A suspension concentrate formulation containing 50 g/l (4.81 % w/w) florasulam. Defendor Herbicide Label. BROADBAND Herbicide is a systemic, post-emergence herbicide for the selective co: ntrol of wild oats, green foxtail, yellow foxtail, volunteer oats, barnyard grass, volunteer canary seed and proso millet as well as hardto- -kill annual broadleaf weeds such as cleavers and chickweed Controls the most common economically damaging broad-leaved weeds: Florasulam l Herbicide is a selective postemergence herbicide for the control of hard-to-kill annual broadleaf weeds such as chickweed, wild buckwheat and cleavers in spring wheat (including durum), winter wheat, spring barley, and oats (tank mixes only) not underseeded with legumes. Read the label before use. 50 g/l florasulam. Complete filling the tank to the desired level with water. : 145701-23-1 Herbicide . Non-corrosive Not oxidizing Not flammable Triazolopyrimidine Torpedo Herbicide Suspension concentrate Physical and Chemical Properties of the Product Physical state: Colour: Odour: Features and Specs. • For all other crops a minimum pre-planting interval of 24 months is recommended, preceded by a … READ THE LABEL AND BOOKLET BEFORE USING KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN This co-package contains: PrePass XC A Herbicide REGISTRATION NO. Effective against yield-robbing broadleaf weeds, Orion ® herbicide offers superior rotational crop flexibility and simplifies broadleaf weed control. Paradigm Arylex active herbicide is a post emergent broadleaf herbicide for use in wheat, barley, triticale, oats, established ryegrass pastures and fallow. Follow the code of practice for using plant protection products. Download Label. Application Rate. Florasulam is chemically stable at temperatures of 54°C for 2 weeks and is expected to be stable for at least 2 years when stored away from direct sunlight. Priority is the ideal tank-mix partner or spike, targeting 54 broadleaf weeds depending on the partner herbicide utilised, whilst maintaining rotation crop flexibility. product label. Learn more about Broadband herbicide, including application information for cereals, and tank mix information. Empirical formula: C 12 H 8 F 3 N 5 O 3 S Structural formula: Mol. Features and Benefits. It is non-corrosive, nonflammable, and nonvolatile. • The above-mentioned waiting periods are valid only if the FLUMETSULAM 800 WDG and/or complementary herbicide(s) were applied to the crop with a single application as directed on this label. A select post-emergent herbicide to control some hard to kill broadleaf weeds that can be used as a standalone or tank mixed with Nufarm's Polo LVE, Bromicide MA and Amicide Advance 700. Refer to inside of label booklet for additional precautionary information including Directions for Use. Herbicide Resistant Weeds Classification (HRAC), B. The total amount of florasulam applied to a cereal crop must not exceed 7.5 g§. Label and MSDS also available. guide. Application Timing. D5A I Florasulam We.t Cake Techni9all Prop sec 3 I 03-24~06 [Container Label]: Flo(asulamWetCakeTechnical . FLORASULAM GROUP 2 HERBICIDE chemical in areas where soils are permeable, particularly where the water Active Ingredient: ... Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor, or going for treatment. COMPATIBILITY: Active Ingredient. This pest control product is to be used only in accordance with the directions on the label. READ THE LABEL AND BOOKLET BEFORE USING KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN ACTIVE INGREDIENT: halauxifen, present as methyl ester 20% florasulam 20% Wettable granule herbicide POTENTIAL SKIN SENSITIZER REGISTRATION NUMBER 31304 PEST CONTROL PRODUCTS ACT NET CONTENTS: 0.4 kg - bulk Dow AgroSciences Canada Inc. 2400, 215-2nd Street SW PDF. Refer to the appropriate product label for use directions. florasulam) per acre per annual growing season. Type: Public Release Summary (PRS) Publication Date: 1 February 2007. EU 513 CCL FRANCE - DRUSENHEIM Page 1 15mm 245mm 15mm 275mm 127mm Package MID : 302643 1712 Active Ingredient. Herbicide Resistant Weeds Classification (HRAC), B. Tribenuron-methyl is an ALS inhibitor. Quelex should be applied when weeds are growing in the two- to four-leaf stage or are less than 4 inches tall (please see restrictions). Defendor can be used on established turfgrass, including residential lawns, golf courses, sports fields, sod farms and commercial turfgrass areas. Effects on crop yield and quality parameters (nitrogen, protein, and oil content) were also evaluated. Florasulam WDG Herbicide can be applied in the fall or spring prior to planting or as an initial treatment in summerfallow. It is always the pesticide applicator's