Pronunciation of descansar with 2 audio pronunciations, 21 synonyms, 3 meanings, 14 translations, 5 sentences and more for descansar. siéntate aquí y descansa sit down here and have a rest; sit down here and rest; paramos en un bar a o para descansar we stopped at a bar for a rest o to have a rest; necesito descansar para despejarme I need (to have) a rest to clear my head; no descansé en todo el día I didn't have a moment's rest all day; nadé diez largos sin descansar I swam ten lengths without a rest o break; no descansará hasta … What does descansar mean? Traducir descanso de español a Inglés. descansar verbo 1 [intransitivo] (de una actividad) to rest • Paremos a descansar. What does descansar mean in English? Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and pronunciation function. descansar - translate into English with the Portuguese-English Dictionary - Cambridge Dictionary Que te amo tanto, te amo, te amo, te amo . Romanian Links: English Links: Google; Wikipedia; Wiktionary; 5oClock; hallo ; dictionare; engleza; DEX; Customize Links. Óscar acompaña a Tatiana para darle el último adiós a su vecina Después de que una carrera los uniera y de quedarle debiendo dinero a la mujer, el taxista decide descender del vehículo e ingresar al cementerio para llevarle flores a la tumba que está visitando. El personal es muy atento y amable. Look through examples of amarillo translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar. [dʒiskãˈsar] Full verb table transitive verb. descansar. Report missing translation ... EN > RO ("descansar" is English, Romanian term is missing) RO > EN ("descansar" is Romanian, English term is missing)... or add translation directly. Deutsch; … Similar … Search "Close (esc)" Free Shipping and Money Back Guarantee! Human translations with examples: go rest, we can't, we can rest, you need rest, i need to rest, i need to rest. No results found for "descansar" in Topical Index. descansar in English translation and definition "descansar", Spanish-English Dictionary online descansar: descansar verb. "He has arrived." Jehová es mi pastor - Salmo de David. Testimonials. Technical Translation Specialized translation of documentation, guides, and manuals produced by technical writers; Document Translation Quick and Accurate translation checked by a dedicated quality assurance team in terms of style, grammar, and relevance; Medical Translation Accurate medical translations of leaflets, prescriptions, or reports for pharmacies, clinics, or physician offices to Verb. From the Hebrew name נֹחַ (Noach) meaning "rest, repose", derived from the root נוּחַ ().According to the Old Testament, Noah was the builder of the Ark that allowed him, his family, and animals of each species to survive the Great Flood.After the flood he received the sign of the rainbow as a covenant from God. Veja o perfil de Ana Catarina LopesAna Catarina Lopes no LinkedIn, a maior comunidade profissional do mundo. descansar in English translation and definition "descansar", Portuguese-English Dictionary online. The Spanish verb irse (EER-seh) means 'to leave' or 'to go away' from a place. Noun - A noun is a person, place, thing, or idea. We need to rest, this one does not argue. Site navigation. Similar translations for "descansar sobre" in English. about- at the top- atop- regarding- concerning- on- over- over- around. Descansar Translation On Other Language: 1. intr 1) отпочивам; 2) (en) лежа, оповавам се на някого; 3) почивам, спя; 4) успокоявам се, чувствам облекчение; 5) почивам (за земя); 6) подпрян съм върху нещо; 7) почивам, погребан съм; 2. tr 1) подкрепям, помагам; 2) подпирам. Traduction de 'descansar' dans le dictionnaire espagnol-français gratuit et beaucoup d'autres traductions françaises dans le dictionnaire sobre noun. Principal Translations: Spanish: English: descansar⇒ vi verbo intransitivo: Verbo que no requiere de un objecto directo (Él no llegó", "corrí a casa"). Here you will find the verb conjugation of "descansar". If you want to learn descansar in English, you will find the translation here, along with other translations from Spanish to English. descansar te conviene descansar you should rest hoy quiero descansar durante el día I want to rest during the day today al pueblo, puedo descansar to the village, I can rest para descansar to rest cuando deseo descansar when I was to rest 15 more rows ... Ethiopia Politics Top story. We hope this will help you in learning languages. After such a long journey, I need to rest. Entonces, descansar correctamente que significa de 6 a 8 horas de sueño ininterrumpido es la mejor manera de rejuvenecer la piel. Descansar is conjugated regularly, in the same way as other -ar verbs, like remansar (to stagnate), amansar (to tame), and transar (to make a transaction). . Verb - A verb is a word that expresses an action or a state of being.. Adverb - An adverb describes how the action is performed. Date of stay: May 2021. En lugares de delicados pastos me hará descansar; Junto a aguas de reposo me pastoreará. Spanish Word: descansar English Translation: to rest Click here for full verb conjugation of descansar. Why the Tigray investigation should be conducted by the UN, alone. Conjugation of descansar. Pora na pokoy [Russian] (1993) [as by. a vi. Europe's advantage lies … translate #Descansar, armas! Request freish lyrics translation Become a translator Website Rules; Frequently Asked Questions; Forum; Useful Resources; Login; Registration ; Scots. Music video by Asian Kung-Fu Generation performing Rewrite. For example, you can think of yo me acuesto as "I lay myself down" or "I put myself to bed. English translation: to rest - Traduction française : reposer; éprouver un soulagement . De très nombreux exemples de phrases traduites contenant "descansar" – Dictionnaire français-espagnol et moteur de recherche de traductions françaises. Richard Blanco reads the foreword. Consultez la traduction espagnol-allemand de descansar dans le dictionnaire PONS qui inclut un entraîneur de vocabulaire, les tableaux de conjugaison et les prononciations. "He has arrived. Translations in context of "descansar" in Portuguese-English from Reverso Context: descansar um pouco, precisa descansar, vou descansar, vamos descansar, vai descansar Glosbe uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience. El caballo descansa en el establo. Currently supported languages are: Bulgarian, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, … Translate Dejame descansar. Room Tip: Las habitaciones son muy cómodas. Translation German verb erholen: recover (from), relax, recover, rebound, rest, have a rest, recuperate, recreate for many languages with translations and meanings in the translation dictionary. necesito descansar para despejarme I need (to have) a rest to clear my head. Got it! ABM Security Services, Inc., (2016) 5 Cal.5th 257, 269, the California Supreme Court held that the rest period requirement "obligates employers to permit-and authorizes employees to take-off-duty rest periods. descansar - Traduction française – Linguee Outline of Biblical Usage . Esta compuesto? No tiene otra salida. sobre preposition. (There's no other way.) Principal Translations: Spanish: English: descansar⇒ vi verbo intransitivo: Verbo que no requiere de un objecto directo (Él no llegó", "corrí a casa"). Dutch: (please verify) rust f, (please verify) kalmte f, (please verify) ontspanning f; Marathi: (please verify) आराम m English translation of 'descansar'. Request a translation; Request lyrics transcription; Add freish idiom; Start forum thread; Register; Community. Share this: Twitter; Facebook; Like this: Like Loading... Related. Many translated example sentences containing "descansar" – English-Portuguese dictionary and search engine for English translations.
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