A few years ago it was held by a Special Court that a so-called double cab 4x4 was a "motor car" as defined. (44), and inserting new language in Subsec. In a "mild" hybrid, it cannot. The definition of motor vehicle has been analyzed by various trial judges and appellate courts for over 40 years. In the latter four sections the term covers only road vehicles, that is motor vehicles as defined in 49 U.S.C. Motor vehicle definition, an automobile, truck, bus, or similar motor-driven conveyance. There are many specific forms of motor vehicle insurance, varying not only in the kinds of risk that Vehicles NOT considered to be motorized. Motor vehicle definition: a road vehicle driven by a motor or engine, esp an internal-combustion engine | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples A motor vehicle which operates solely by use of a battery or battery pack and which meets the applicable Federal motor vehicle safety standards. (43), to delete reference to commercial motor vehicle, and deleting definition of “public service motor vehicle” in Subdiv. Cars (for income tax purposes) are defined as motor vehicles (including four-wheel drives) designed to carry both: a load less than one tonne; fewer than nine passengers. All of the above are considered "full hybrids," which means that the electric motor is capable of moving the car by itself, even if it's for a short distance. Two-wheeled moped: Engine cylinder capacity not exceeding 49cc, speed is usually not higher than 45 km/h. 49/2014 s. 36(1). Motor vehicle is … 1 to 3. more than 50%. Motor vehicle. "driver" includes, in relation to a motor vehicle which is drawn by another motor vehicle, the person … The kind of vehicle you own can affect the expenses you can deduct. Copyright © … For income tax purposes, you should know the definitions of motor vehicles, zero-emission vehicles, passenger vehicles, and zero-emission passenger vehicles. motor vehicle. (b) re meaning of term “public passenger transportation permit”; P.A. A different definition of "commercial motor vehicle" is used for Parts 382 and 383. Motor vehicle means land vehicles propelled other than by muscular power, such as automobiles, motorcycles, autocycles, and low speed vehicles. Motor vehicles. Tri/quad/bicycle (cycle): Vehicle with two or more wheels which is moved by the muscular effort of the people who occupy it through pedals or cranks. /ˈməʊtə viːəkl/. How to use motor vehicle in a sentence. Since the vehicles closely resemble small trucks and vans used on the public roads, we believe it is likely that states would permit them to be registered for highway use. Motor vehicle. Motor vehicle definition is - an automotive vehicle not operated on rails; especially : one with rubber tires for use on highways. Other vehicles include: motorcycles; vehicles designed to carry either one tonne or more (such as a utility truck or panel van) nine passengers or more (such as a minivan). CDL CMV Definition: 49 CFR 383.5. (c) A golf cart for the purposes of chapter 46.61 RCW. means a transport vehicle or omnibus the gross vehicle weight of either of which or a motor car or tractor or road-roller the unladen weight of … motor vehicle meaning: 1. a vehicle that has an engine: 2. a vehicle that has an engine: 3. fml a car, bus, truck or…. Motor vehicle insurance, also called automotive insurance, a contract by which the insurer assumes the risk of any loss the owner or operator of a car may incur through damage to property or persons as the result of an accident. There are many specific forms of motor vehicle insurance,... A self-propelled or towed vehicle used to transport goods or passengers, with. "motor trike" means a 3-wheeled motor vehicle but does not include— 2721 - 2725. All-electric vehicle. A vehicle is, inter alia, a motor car as defined if it is constructed or adapted wholly or mainly for the carriage of passengers. See more. (B) "Motor vehicle" means any vehicle, including mobile homes and recreational vehicles, that is propelled or drawn by power other than muscular power or … The legal definition of a motorcycle for the purposes of registration, taxation and rider licensing in most countries is a powered two-wheel motor vehicle.Most countries distinguish between mopeds up to 49 cc (scooters do not count as a separate category) and the more powerful, larger, vehicles known as motorcycles.Many jurisdictions include some forms of three-wheelers as motorcycles. any road vehicle driven by an engine. Learn more. /ˈməʊtər viːəkl/, /ˈməʊtər viːhɪkl/. Vehicle definition. Define light motor vehicle. motor vehicle - a self-propelled wheeled vehicle that does not run on rails automotive vehicle airbrake - a vehicular brake that operates by compressed air; especially for heavy vehicles § 32101(7). Motor vehicle means any self-propelled vehicle designed for transporting persons or property on a street or highway. Accordingly, the definition of motor vehicle is broader for 18 U.S.C. How to use motor in a sentence. by Act. But most questions concern whether a specific conveyance is a “vehicle” or a “motor vehicle.” The latter term is defined in G.S. jump to other results. Motor definition is - one that imparts motion; specifically : prime mover. § 85.1703 Definition of motor vehicle. A gross vehicle weight rating or combination weight rating of 26,001 points or more, or. Therefore, this factor suggests that the vehicles should be considered motor vehicles. (1) "Motor vehicle" means a vehicle that is self-propelled or a vehicle that is propelled by electric power obtained from overhead trolley wires but not operated upon rails. (63), formerly Subdiv. (b) All-electric vehicle excludes a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle. Motor vehicle record means the report of the driving status and history of a driver generated from the driver record, provided to users, such as, drivers or employers, and subject to the provisions of the Driver Privacy Protection Act, 18 U.S.C. (a) For the purpose of determining the applicability of section 216(2), a vehicle which is self-propelled and capable of transporting a person or persons or any material or any permanently or temporarily affixed apparatus shall be deemed a motor vehicle, unless any one or more of the criteria set forth below are met, in which case the vehicle shall be deemed not a motor … of motor trike inserted by No. In 1968 the Vienna convention on road traffic (which no longer exists) gave one of the first international definitions of a motor vehicle: a vehicle on wheels, having its own motor and not running on rails or tracks, for use on streets or highways; esp., an automobile, truck, or bus. "motor vehicle recycler" has the same meaning as it has in the Motor Dealers and Repairers Act 2013 , and includes any other person declared to be a motor vehicle recycler by … (c) is not excluded from the definition of motor vehicle; "motor cycle" means a two-wheeled motor vehicle and includes a motor cycle with a trailer, forecar or sidecar attached; S. 3(1) def.
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