responsibility, by law, to read and follow all current label directions for the specific pesticide being used. Continue agitation while adding the required amount of Merge adjuvant. It contains the active ingredients Arylex and Florasulam. You may also contact 1-800-992-5994 day or … Priority herbicide from ADAMA is a low residual post-emergent herbicide registered in wheat, barley, oats and triticale, in addition to established ryegrass pasture and fallow. Its single use rate keeps weed control simple in wheat and barley, and its tank-mix flexibility with other herbicides broadens the weed control spectrum to meet field needs. Download Technote. The range of broad-leaved weeds is extensive, including brassicas, mayweed, groundsel and volunteer OSR. • Use this product strictly in accordance with the drift and runoff precautions on this label in order to minimize off-site exposure. Apply 0.75 ounce of Quelex ® herbicide per acre. Introduction: A herbicide used for post-emergence control of broad-leaved weeds in wheat, barley, oats, rye and triticale field. Herbicide. Starane XL - Florasulam and Fluroxypyr (5tr) Starane® XL delivers consistent control time after time in the fight against cleavers and many broad-leaved weeds in cereals. Starane ® XL delivers consistent control time after time in the fight against cleavers and many broad-leaved weeds in cereals. Weight: 359.28 g/mol CAS No. Download MSDS. Florasulam WDG Herbicide is a dispersible granule that is mixed with water and applied as a uniform broadcast spray. If excess foaming occurs, a silicone anti-foaming agent may be added (Halt ®). SHARDA FLORASULAM 50 SC is a Group B mode of action herbicide. A post-emergence herbicide for use on all varieties of winter and spring wheat, barley and oats for the control of cleavers and other broad-leaved weeds. 1 Precautionary Statements Hazards to Humans and Domestic Animals CAUTION Defendor Herbicide SDS. 2020-10-27 Page 2 of 16. View all labels. herbicide group 2 herbicide for sale for use in the prairie provinces and peace river region of british columbia only agricultural read the label and booklet before using keep out of reach of children guarantee: florasulam 50 g/l contains 1,2-benzisothiazoline-3-one at 0.02% as a preservative registration no. In our study, field experiments were carried out in Greece in 2014 and 2015 to study the efficacy of the herbicide Lancelot 450 WG (aminopyralid 300 g ai/kg + florasulam 150 g ai/kg) compared to other herbicides against broadleaf weeds in maize. Info Sheet. Nufarm's Saracen is a flexible mix partner for tailored weed control in wheat and barley. After the herbicide is dissolved, if using a tank-mix, add the correct amount of second herbicide and continue agitating. For more info call our Technical hotline: 0800 689 8899 or e-mail: ukhotline@corteva.com. Used as part of the Provisia Rice System on Provisia rice, this innovative technology provides an excellent rotational tool … Florasulam is an ALS inhibitor. CROP ROTATIONS INFERNO TRIO can be used in a wide variety of crop rotation programs based on soil types and prevailing climatic conditions. Mode of Action. Use only according to label directions. Hornet® Herbicide provides postemergence broadleaf weed control in field corn. Paradigm is absorbed through the leaves and shoots as well as the roots of plants, before moving into the sap stream to accumulate in the growing points. Using this product in a manner that is inconsistent with the label may be an offence. It is an offence under the Pest Control Products Act to use this product in a way that is inconsistent with the directions on the label. 29651 PEST CONTROL PRODUCTS ACT ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Florasulam 50 g/L Contains 1,2-benzisothiazoline-3 … 895 KB. • Chemigation: Do not apply this product through any type of Treatment on Turfgrass Species Not Listed on the Label for Defendor ... HALAUXIFEN-METHYL GROUP 4 HERBICIDE FLORASULAM GROUP 2 HERBICIDE NET WEIGHT 1.875 LB. NOTICE TO USER. Odour: Characteristic odour. Approved Use. It is a preferred tank-mix partner for control of hard-to-manage and glyphosate-resistant broadleaf weeds. Herbicide For Manufacturing Use Only Active Ingredient: .. f1orasulam: N-(2,6-difluorophenyl)-8-f1uoro-5- Arylex ™ active (halauxifen-methyl); florasulam. I want to vary my product to update the spray drift information on my product label or have a new drift reduction technology assessed (agricultural chemical products only) ... Florasulam in the product Torpedo Herbicide. GOLDSKY (A. I. PYROXSULAM, FLORASULAM, FLUROXYPYR) EPA REGISTRATION NUMBER: 62719-582 NOTIFICATION OF MINOR LABEL CHANGE PER PR NOTICE 98-10 AgroSciences Enclosed please find labeling for