Impact Wrestling Results (6/10/2021) Straight in to the summit, Scott D’Amore introduces Tony Khan, CEO of AEW. Kit Sackett & Justin Law >Dante Martin vs. Danny Limelight >SCU vs. Jake St. Patrick & Spencer Slade >The Varsity Blondes vs. Liam Gray & Adrian Alanis They held Comoroto up for a … Twelfth Match: (0-0) The Dark Order (Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, and Alex Reynolds vs. (0-0) Ryan Nemeth, JD Drake, and Cezar Bononi w/Peter Avalon In A 6-Man Tag Team Match. Chaos Project first appeared on Pro Wrestling … 5/4 AEW Dark results: Starr’s review of Pac vs. Serpentico, Leyla Hirsch vs. Diamante, Lance Archer vs. Luther, Dante Martin vs. Danny Limelight, Ethan Page and Scorpio Sky vs. Terrence Hughes and Terrell Hughes – Pro Wrestling Dot Net Their sports-entertainment training began in 2012 at the Dudleys’ Team 3D Academy, and the Hughes brothers have held tag team titles on the independent circuit under the name TNT. Daniels goes for the pin and gets the win. The Hughes Brothers hit TNT on Kazarian and now are both double-teaming Kazarian. Wheeler toys around with Terrell. The Hughes Brothers attack Comoroto from behind, but Comorot takes both down with a powerful double clothesline. Terrell Hughes and Cash Wheeler got the match rolling with a typical sequence of holds. The Steiner Brothers & Sting • Chris Jericho Teases Another WWE Wrestler Joining AEW AEW World Champion Chris Jericho teased on Instagram that current WWE wrestler EC3 might be coming to All Elite Wrestling in the future. Making pro wrestling a living I enjoy it here in the state of Florida. Welcome to Wrestling Inc’s live coverage of AEW Dark: Elevation, which airs … • WWE Hall Of Famer Returning To In-Ring Action After 14 Years On AEW Dynamite Both WWE and AEW are booking big matches for the March 3rd episodes of NXT and Dynamite respectively. Orange Cassidy vs. Dean Alexander. All Elite Wrestling announced 10 matches for this Monday’s edition of Dark: Elevation on YouTube. Executives and … Make sure to follow us on social media to get the latest news in real time! M’Badu, Terrence & Terrell Hughes Rey Fenix def. Excalibur, Taz and Ricky Starks. July 28, 2018 – DCCW: The Dirty Blondes (Leo Brien and Mike Patrick) defeated TNT (Terrell Hughes and Terrence Hughes) to win the tag team titles. The Inner Circle ( Ortiz & Santana) defeat TNT ( Terrell Hughes & Terrence Hughes) (7:43) AEW Dark #68 - TV-Show @ Daily's Place in Jacksonville, Florida, USA. Chaos Project(5-2) def TNT(0-1) with Creeping Death. Für die heutige Ausgabe von “Dark: Elevation” der AEW (All Elite Wrestling) wurden neun Matches bestätigt. Watch AEW Dark: Elevation Episode 7 in the embedded video below. AEW Tag Team Championships The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) (c) defeated The Varsity Blonds (Brian Pillman Jr. & Griff Garrison) (11:30) AEW Rankings. -The Acclaimed verus Adrian Alanis/Liam Gray. AEW Dark #75: March 6, 2021. The video of the Lucha Bros being attacked aired again, as they focused on the fireball attack. The wrestling world has certainly been talking about the recent episode of AEW Dynamite, and a lot of that is down to the segment between Mike Tyson and Chris Jericho. ... Kazarian on fire taking out both Hughes brothers. The Hughes Brothers, sons of D-Von Dudley, they obviously have the foundation of a great team, but Scorpio & Ethan have good chemistry already as the brash, cocky Heels they are. had this to say regarding the brothers: “Terrell & Terrence Hughes, the 23-year-old twin sons of WWE Hall of Famer D-Von Dudley. Made in America since 1921. Hughes Brothers’ Transmission and Distribution products help utilities deliver electricity all over the Americas. Our factory has worked long hours throughout a pandemic for all of 2020 supplying material to Louisiana, Iowa, Texas, Oregon and California for storm restoration. Title History IWN (Independent Wrestling Network) Heavyweight title defeating Buff Bagwell and Rob Adonis in a 3-WAY (April 4, 2008); PWA Heritage title winning a battle royal (February 18, 2012); Career Highlights In The Beginning: Mr. (Curtis) Hughes was worked in the AWA, WCW, WWF & ECW in basically the same roll, as a bodyguard […] Di seguito tutti i match previsti per la serata: Team *Nyla Rose vs. Madi Wrenkowski. AEW is gearing up for July, while WWE has said it is looking at the second half of the year. Thunder Rosa will get a warm-up ahead of her highly anticipated collision with Dr. Britt Baker DMD at Beach Break, while the good doctor hosts another episode of The Waiting Room, with special guest Ricky Starks. 