As with any motion offense, the only limitation is your imagination. Coach Leonzo goes over his Dribble Drive Motion that he blends with Princeton offense. Try a speed dribble (layer five) with a backcut for a layup. Raise hands up for a lob/bounce pass from penetrator. Use Walberg's team breakdown drills to build and teach your Dribble Drive action; Get multiple series of plays and action from the Drop, Drag and Rack zones; New! Sprint: Rapid dribble, fasten speed of dribble but worsen control of ball. If teams can’t drive downhill, they try to drive up hill for DHO’s (dribble handoffs) or pitches. O1 cuts through to the opposite corner, as O3 slides up to the wing, and O4 moves to the top. 1. A kick-back 1 Dribble Flips w/ 3. 4-on-0 dribble-drive perimeter shooting, players rotate through each position. Fast breaks. # ' `drive#file` or `drive#drive`. Rehearse combined dribble-drive actions. # ' `drive#file` or `drive#teamDrive`. 4/5 mirror each other at the block and outside the top of the key. Against pressure, use pass fakes, backcuts, dribble-ats, backscreens, blind pigs, and dribble entries (loop), also get the ball inside, and drive the basket. turn the corner and drive hard to score as a ball handler. phone icon set designed by Lelevien. This section covers some of the main general principles to keep in mind when executing the 5 out motion offense. # ' @description The `dribble` format is handy because it exposes the file name, # ' which is good for humans, but keeps it bundled with the file's unique id 4/5 mirror each other at the block and outside the top of the key. Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. For example – Technical practices should include various combinations. The basic philosophy is the ballhandler tries to push the ball for a layup. Players set up in 4-Out, 1-In set. Keys to Designing a Dribble Drive Motion Practice Plan - September 20, 2018 Transition into Training: Tips to Engage Youth Basketball Players - July 30, 2018 Player Development: 10 Dynamic Drills That Utilize Cones or Chairs - July 24, 2018 Combined “Three Count” Actions; Dribble Drive Transition . Always fill the five spots The five spots on the floor which include the top of the key, the wing areas, and the corner areas should always be filled by each player. This will help the offensive players to In the “Dribble Drive Motion” much of the offense is initiated when the ball is picked up in the “Drop Zone.” Here are two possible options: !“Drop Zone” backdoor. The Dribble Drive Motion Offense - or Princeton on steroids as University of Kentucky coach John Calapari called it - was invented by coach Vance Walberg only a few years ago. At the college level, coach John Calipari popularized it, modified it, and renamed it the "dribble-drive motion offense". actions in the Dribble-Drive Motion. They are extremely difficult to guard. Actions/Plays. Instantly stream this video to any device! The corner players O2 and O3 rotate up once again and … More importantly, stay for the professional training, mentoring and performance results! Best Dribble Moves in NBA 2K21. O4 looks to turn corner and drive to basket over high post's screen or make a kick out pass to O3 who continues the dribble weave action. These breakdowns are three-man groups including 1-2-4 breakdown, 1-4-5 breakdown, and 2-3-4 breakdown. !“ Drop Zone” no backdoor. They are not meant to be the only actions of the offense. 3 fills the other wing, while 4 moves to the opposite-side short corner. 1 begins by making a straight drive downhill towards the basket. See actions taken by the people who manage and post content. Good defenses will not be beaten by the first drive of a possession, so it is important that players know how to use “Dribble Stops” as a means to keep the pressure on the defense. a) 1-3 kickup to 3-2 kickup to 2-4 kickback b) 1-4 kickback to 4-2 kickup to … Coach Marc Hart has coached high school basketball for 24 years and has been using the Dribble Drive Motion Offense since 2008. Baseline Drive from the Wing. 1 Dribble Flips w/ 2. Offense is Spacing, Spacing is Offense There is a saying in basketball that goes ‘Offense is spacing, spacing is offense.’ With that being said, all players should be about 15 to 18 feet apart from each other to create great spacing. Kick-Backs A kick-back occurs when a perimeter player attacks with the dribble, and tosses back to the adjacent perimeter player cutting above and around him/her... this player can then attack with the dribble. Guard dribble-penetration is the key. Coach Angeli discusses 10 Key Points in the offense, while also detailing fast break … Get the actions, shots and drills you need to prepare your point guards to run the Dribble Drive Motion Offense in this insightful DVD from John Calipari! Pressuring the Player with the Ball. Here we have our most common actions within our Dribble Drive Motion system. 5 Cuts to Elbow. The dribble-drive zone offense is a guard-oriented offense that features spreading the floor and dribble-penetration, but instead of getting to the rim for lay-ups, we may have to adjust (especially against the 2-3 zone and packline defenses) and have our dribble-penetrator pull-up in the paint or at the free-throw line or elbow and shoot the jump-shot, or dump it to O5 inside, or kick it out for an open three-point shot. Dribble Drive Motion Offense: Adjustments With Herb Welling - Basketball DVD: FullCourtBasketball, Basketball Coaching DVDs, Basketball Training DVD, Herb Welling, Full Court Basketball: Movies & TV They make it easy for you to flow into the next offensive sequence. The main looks are for his own shot, but options abound for creating a shot for a teammate. Ultimately, if teams get paint touches they have a higher % to win. His other dribble drive was better Championship Productions replies: Coach, Please check our exchange policy. 4 Sets Backs screen for 2, then pops to the arc. These are just examples. Preview. Every season more teams at the NBA level are taking advantage of 5 Out spacing which is commonly called “Delay” or “Five”. Dribble Entry Combinations. ... Chicago, for the Chicago Bulls, is a down screen followed by a dribble handoff. Drive ball out: Stop ball far away from body and facilitate dribble starting acceleration. Using blur screens, curl cuts, flex cuts and dribble-drive attacks, Coach Jamie Angeli emphasizes spacing, cutting, screening, and driving with the result being backdoor layups, post up actions and rim attacks. This is a hard to guard and hard to scout offensive system that uses interchangeable players and positions for quick attack actions. Within this basketball DVD, Petitgoue shows how to set up the Dribble Drive Motion Offense with an emphasis on spacing and actions such as driving the gap, kickbacks to the wing, reversals and cuts and skip passes. Assure a clean handoff.When going left, the ballhandler should dribble with the left hand. A Dribble Drive Offensive set that can also be used as a Secondary Break. In guarding a player with the ball, defenders must attack, rather than react to offensive actions. We had moves we didn’t know We had. Watch as Calipari runs his 45 minute point guard workout in a live practice setting. DDM - Loop Justin Scanson 07/30/2015. In fact, you might not like any of the actions. To create or change your Dribble Moves, select the type you want to change and set a new move. Loop is the inital action into Dribble Drive Motion. Starting the SSG in a neutral scenario, it is up to the offense to use a pre-determined action to create A) a Double Gap and B) Drive the Basketball into it. Additionally, 5 reads the dribble drive action and proceeds to move opposite the ball to the left side low post. If the defender falls for the pump fake by jumping in the air, then the player on offense would be able to dribble drive, shoot open jump shots, or make a possible post entry pass. This is NOT an automatic. Lay ups. Sessions every Sat. The screener needs to wait for 2 dribbles and roll to the hoop. Petitgoue shows you everything you need to dominate the 2-3 and 3-2 zone defenses with the Dribble Drive Motion Offense.
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