WebEx is a suite of online meeting tools that allow you to meet with participants inside and outside of Duke using your computer and/or telephone. Fieldwork will occur between Jan. XX and Feb. XX. There may be more than one Forum in the course or project site. Mesa en español. A study at Bradley was undertaken to identify best practices for using Sakai in teaching and learning. Duke researchers are already in touch with partner organizations that should add to the total of people monitored. Duke University was created in 1924 through an indenture of trust by James Buchanan Duke. Request being added to the Outlook Calendar with WebEx information by sending an e-mail to docr-maestrocare@dm.duke.edu. It is assumed that wearing such masks reduces the likelihood for an infected person to spread the disease, but many of these mask designs have not been tested in practice. No registration is required. We wish we could share their good news and collaborate in person, but we didn’t want to miss out on celebrating their achievements just because we’re not in the same place. Duke TeachHouse is a living and learning community for graduates of the Duke University teacher preparation programs: Elementary, Secondary, and Master of Arts in Teaching Programs. One of the purposes of this course is to introduce the students to the nature of social control mechanisms and the role of law in a civilized society. Fall 2021 rosters are now in Sakai! Zoom provides international toll dial-in. Please search the name of the site via the search box to the right 4. House Courses provide an intellectual experience that is not available in regular course offerings. 3) Upon confirming your selection, the Zoom Meetings tool will be displayed in the left sidebar. Sakai is a Learning Management System used for all classes taught at the School of Nursing. Daria Berenato (September 24, 1993) is an American judoka, mixed martial artist, and professional wrestler currently signed to World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) on the Smackdown brand under the ring name Sonya Deville. Zoom features and recommendations: Duke accounts support meetings up to 300 participants. Human Resources. businesses offering tuition assistance dropped from 68 percent in 2007 to 58 percent in 2011. Department of Education. For most users, personal meeting rooms are the quickest and easiest way to connect. Mandates for mask use in public during the recent coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, worsened by global shortage of commercial supplies, have led to widespread use of homemade masks and mask alternatives. Do one of the following: 1. Prepare for recording sessions. Welcome to the Website for the Duke Health Institutional Review Board ~In Loving Memory of Jody Power~ Our mission is to ensure the protection of human research subjects by conducting scientific and ethical review of research studies while providing leadership and education for the research community. In the Name field, type the name or NetID of the participant you wish to add.. 2. MWTh 9:00 AM-10:25 AM. Therefore, the final sample consisted of 27 participants (6 male, mean age = 27.2 years, range = 18–39). Tabulation of results will be added to existing records. Anti-Racism Syllabus Winter-Spring 2021. To share your screen or content: Click Share Screen located in your meeting controls. LAW.140.04.Sp21@sakai.duke.edu. Sakai: Add Participants. Add a VoiceThread link to your course. Depending on local customizations, your individual instance of Sakai may have some differences in available tools, tool names, user roles, skins, or default permissions. During the Summer of 2020, the UC Davis community responded to the death of George Floyd, and the unjust killings of too many other Black people in America with a period of … Navigate to the Sakai site where you would like to add the member. We will demonstrate how to use VoiceThread’s multi-modal communication platform, closed captioning features, and VoiceThread Universal (for screen readers) to design accessible lessons. In the Linked kit drop-down menu, select any linked kit to add a participant to your site.. 4. Come one day or both. 2. Two ways to access Zoom ... (Under the Participants Tab) Feedback Non-verbal. Registration. In the Linked kit drop-down menu, select any linked kit to add a participant to your site.. 4. Box 90496 Durham, NC 27705 Waitlists will be used for all courses. zoom.duke.us. Contact Information. You may also filter the gradebook to view students by: Sections/Groups - Select the desired section or group from the drop-down menu. 3 surveys in the Forest to add to current information. “Like other vital signs, it’s a way that we can self-regulate that we are doing better,” Bettger said. What