the notification action of GoldSky TM herbicide based on EPA accepted copy dated July 25, 2008. Orion Herbicide. Post emergence weeds absorb SHARDA FLORASULAM 50 SC through aerial parts and are rapidly killed in bright sunlight. May be tank mixed with glyphosate herbicide present as isopropylamine, diammonium, or potassium salt when applied preplant or postplant preemergence. SHARDA FLORASULAM 50 SC is post-emergence herbicide and action is more vigorous and complete when plants are young and in active growth. The foIl owing changes have been made by notification: 1. Application Method. Zypar ™ is an innovative herbicide for the control of broad-leaved weeds in winter cereals (wheat, durum wheat, spelt, barley, rye and triticale) and spring cereals (wheat, durum wheat, barley and rye).. Zypar is a combination of ARYLEX ™ active together with florasulam. Exhilarate™ A is a selective herbicide for postemergent control of annual broadleaf weeds including chickweed, cleavers, lady’s thumb, lamb’s-quarters, redroot pigweed, volunteer canola, volunteer flax and wild buckwheat in spring wheat (including durum), winter wheat and spring barley. KEY BENEFITS. The above is the search results for Chinese Florasulam, click for more recommended manufacturers & suppliers listings such as herbicide, agricultural chemicals, glyphosate. See individual component florasulam and fluroxypyr for more information Colour: Off-white liquid. ISSN electronic: 1443-1335. For pre-plant, pre-emergent and post-emergent application; Registered for use in Citrus, Field crops, Tree Fruit and Nut, and Turf and Ornamental crops; Safe to use: non-corrosive and non-flammable Approved Broadband Herbicide 29138 2018-08-28 Page 6 of 14 NOTICE TO USER This pest control product is to be used only in accordance with the directions on the label. Herbicide. "TPS" florasulam component of several Extreme Pursuit imazethapyr 2 flumetsulam Python Glyphosate glyphosate 9 This chart lists premix herbicides alphabetically by their trade names so you can identify the premix's component herbicides and their respective site of action groups. These two products, florasulam or metsulfuron (+ glyphosate) offer growers many advantages to alternative chemistry. A selective herbicide for the control of broadleaved weeds in winter and spring cereal crops. The material and content contained in the Greenbook label database is for general use information only. Agworld and Greenbook do not provide any guarantee or assurance that the information obtained through this service is accurate, current or correct, and are therefore not liable for any loss resulting, directly or indirectly, from reliance upon this service. Saracen - Nufarm Australia. Provisia herbicide offers a new site of action to the rice acre, giving you more options to help control weeds and maximize yield potential. The range of broad-leaved weeds is extensive, including brassicas, mayweed, groundsel and volunteer OSR. The label always takes precedence over the recommendations found in this publication. Applications. Download Label. 30831 pest control products act Simazine 4L herbicide controls a variety of annual broadleaf and grass weeds in Agricultural and Ornamental crops. The unique blend of florasulam and fluroxypyr delivers trouble-free control, right through the season. Florasulam 50 SC Herbicide is a selective postemergence herbicide for the control of hard-to-kill annual broadleaved weeds such as chickweed, wild buckwheat and cleavers in spring wheat (including durum), spring barley, and oats (tank mixes only) not underseeded with legumes. Common name: Florasulam Another name: Kantor, Primus, etc.. Chemical name: 2',6',8-trifluoro-5-methoxy[1,2,4]triazolo[1,5-c]pyrimidine-2-sulfonanilide. Florasulam EF-1343 Suspension Concentrate Herbicide The active ingredient florasulam and associated end-use product EF-1343 Suspension Concentrate Herbicide for the control of broadleaf weeds in spring wheat, including durum, spring barley and oats (tankmix only) have been granted temporary registration under Section 17 of the Pest Control 200 g/kg halauxifen-methyl, 200 g/kg florasulam. It is an offence under the Pest Control Products Act to use this product in a way that is inconsistent with the directions on the label. Hornet. Notice: Read the entire label. Defendor ® specialty herbicide is formulated as a suspension concentrate and can be applied as a standard-volume broadcast application, low-volume application or spot treatment. Approved AXIAL Herbicide 30431 . Tribenuron-methyl and florasulam are both systemic selective herbicide taken up by the roots and foliage and translocated to the apex of the plant.
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