23-year-old Davin Addison, a 275-pounder from Laramie, Wyo., who formerly wrestled with the University of Wyoming’s Division I wrestling program. The Hughes Brothers . Cash Wheeler and Terrell Hughes will start things off. It’s a Dinosaur The post AEW Dark Results (01/19): Lucha Brothers vs. Matches include Devon Dudley’s sons, Terrence and Terrell, who will be going by the tag team name The post AEW Dark Preview (11/10/2020): D-Von Dudley’s Sons, 9 Matches first appeared on Pro Wrestling News Hub. Reminder you can play weekly AEW Fantasy Wrestling for FREE from Pro Wrestling News Hub. BJ Penn took that fight, submitting Hughes with a rear naked choke at the end of Round 1. All Elite Wrestling has announced 13 matches for tonight’s episode of AEW DARK. Superstars 06/19/1993 [Duration: 00:45:45] New WWE Champion Yokozuna issues an open body slam challenge for the Fourth of July. They are the sons of D-Von Dudley. The Hughes Brothers (Terrell Hughes & Terrence Hughes) Ryan Nemeth vs. Ryzin. Torna la AEW con Dark, il suo web show originale con tanti match esclusivi. The twin sons of D-Von Dudley were back in AEW with a nice and short name. HUGHES vs. PENN 3. Ryan Nemeth vs. RYZIN. The Acclaimed(2-1) def Justin Blax & Louie Valle(0-1) with the wheelbarrow cutter. Miro vs. Will Allday. Check the link if you missed the previous episode here: June 3rd. The latest wrestling news and rumors, WWE spoilers, WWE rumors, AEW spoilers, WWE results, AEW results & more.. Visit @WNSource for all your pro wrestling news needs. Nick Comoroto vs. VSK. From Daily’s Place in Jacksonville, FL. -Hughes Brothers versus FTR. You draft and create your team of wrestlers. Standing Switch Exchange. Afa Jr.'s appearance is presented by 1CW Pro Wrestling! Jerry Allen fought Terry Gibbs to a draw Sivi Afi defeated The Assassin Dino Bravo & Johnny V fought The Rougeau Brothers (Jacques Rougeau and Raymond Rougeau) to a draw King Harley … Wheeler … Here is the lineup for tonight’s show: AEW “Rising Star”: Leyla Hirsch. M’Badu and KC Navarro. AEW Dark: Elevation (Episode 8) Elevation started with ring announcer Justin Roberts introducing Miro to the ring as his entrance played… Tony Schiavone and Paul Wight were on commentary…. The connection with QT Marshall’s Georgia-based wrestling school in AEW has led to several names from the area, including Preston Vance, Lee Johnson and Alan Angels, getting signed. Match. Monday’s show has just gotten bigger, with former AEW World Champion Jon Moxley being announced for the show. Partly cloudy skies. Breaking WWE news, AEW news and rumors. Wikipedia A vignette of the Von Erich brothers aired, as we see footage from their time in Japan wrestling for Pro Wrestling NOAH. Winds SSW at 10 to 15 mph.. the Hughes Brothers. I bet D’von told em to go to AEW for a bit to ring more money out of whoever ends up getting em. Wheeler applies a side headlock. -1 led the two women to the ring and stayed ringside along with Anna. Sixth Match: (19-3) FTR w/Tully Blanchard vs. (0-6) The Hughes Brothers . Low 47F. In professional wrestling, TNT is a tag team consisting of twin brothers Terrell Hughes and Terrence Hughes (born February 25, 1995), the sons of Impact and WWE Hall of Famer Devon "D-Von Dudley" Hughes. The Hughes Brothers looked good in their match with FTR last night on Elevation. January 2021 Results AEW New Year’s Smash Night 1 January 6th, 2021 Daily’s Place Jacksonville, FL. 11/10/20. It was previously reported that 4 one-on-one women’s matches had been advertised for AEW Dark: Elevation. Segment: Rising Star Leyla Hirsch ... All AEW Wrestling programming, talent names, images, likenesses, slogans, wrestling moves, trademarks, logos and copyrights are the exclusive property of All Elite Wrestling, LLC and its subsidiaries. AEW announced the lineup for this Monday's Dark - Elevation, streaming on AEW's YouTube channel: *Jon Moxley vs. Andrew Palace, a Pittsburgh area talent who has worked for IWC, Billtown Wrestling and more. AEW “Dark: Elevation” findet am 26.04.2021 statt und wird auf dem offiziellen YouTube-Kanal der Company ausgestrahlt. Hey, at least they’re on two AEW shows in … AEW Dark: Elevation Card SINGLES MATCHRey Fenix vs. Chuck Taylor TAG MATCHThe Acclaimed vs. Liam Gray & Adrian […] Jericho appeared on Busted Open Radio where he spoke about the segment and how crazy it was, admitting that it wasn’t exactly what was planned, […] Written by: Heelsinc TV 1994-06-28 (Matches taped 1994-06-26 at ECW Arena in Philadelphia, Pa) Champions Heavyweight: “The Franchise” Shane Douglas TV: Mikey Whipwreck Tag: Public Enemy Last Friday night Terry Funk hung “Flyboy” Rocco Roc by his feet from the Eagle’s Nest! Made in America since 1921. Amber Nova & Diamante vs. Leyla Hirsch & Ryo Mizunami. Reactions: Honey-Blazed. AEW – All Elite Wrestling “Dark: Elevation” 03.05.2021 – Daily’s Place, Jacksonville, Florida, USA. WWE first quarter earnings WWE hosted its quarterly report Thursday, and … Home - Hughes Brothers, Inc. We Manufacture Hardware for. