Jun 11, 2021. O‘ahu on Friday loosened some restrictions on social activity and nightlife now that more than half its population has been vaccinated against COVID-19. ‘In May 2021, Hawai i expanded COVID-19 vaccination to include children age 12 years and older. Posted on Nov 7, 2020 in Newsroom. David Ige announced today that the state will ease restrictions on social gatherings and … Please follow all State and City & County orders regarding social gatherings or lack of them. No new virus-related fatalities were reported today so the statewide COVID-19 death toll remains 506. Elevated Covid-19 case counts prompted Kauai to move back from Tier 4 to Tier 3 on May 6, where it remained on May 21. According to the Department of Health’s (DOH) cluster report on Thursday, June 10, ten COVID-19 … Honolulu is loosening some restrictions on social activity now that more than half its population has been vaccinated against COVID-19. This change allows social gatherings of up to 25 people outdoors, including at parks and beaches. This applies only to travel, social gatherings, and restaurants. 13—Hawaii Department of Health officials reported 104 new confirmed and probable coronavirus infections today, bringing the state's total since the start of the pandemic to 36, 975 cases. Gov. The guidelines are meant to reinforce the emergency rules in place related to the COVID-19 pandemic while reinstating best practices to limited social gatherings… Updated: 6/30/2020, 7:42 p.m. With the July 4th holiday approaching, Kauai Mayor Derek Kawakami warned that social gatherings have clearly driven the recent increase in COVID-19 cases on the Garden Isle and statewide. on all social gatherings and that violations can be met with punitive action. Effective immediately Honolulu County—which encompasses all of Oʻahu—will move into a less-restrictive Tier 4 of its COVID-19 restrictions. The County of Hawaiʻi has experienced a sustained increase in community associated COVID-19 cases and three COVID-19 deaths. The new rules allow outdoor social gatherings of up to 25 people and indoor gatherings of up to 10—under tier 4 of the City and County of Honolulu's reopening plan. The new rules allow outdoor social gatherings of up to 25 people and indoor gatherings of up to 10. Hawaii Island and Maui are also considering changes to gathering size restrictions in the meantime. Anyone arriving from a country with an outbreak of COVID-19, including Guam, Hawaii & Mainland U.S. must undergo a 14-day quarantine. Several clusters have been linked to social gatherings. Arriving travelers going to Tinian or Rota must quarantine for 14 days on Saipan & be They only apply to travel, social gatherings and restaurants. Alternatively, travelers arriving in Hawaii from out of state must either show a negative COVID-19 test result obtained within 72 hours pre-travel or self-quarantine for 10 days. Two clusters of COVID-19, stemming from social gatherings on Hawaii Island, have resulted in 63 cases, according to a new “cluster report” released Thursday by the state Department of … Mayor's Emergency Order 2020-24 Act Now Honolulu - No Social Gatherings - August 19, 2020. Trans-Pacific travelers still have to comply with the requirements of Safe Travels Hawaii, which requires a negative COVID test from a trusted travel partner. The Hawaii Department of Health’s cluster report this week focuses on how social gatherings such as graduation parties can generate COVID-19 … Updated Jan 4, 2021, 11:18am HST. “We’ve had 42 cases this month, compared to … The Maui News Gov. 2 This Order is effective upon execution, and will continue through 3:30 p.m. on August 31, 2020, subject to the limited exceptions and under the terms and conditions more particularly set forth below. Jun. Meanwhile, Tier 3 limits gatherings to 10 people, while Tier 4 (with the fewest restrictions) allows get-togethers of up to 25 people. Stat. Since rejoining the Safe Travels program, the island has reported a surge in positive cases tied to residents traveling, dining out and attending events. Tier 2 allows social gatherings of up to five people. Social gatherings: 25 allowed indoors and 75 allowed outdoors; Restaurants: Up to 75% capacity (with maximum groups size of 25 indoors and 75 outdoors) **NOTE: Statewide vaccination goals will not affect the counties’ COVID-19 policies regarding structured events, weddings, etc. Celebrations and gatherings are safest when all participants are vaccinated and everyone practices the recommended COVID-19 mitigation measures, including correct and consistent mask use indoors, in crowds outdoors, and social distancing. Statewide vaccination goals will not affect the counties’ COVID-19 policies regarding structured events, weddings, etc. The following are amendments to Exhibit 2 of Mayor's Covid-19 Emergency Rule No. 11, which requires the use of face coverings for those persons not subject to limited exceptions, restricts the size of permitted social gatherings to groups of up to 10 people, and imposes a 14-day mandatory self-quarantine requirement on all persons traveling to the County interisland or … In response to the increase in spread of COVID-19 on Oahu, city officials announced Tuesday new limits on social