are Sign-Up meeting types? Sharing your screen or content. Sakai site sub-groups or sections are not supported at this time. Instructor Guide. The Duke Environmental Leadership Master of Environmental Management (DEL-MEM) provides mid-career working professionals with the real-world, interdisciplinary skills and knowledge needed to accelerate their leadership journey and advance their careers. Need help? keepteaching.duke.edu Elise Mueller This session will be recorded and may be made publicly available on the Keep Teaching website. Maggie has 9 jobs listed on their profile. In fall 2021, the exams will be administered online. The goal of the research was to develop recommendations for effective teaching using Sakai as a course supplement. Located in Durham, North Carolina, Duke is positioned in the heart of the Research Triangle, which is ranked annually as one of the best places in the country to work and live. Alternatively, students may pursue an independent research project related to originalism, submitting first and final drafts (~30 pp.) here Duke University’s policies for students under the age of 18 years old, following the standards of best practices. Click the Add button to add the participant.. 5. Students will use variety of tools including Waitlists will be used for all courses. Open your Internet browser (Sakai works best with Firefox or Chrome) and navigate to https://sakai.washjeff.edu; Log into Sakai. Morning session: In the first part of the workshop, the participants will use a simple Karuta portfolio as a student or evaluator. Click the Add button to add the participant.. 5. ; Conversations are messages or threads of discussion posted within a Topic. If you remain in this session, your participation and identifying information may be publicly visible. A related goal was to increase student achievement and mastery of course material. Long uses a range of three to four tools in her course Kits this semester: Sakai (course participants access Zoom through Sakai), Duke Box, Microsoft Teams and Warpwire. Instructors, get a head start on the fall and begin creating your Fall 2021 course sites now. In the Name field, type the name or NetID of the participant you wish to add.. 2. Correspondence to: Adam P. Goode (T: 919‐681‐6157; F: 919‐684‐1846; E‐mail: Adam.goode@duke.edu) Search for more papers by this author Department of Population Health Science, Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, North Carolina. In the Linked kit drop-down menu, select any linked kit to add a participant to your site.. 4. In general, all your students should be added to your course via the roster. Warpwire is Duke’s video hosting tool. Here is a reminder of some tips to get the semester started: For all Sakai issues, please contact us at the SON-IT Service Desk. Add/Drop for the Graduate Academy Summer Session ends May 14, 2021. 1) From your Sakai site, Go to Site Info, choose Manage Tools. The exams for spring matriculates take place in the week before classes begin. Add Email Alerts close Add Email Alerts Dialog. If you see the duke-metadata-2-signed.xml and idp_signing.crt files, you are ready to make changes to the shibboleth2.xml file. In the Role drop-down menu, select the role of the participant in the site.. 4. Duke accounts support meetings up to 300 participants. For meetings requiring more than 300 participants and for Zoom webinars, please contact the Service Desk. Participants may join via phone, computer, mobile device, or video conferencing endpoint. Zoom provides international toll dial-in How can I use the Sign-Up tool in my site? 1. You are adding the following journals to your email alerts ... 3 Duke University, Durham ... Across all conditions, participants with weaker cinema-popcorn-eating habits ate because of motivations such as liking for the popcorn. Click Add Participants (button in row above site title) Under “Other Official Participants”, type the person’s ONYEN. Registration Duke Student Registration Duke Postdoc Registration. Participants will be required to purchase textbooks, the cost of adding AIG to their NC teaching Reset non-Onyen password.. You must take your exams within the dates and times provided by EIS and your department or program. Cisco Webex Required Skill Level: Intermediate Access: Request an account through Duke OIT; Media Services can assist with initial set up and testing. Sharing materials • Prepare materials ahead of time. View Maggie McDowell’s profile on LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional community. Please choose the Joinable Sites tab, just above My Current Sites 3. Creating Hypothesis-enabled readings in Sakai. Visit the Sakai Support site‘s Blackboard to Sakai section. Selecting the Zoom Meetings tool displays the