishment. 1-2. It includes the following: Who We Are Today; CAP Core Values CAP's professional development program has been developed to maximize this personal expertise by bringing these professionals into the organization and then refining these skills to enhance the program. In fact, a senior member in the Civil Air Patrol is anyone who is over twenty-one years old, or who joined CAP for the first time past the age of eighteen. ... and Air Ground Schools. The CAP Senior Member Professional Development Program prepares members to serve their units, their communities, and their nation. The CAP Senior Member Professional Development Program prepares members to serve their units, their communities, and their nation. A Professional Development Officer is an officer of the Civil Air Patrol responsible for administering the Civil Air Patrol's Professional Development Program. The two-day in-residence course is a capstone of Level III of the senior member professional development program. There is no retirement age, and no physical requirements for joining. Units are encouraged to use the electronic version of CAPF24, since this saves paper, processing time and effort, and speeds up the turn-around time for awards certificates. Senior Member Officer Progression Chart (Does not include NCO, Flight Officer, or Professional Appointments) ... CAP Officer & Non-Commissioned Officer Appointments & Promotions, 14 August 2014 CAPR 50-17, CAP Senior Member Professional Development Program, 19 August 2013 Notes: 1 “…or approved Professional Military Education (PME) equivalent” listed in CAPR 50-17, Attachment … Squadron Senior Meeting . Assist other members in proper completion of forms. 20180410 Senior Meeting. knowledge. See CAPR 50-17 CAP Senior Member Professional Development Program You want to also review the specialty track for professional development officers CAPP 204 Professional Development Officer Specialty Track Study Guide . As you progress through the Senior Member Professional Development Program you will have the opportunity to attend many courses that will prepare you for future leadership roles at the unit, wing, region and national levels. Each level is briefly explained below. In a Cadet Squadron, senior members are present to help the programming for cadets operate. If you qualify for … Both the awards and schools will be described in detail later in this guide. CAP also assists the United States Coast Guard and Coast Guard Auxiliary. The Aerospace Education Program provides aviation related education and educational activities for members, including formal, graded courses about all aspects of aviation including flight physics, dynamics, history, and application. Each level is briefly explained below. • Prepare correspondence and reports. CAP Senior Member Professional Development Program. • Plan and coordinate CAP senior member education and training activities. CAPF 11, Senior Member Professional Development Program Director's Report (Used to report attendance at CAP Professional Development activities) ... CAPF 12, Application for Senior Membership in Civil Air Patrol: CAPP 3, Guide to Civil Air Patrol Protocol (Sent with fingerprint card and check to NHQ to apply for senior membership) CAPP 35-3, The CAP Guide to Membership … It was created to help “engage senior members in a meaningful learning experience through the use of case studies to apply the core values of Civil Air Patrol to both their personal and professional lives,” the introduction to CAPP 80-3 reads. CAP Senior Member Professional Development Program Awards & Promotions (OLD) Members applying for duty performance promotions during the period 8/11/2014 to 8/11/2018 may use the previous duty performance promotion requirements, shown on this page, for their next promotion. its missions. b. The professional development ribbons are awarded by the Civil Air Patrol National Headquarters to denote the level of achievement that a senior member has achieved in this program. Successful completion of Level V qualifies the member for the The purpose of the CAP Professional Development Program is to help ensure that CAP has an informed, active senior membership trained in leadership, management, and functional tasks. While it is not a requirement for membership, Senior Members are provided with their own professional development program and are encouraged to progress within it. The ... Know the structure of the CAP professional development program and senior member activities. The professional development ribbons are awarded by the Civil Air Patrol National Headquarters to denote the level of achievement that a senior member has achieved in this program. It recognizes those members who have dedicated themselves to leadership and personal development in the CAP. The Grover Loening Award is given to Civil Air Patrol (CAP) Senior Members who complete Level III of the Senior Member Professional Development Program. The CAP Senior Member Professional Development Program prepares members to serve their units, their communities, and their nation. This level consists of a blended course containing a series of online lessons supplemented with in-residence content. There are separate badges for the Senior and Master ratings. CAP Senior Member Professional Development Program: This regulation describes the training and advancement path for senior members. This program provides learning opportunities in a safe, challenging, and real … Assist other members in proper … Providing leadership, management, and ethics guidance to the senior members of the Civil Air Patrol. 20180611 Senior Meeting. Congratulations to the following members of the Southeast Region who completed Level V in the Education and Training Program in the last year. The CAP Professional Development is a program to develop senior members to become well-rounded and well-grounded in CAP organization and activities. Professional Development is one of CAP's core programs for senior members. (Also see Attachment 1, CAP Senior Member Professional Development Program Progression and Awards chart.) Read and become familiar with CAPR 20-1, Organization of Civil Air Patrol, CAPR 39-2, Civil Air Patrol Membership, CAPP 50-5, Introduction to Civil Air Patrol, CAPR 50-17, CAP Senior Member Professional Development Program, CAPR 52-16, CAP Cadet Program Management, and CAPR 60 Series, Emergency Services. Know the structure of the CAP professional development program and senior member activities. In order to achieve a Technician Rating in the Professional Development Officer specialty track, the member must:1 Explain the requirements of the CAP Professional Development program to a new member and the OJT Mentor; Correctly … Organization of the Senior Member Professional Development Program. The structure of the Specialty Track Program can be found in CAP Regulation 50-17, Senior Member Professional Development (PD) Program. Refer to Attachment 1 to assess your progress and determine the next step. functional tasks. For CAP New Senior Member Kit...Click Here! Before entering into the Command Track several prerequisites must be accomplished: • Must have