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. The Hughes Brothers attack Comoroto from behind, but Comorot takes both down with a powerful double clothesline. 17.12.2020. American real estate broker and semi-retired professional wrestler, better known by the ring name Rick Steiner. Honey-Blazed I’m Chuck Bass. Former Impact Wrestling stars, Robbie E and Chelsea Green were also in attendance. He thanks Scott and Impact for having him there. Promotion. Wikipedia Last rankings released May 12th, 2021; Top-5 rankings are official as of Wednesday before Dynamite; AEW Win/Loss records can be found here. Member. They first formed in International Wrestling Syndicate (IWS) as Super Smash Brothers and are former one-time Pro Wrestling Guerrilla (PWG) World Tag Team Champions. July 7, 2018 – USWA: TNT (Terrell Hughes and Terrence Hughes) defeated The Metro Brothers (Chris Metro and JC Metro). Anna Jay v. Jazmin Allure. Miro dominated until Allday avoided a splash in the ropes. The Good Brothers show up to try to do some damage after their buddies’ defeat, but Frankie Kazarian is Johnny on the spot to help the faces. You can check out this week’s edition of AEW Dark: Elevation below. Alex Reynolds and Ryan Nemeth will start things off. 27 january 2020. Fuego del Sol v. Griff Garrison. My Thoughts: The only surprise in this match was that D3 got an actual … -Rey Fenix versus Chuck Taylor. Date. After the match is over, SCU is pumped up after their win. The new episode debuts tomorrow at 7:00 pm EST on AEW… You draft and create your team of wrestlers. Especially if they get to work with FTR. Perfect was interviewed by Terry Taylor for Coliseum Video. AEW’s episode of Dark takes place later tonight at 7 PM ET on All Elite Wrestling’s official YouTube channel. Come al solito lo show propone il suo tipico mix di wrestler del panorama indipendente, wrestler di secondo piano del roster e qualche nome di maggiore spessore. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. The Butcher and The Blade def. Reminder you can play weekly AEW Fantasy Wrestling for FREE from Pro Wrestling News Hub. Page got in an early cheap shot Terrance from behind. AEW Dark: Elevation Results (4/29): Chuck Taylor Vs. Rey Fenix, Joey Janela Vs. Matt Sydal. Check it out below. *The Blade and Matt Hardy vs. Colt Cabana and Alan "5" Angels. Jim Ross introduces pre-tape comments by Abdullah the Butcher and… Nueva edición de AEW Dark en donde Lance Archer y Luther, de Chaos Project, se vieron las caras en el evento estelar. Justin Romero (born May 1, 1990), better known by his ring name Ace Romero, is an American professional wrestler, currently signed to Impact Wrestling under the name Acey Romero.He has previously wrestled notably for All Elite Wrestling, Major League Wrestling, Combat Zone Wrestling and throughout the American independent scene. the Electric Utility Industry. Wheeler with a single leg takedown. Ryzin, Nick Comoroto, and James Tapia v. Team Taz. Side headlock from Wheeler, then they trade go behinds and Wheeler gets … I’m glad we got Ryan Nemeth, Cezar Bononi & JD Drake in a Six Man Tag, they and Peter Avalon can make for a strong midcard faction if they can just get more screen time. The Hughes brothers lasted longer than I thought they would and looked good in defeat. The WWF House Show is a House show produced by the World Wrestling Federation on February 18, 1987 at the Lansing Civic Center in Lansing, Michigan. AEW Dynamite live results: Young Bucks & Good Brothers team up UFC On ESPN+ 46 live results: Rob Font vs. Cody Garbrandt 5/22 1:14pm PDT NJPW's Rocky Romero and Ren Narita set for AEW Dark: Elevation 5/22 12:41pm PDT WWE Hall of Famer Tully Blanchard (age 67) will return to in-ring action on Dynamite on March 3rd, as he will team […] The Hughes Brothers hit TNT on Kazarian and now are both double-teaming Kazarian. The latest episode of AEW’s latest weekly show, Dark: Elevation, is slated to air tonight at 7pm ET via the official AEW YouTube channel. FTR vs. Great first match by the Hughes brothers. All Elite Wrestling recently announced the lineup for tonight’s episode of AEW Dark which has a total of 10 matches. The lineup includes Brian Cage vs. Brandon Cutler, QT Marshall vs. Shawn Dean, and Penelope Ford in action. AEW’s episode of Dark takes place Tuesdays at 7 PM ET on All Elite Wrestling’s official YouTube channel.
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