Sakai interface for Zoom Meetings. Sakai is an open-source learning management system that is widely used by higher ed institutions around the world (approx. Duke Postdoc Registration. Legal discussions and public debates regularly feature originalist arguments or criticisms of originalism. Using PlayPosit. WebEx also offers specialized conferencing tools for specific situations. If you have any problems, you should immediately notify Christian Gomez, EIS program coordinator, at christi… Most of your DUSON classes will use a Learning Management System (LMS) called Sakai. Duke Clinical Research Institute, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina. How do students or participants sign-up for meetings? We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I give a talk on Saturday at 10:30 entitled "How to Identify and Find a Meteorite" in the 3rd floor "Windows on the World" room. Site Info Tool. All are welcome to come and join in the casual conversation and cultural exchange in a relaxed setting that encourages interaction and discovery. To engage these arguments, lawyers and citizens need to weigh the merits of a diverse set of originalist theories. Make interactive videos with PlayPosit. A team of students collaborate work with Duke Learning Innovation and the open source Sakai community to modernize the existing front-end of the Sakai product, ultimately impacting all Sakai users. Participants may join via phone, computer, mobile device, or video conferencing endpoint. The English language placement exams for fall matriculates take place before or during Orientation Week. Click the Add button to add the participant.. 5. Site link. Using PlayPosit you can create and share interactive video lessons in your Sakai course site, Sites@Duke or any online location of your choice via an embed code. As of last month, Duke Sakai offers An introductory study of the law of crimes and the administration of criminal justice. Faculty and academic support staff are encouraged to take advantage of the following: Register for a Sakai Workshop.. Use a subject line of “Please add to the SlicerDicer office hours Outlook Calendar Invite” In the body of the e-mail, please put the staff name and if possible, net ID. By default, documents can be annotated and viewable by all Sakai site participants. Login by pressing the "Duke Login' button on the top right-hand corner of the window. Schedule class meetings from your course site so that students can easily find the meeting links. In the Name field, type the name or NetID of the participant you wish to add.. 2. Sakai at Duke Homepage: Sakai Pilot - http ... Toolkits also provides a way to add Activity Streams to your community, so your users can track what is happening across all tools." Approval for all procedures was obtained from the Duke University Health System Institutional Review Board and participants gave written … Last updated May 05, 2021. Site Info tool contains many of the course management features needed for instructors to customize and manage their courses. Sponsor(s): Registrar's Office. 1. Enable and use Zoom within Sakai Part I. Scheduling Zoom Meetings in Sakai 12. ... You can create a “dummy” meeting in Sakai, add your poll, and start your meeting to ensure that the poll you There are several different types of interactions and question types available for your in-video quiz including multiple choice, free response, polling and a reflective pause. Wednesday, June 30, 2021 5:00 pm Duke’s move to Sakai promises added flexibility and better integration with several other Duke tools that exist in Duke’s eLearning landscape. Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom is an easy-to-use, mobile-friendly, video and audio conferencing service. ; Student Name - Type all or part of a student's name to filter the results. Now, it looks like he's getting his shot at the NFL level. From duke.zoom If you don’t see any content in the Resources section of the migrated site, contact the OIT Service Desk immediately so that we can help you get the content. He is listed among the participants in the 100-meter dash. Click "Add Participants" from the options bar within the Site Info tool. > Add Zoom to Sakai Please note that Duke has introduced a 5-year retention policy; after 5 years, all course site content is deleted and no longer accessible. 