been a senior member for at least 1 year AND be a CAP officer. Maj. Chris Mattson, Inland Empire Group 3 Commander, presented graduation certificates to each … Mr. Garber was a noted aviation pioneer, curator emeritus of the … Maintain an adequate stock of applicable forms. continues to be a great success with over 100 members participating monthly to advance their CAP. • Plan, organize and instruct at training courses including annual budget requirements. Each level of advancement requires additional training on increasingly broad aspects of CAP membership and management and allows further promotion and awards. The requirements for professional development are described in CAPR 50-17, and summarized in Attachment 1 of that document. CIVIL AIR PATROL CAP REGULATION 50-17 (E) 1 MARCH 2003 CAP SENIOR MEMBER PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM This regulation outlines the program to prepare senior ... | PowerPoint PPT presentation | free to download . NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS CIVIL AIR PATROL CAP REGULATION 50-17 4 JUNE 2015 Training CAP SENIOR MEMBER PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM This regulation outlines the program to prepare senior members in the special skills required for Civil Air Patrol (CAP) mission accomplishment. Professional Development To accomplish its missions, CAP requires an informed senior membership trained in leadership, management, and functional tasks. Maj. Chris Mattson, Inland Empire Group 3 Commander, presented graduation certificates to each … This form provides information for training record updates and for training awards and promotions. The Senior Member Program consists of five levels and each has components of leadership training, corporate familiarization, and aerospace education, as well as professional development within chosen … Blazich has served as national historian since April 2013, playing a prominent role in Civil Air Patrol’s observance of its 75th anniversary in 2016. There is no retirement age, and no physical requirements for joining. Specialty Tracks Specialty tracks were developed to allow senior members the opportunity to train and develop proficiency in areas of personal interest or in areas that are needed to support unit operations. Manages and directs the CAP professional development program. The CAP Senior Member Professional Development Program … To accomplish its mission, the Civil Air Patrol requires an informed and active senior membership trained in leadership, management, and functional tasks. The member’s Manages and administers the CAP personnel program and associated administrative procedures to include: 1. Membership records and applications 2. Organizational actions (charters, deactivations, etc.) 3. Appointments 4. Promotions and demotions 5. Awards and decorations 6. Duty assignments 7. Transfers 8. CAP Officer Basic Course (OBC) on Blackboard Learning Management System: The OBC. The CAP Senior Member Professional Development Program prepares members to serve their units, their communities, and their nation. The Paul E. Garber Award is given to Civil Air Patrol (CAP) Senior Members who complete Level IV of the Senior Member Professional Development Program.1 It recognizes those members who have dedicated themselves to leadership and personal development in the CAP. … The Public Affairs Program is Civil Air Patrol's total communications effort to ... 1. Senior members graduate from Civil Air Patrol's Squadron Leadership School on Sunday, September 14, 2014, at the Hemet-Ryan Composite Squadron 59 headquarters in Hemet, Calif. Maintain an adequate stock of applicable forms. NOTE 2: For all courses, send a copy of the CAPF 11 to the … Those who complete the OBC can advance through Level II of the Senior Member. SENIOR MEMBER PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM DIRECTOR’S REPORT ... instructions in CAPR 50 -17, CAP Senior Member Professional Development Pro gram. This page outlines the steps in Professional Development that Seniors may pursue. To maximize its member's knowledge the professional development program consists of five levels where a member gains increasing levels of knowledge and experience in the program. They shall: Know directives applicable to professional development programs. Refer to 1 Civil Air 39-Patrol Uniform Manual, for additional information. CAP SENIOR MEMBER PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM . He previously served as historian of the Ohio Wing. Senior Member Professional Development (updated as of 18 Nov 2013) Senior Members of the Civil Air Patrol are encouraged to train and develop along a deliberate Professional Development Track. Manages and directs the CAP professional development program. • Complete Level II of the CAP Professional Development program • Be recommended by the unit commander and accepted by the wing commander. It is the foundation of the CAP Professional Development Program and provides the new senior member with information required for successful membership in CAP. Professional Development is a way for Senior Members to advance their education and training within the CAP organization. There are prerequisites before enrolling in a specialty track. There are two files below. The program offers opportunities to help the senior member learn specific mission-related skills and prepare for leadership positions. Five levels comprise the Senior Member Professional Development Program. In fact, a senior member in the Civil Air Patrol is anyone who is over twenty-one years old, or who joined CAP for the first time past the age of eighteen. Progression in the Senior Member Program is a requirement for promotion for those Senior Members that are not simply using their current or former military grades within CAP. Civil Air Patrol Professional Development. The CAP WING COMPLIANCE INSPECTION GUIDE and CAP SUBORDINATE UNIT INSPECTION GUIDE provide the essentials of what is required of a … 20180508 Senior Meeting. Specialty tracks were developed to allow senior members the opportunity to train and develop proficiency in areas of personal interest or in areas that are needed to support unit operations. Requests for senior member professional development awards should be submitted to California Wing Headquarters via e-mail. The … The professional d… The CAP Senior Member Professional Development Program prepares members to serve their units, their communities, and their nation. Upon earning the Technician Rating, a senior member is qualified to wear the CP Technician badge. They shall: ... A. You will complete on-the-job training (OJT) at your own pace and through self-study. Training in the Information Technology Officer specialty track may formally begin once Level One of the Senior Member Professional Development Program is completed. Senior members graduate from Civil Air Patrol's Corporate Learning Course on Sunday, September 14, 2014, at the Hemet-Ryan Composite Squadron 59 headquarters in Hemet, Calif. The CAP Specialty Track for Information Technology Officers can be found in CAPP 227.
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