gatherings but said they are … Maui County has implemented new restrictions on restaurants, bars and social gatherings in an effort to stop the spread of Covid … Hawaii County: On September 22, with Governor Ige’s approval, Mayor Kim extended Emergency Rule No. No social gatherings of more than 10 people. Small gathering guidance might be more appropriate for social gatherings that are more intimate with close friends and family, such as small holiday parties, family dinners, and small special celebrations. Some islands require a second test, post-arrival. List of Current State Guidelines: Department of Health focus is on prevention, detection, containment, and treatment. Pursuant to Haw. C. Gatherings Indoor or outdoor social gatherings of groups up to ten ( 10) persons are permitted. FILE - In this Oct. 2, 2020, file photo, a man sits on Waikiki Beach in Honolulu. Face coverings are required and physical distancing of at least six (6) feet between separate groups must be maintained. Indoor organized sports. No gatherings of more than 10 people. Mayor’s Fifth Supplemental Proclamation COVID-19 Novel Coronavirus - August 07, 2020. Mayor's Emergency Order 2020-23 Act With Care, Do Not Gather - August 07, 2020. Governor David Ige has approved the City and County of Honolulu's No Social Gatherings Order, effective Thursday, August 20 through Wednesday, September 16. Members of a single residential or family unit who share the same address are not restricted. “Today, our state reported a triple-digit increase in COVID-19 cases for the second-straight day, including four additional new cases for Maui County,” Mayor Victorino said. When Hawaiʻi reaches a 60% vaccination rate, social gatherings can increase to 25 indoors and 75 outdoors; and restaurant capacity will increase to … HONOLULU (KHON2) — COVID-19 cases are spreading during social gatherings. HONOLULU, Hawaii (HawaiiNewsNow) - New restrictions aimed at further reducing gatherings and taking other steps to prevent the spread of COVID-19 on Oahu are now in effect. No gatherings of more than 10 people. CDC offers the following guidance to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. This applies only to travel, social gatherings, and restaurants. David Ige announced that he will lift all COVID-19 restrictions on travel, social gatherings and restaurants once the state reached a 70 percent vaccination rate. Kaua‘i COVID-19 Q&A Churches worship services. On Hawaii Island, outdoor gatherings of up to 25 people are permitted as long as masks are worn and social distancing rules followed. On Hawaii Island, outdoor gatherings of up to 25 people are permitted as long as masks are worn and social distancing rules followed. COVID-19. Safe Gatherings How can I see friends and 'ohana while staying safe? Jun. These vaccination goals will not change the counties’ own COVID-19 policies relating to structured events and weddings. City and County of Honolulu: Post-COVID-19 Vaccine Framework and Emergency Order No. Gov. Visitors to Kauai must quarantine for 10 days, with or without a negative test result. This applies only to travel, social gatherings, and restaurants. 15—Hawaii Department of Health officials reported 56 new confirmed and probable coronavirus infections today, bringing the state's total since the start of … Indoor gatherings are limited to 10 people. HONOLULU — The holiday season is a time for celebrations and parties with family, friends and co-workers, but large gatherings are the primary cause of COVID-19 clusters. 15 Beaches are open. Ige said restrictions on outdoor water sports would be lifted on June 1 - once again allowing surfing competitions, regattas and other water sporting events. On Oahu, social gatherings are still limited to 10 or fewer people. Contact University Health Services COVID-19 Resource Team at (808) 956-8965 or uhsm.covid@hawaii.edu, if you suspect that you may have COVID-19. The rules are to take effect starting Friday, July 31, 2020. For months, we've been keeping physical distance in order to protect our community. Ige to further ease COVID-19 restrictions once Hawaii is 60% vaccinated. Social gatherings indoors up to 10 people. Social gatherings: 25 allowed indoors and 75 allowed outdoors; Restaurants: Up to 75% capacity (with maximum groups size of 25 indoors and 75 outdoors) **NOTE: Statewide vaccination goals will not affect the counties’ COVID-19 policies regarding structured events, weddings, etc. Hawai‘i Department of Health launches new safe gatherings campaign in time for the holidays. Outdoors weddings can now have up to 200 people. § 127A-25 and the Rules of the Mayor City and County of Honolulu, dated March 20, 2020 (“Mayor’s Rules”) promulgated under that section, each of the But physical distance doesn’t have to mean social isolation—you can gather with friends, family, and co-workers…as long as you do it … 2021-08 Posted on Jun 10, 2021 in COVID-19 County Orders and Rules County of Hawaiʻi: Mayor’s COVID-19 Emergency Rule No. The move reduced the indoor social gathering limit to five while allowing groups … Anahola’s Ko‘olau Hui’ia Protestant church’s steeple is seen. Indoor gatherings are limited to 10 people. Rev.
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