250-300). Benefits: Allows Web-based conferencing in a collaborative session sharing audio, video, and the desktop or individual applications. But at Duke, the program is growing. Once in that site, click "Site Info" in the left-hand navigation bar. Zoom Class Recording. How do I view meetings in Sign-Up? The steps for adding a VoiceThread link to your course will differ depending on which LMS you use. Summer 2020 | Volume 39 Number 1. You can reach the Duke University Sakai site by following this link. You will need a picture ID and your Duke NetID and password. Long appreciates that once she adds a tool to course Kit, the students who are members of that kit are automatically added to the application. Courses 2021 Graduate Academy Summer Session Course Descriptions Students taking selected courses may qualify for Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR)credit. 1. Each student will choose weeks in which to submit short response papers, circulated to all participants via Sakai. Index of help topics for the Sign-Up tool. 1. As an MMA fighter she competed for Invicta Fighting Championships in the women's bantamweight division. - Assisted the Professors in uploading and arranging reading materials and presentations on the electronic blackboard ( Duke Sakai) for participants to view or retrieve. > Create your Duke Zoom account > Understand the three ways to access Zoom (video) > Learn how to use Zoom (video) Add Zoom to your Sakai site. Add participants by importing a .csv file: download the template, fill in email addresses, and upload completed file. 1. The Forum tool is organized by Forums, Topics, and Conversations.. A Forum is a mandatory category or grouping for topics. Zoom Meetings is available automatically for Duke University and Duke Health campus-based faculty, staff, and students. Duke Health may use Zoom for classes and meetings. It may NOT be used for clinical purposes to see patients or exchange PHI. Any meeting with the possibility of PHI may not be recorded. This short video describes how to add participants to course sites in Sakai for Johnson University faculty. Contact Us: 334 Blackwell Street Suite 1100 Durham, NC 27701 Internal: Duke Box 104100 Phone: (919) 684-2200 Attend Duke Learning Innovation Office Hours offered several times a week. They enhance intellectual life in the residence halls where they are taught, hence the name "House Course." The 26-year-old spent training camp with the Bills and was left off their initial roster but elected to remain on the team's practice squad. Click Join under the Site name The site has been joined and the search page Add/Drop for the Graduate Academy Summer … ; Select one of these screen share options: Basic: Share your entire desktop, specific application windows, whiteboard, or iPhone/iPad screen. Meeting details will be confirmed by instructor email or through course Sakai sites. It allows you to upload videos that are visible only to students on your course or to groups you create of Duke and Duke Kunshan participants. Under “Participant Roles”, choose whether to give all your newly added participants the same role or different roles. Click the Finish button to complete the process of adding the participant to your site. Create Your Fall 2021 Course Sites. Click the Finish button to complete the process of adding the participant to your site. Just watch Eric Bloomer's demonstration of setting up a Zoom Meeting via Sakai in these videos -- Part I and Part II. This post is contributed by Heidi Madden, Librarian for Western European and Medieval/Renaissance Studies. If you're teaching this summer, don't forget to create and publish your summer sites to give students access. Click the Finish button to complete the process of adding the participant to your site. Adding Zoom to your Sakai Site. Non-Onyen Login (for users who do not have an Onyen) User ID : Password : Forgot password? Topics are required within Forums in order for site participants to be able to post, read, and reply to messages. Meeting details will be confirmed by instructor email or through course Sakai sites. Tu 10:30 AM-12:20 PM. Overview. For those instructions, please jump to your specific LMS below and see step 1 once you do: Duke Sakai now offers a mobile-friendly interface, a new Gradebook, new content layout in the Lessons, streamlined settings in Tests, and drag and drop file upload in the Resources tool. 2) Scroll to External Tools and check Zoom Meetings. Note: Users can select multiple desktop programs at once instead of sharing their entire desktop. Video Conferencing. Sakai. Participants must select a focus area, either Structures & Dynamics or Aerodynamics & … See course descriptions. Under the Home tab, please choose Membership on the left column 2. The certificate is only available to graduate students in the Duke Department of Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science. Originalism is a major school of constitutional interpretation and an important field of study. Sponsor(s): Duke Learning Innovation and Teaching Support Network (TSN) ... Meeting Participants Where They Are – Outreach, Trust, and Consent to Maximize Diversity. Inclusion of Diverse Participants in Pragmatic Clinical Trials: Meeting Participants Where They Are – Outreach, Trust, and Consent to Maximize Diversity ... Drop/Add for Summer Term 2 Ends. How do I view meetings in Sign-Up? A semester like no other Duke Law responds to Covid-19. Once you’ve logged in, explore the Settings. Access Sakai. Duke Sakai connects students and faculty at Duke to support teaching and learning activities. (If you’d like to participate but prefer not to be recorded, turn off your video and mute your microphone.) Polls add variety to your Zoom call Use polls to: Recordings should be set to record in the cloud and will appear in Sakai automatically. Saturday, Jan 25, 9am-5pm, load-in at 7:30, leave Duke @ 6:15 a.m. Sunday, Jan 26, noon-5pm, load-out @ 5:30, arrive Duke @ circa 7:00 p.m. When you create a site for your course, Sakai automatically syncs the roster of your course with the site. If you wish to add more than one participant, enter each ONYEN on a separate line. Add participants by email address (netID@duke.edu) OR 4. iThenticate is the leading provider of professional plagiarism detection and prevention technology used worldwide by scholarly publishers and research institutions to ensure the originality of written work before publication. What is the Sign-Up tool? The ability to host online meetings with up to 300 participants is available … Sakai. To view Duke emails on cellphone or tablets, you will need to enrolled into Duke Health Mobile Device Manager. Gradebook displays a list of all the students enrolled and active in your site. If you want to add participants, you can batch add them using Toolkits. The Anti-Racism at Duke website will be a central repository of information about Duke's anti-racism work. Sakai is a flexible, open-source collaboration and learning environment that provides Duke faculty and instructors with tools to support teaching and learning activities. Participants will learn how VoiceThread can help educators provide multiple means of engagement, representation, action and expression for their courses. Sakai. Duke is committed to addressing systemic racism on campus and setting an example for the nation and the world. Click Continue. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution used around the world in board, conference, huddle, and training rooms, as well as executive offices and classrooms. Come to our office hours and workshops. Welcome to UVACollab: the University of Virginia’s central online environment for teaching, learning, collaboration, and research. 1 unit Prescribed Burn Plan Preparation and Participation: Exercise involves writing a prescribed burn plan and conducting a prescribed burn on the Duke … Then the participants will learn how to create the overall structure of a portfolio, add specific resources (documents, videos, url), apply semantic tags, specify the roles, and create simple portfolios workflows. Highlights from 2020 Even though 2020 was an unprecedented year, our faculty were still able to push their work forward—in ways that would be impressive even in a normal year. Sakai 12. For meetings requiring more than 300 participants and for Zoom webinars, please contact the Service Desk. The 6-foot-4, 229-pounder was a standout hurdler and long-jumper in high school, in addition to playing football and basketball. Click the “Update” button at the bottom of the page to save your changes and make the site “live”. Once you have logged into Sakai, you should see the courses you are assigned listed as tabs at the top of the screen. Select the tab for the course with which you want to work. On the side bar, click “Site Info”. How to add a Joinable Site in Sakai Once logged into sakai.duke.edu, please do the following: 1. Sakai 12 - Sign-Up. If you are recording your Zoom class or lectures using Zoom, remember that Duke has a limited amount of storage for Zoom recordings. In addition, users can track their own progress in walking speed. In the Role drop-down menu, select the role of the participant in the site.. 4. UVACollab partners with faculty, staff, and students in the work that sustains the Academical Village—engaging in interactive discussions, joining virtual meetings, securely storing and sharing materials, and much more. Sakai Video Tutorial Playlist (Duke University) Transitioning to Sakai (PDF) ... 6.4.1 i>clicker Mac Software READ FOLLOWING PDF FOR INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO ADD INTEGRATE FILES; Sakai Instructions for iClicker on Mac (PDF) i>clicker Sakai Tutorials; ... Student Focus Group Participants needed – Tell us what you think so far! In the Role drop-down menu, select the role of the participant in the site.. 4.
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