It has caused cancer in some animals has had toxic effects on the fetus but only at A pesticide poisoning occurs when pesticides, chemicals intended to control a pest, affect non-target organisms such as humans, wildlife, plant, or bees. Company: Apparent Pty Ltd. INNOVA OXYFLUORFEN 240 HERBICIDE March 2008 Section 4: FIRST AID MEASURES In case of poisoning by any exposure route contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre on 131 126. Have the product label or SDS with you when calling or going for treatment. A 30 year old housewife from a nearby village is brought in the afternoon in an unconscious state. No example products containing oxyfluorfen can be listed at this time. Oxyfluorfen is practically nontoxic to birds; the reported oral LD50 values are greater than 2200 mg/kg in bobwhite quail, and greater than 4000 mg/kg in mallard duck. May require a tank-mix partner for grass control. The primary toxic effects are alterations in blood parameters (anemia) and in the liver. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET For further information refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). FIRST AID MEASURES In case of poisoning by any exposure route contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre on 131 126. oxyfluorfen (0, 120, 240, and 480 g ha-1-a.i. Have the product label or SDS with you when calling • Some labeled crops are tolerant to over-the-top applications of Oxyfluorfen 2E Herbicide if applied during dormancy. Apparent Oxyfluorfen 240 Herbicide . Because of poor germination of red maple, those results are not presented in the paper. Decontamination may be indicated to prevent continued absorption, as well as exposure of health care personnel. SYMPTOMS OF HUMAN POISONING: Symptoms may include the following: nausea, vomiting, gastrointestinal disturbance, diarrhoea, trembling, impaired consciousness, convulsions, salivation, irregular breathing and coma. oxyfluorfen Goal 2XL: 2-6 pt : 24 h: none listed : 14: NR: WSSA Group 14: protoporphyrinogen oxidase (PPO) inhibitor. The effects of this herbicide is known in alga … Oxyfluorfen is a phenoxyphenyl-type herbicide which is used for broad-spectrum control of broadleaf and grassy weeds. Oxyfluorfen is of low acute oral, dermal, and inhalation toxicity. The primary toxic effects are alterations in blood parameters (anemia) and in the liver. Oxyfluorfen is classified as a possible human carcinogen based on combined hepatocellular adenomas/carcinomas in the mouse carcinogenicity study. Wetter/Spreader. Supportive care and observation for signs of end-organ damage (eg, central nervous system [CNS], heart, lung, liver) are the mainstays of therapy. Oxyfluorfen has been seen to have effects on bone marrow, spleen, liver, kidney, blood, adrenals and urinary bladder. Oxyfluorfen has been seen to have effects on bone marrow, spleen, liver, kidney, blood, adrenals and urinary bladder. July 9, 2019. oxyfluorfen. However, bioaccumulation has not yet been observed (E X T O X N E T, 1996;USEPA, 2001) Clinical Manifestation A diphenyl-ether herbicide. The first of the three is a single and short-term very high level of exposure which can be experienced by individuals who commit suicide, as well as pesticide formulators. Toxicity studies with oxyfluorfen and other similar herbicides suggest the same phototoxic compounds may occur in animals as a result of herbicide exposure. Oxyfluorfen is very well-sorbed to most soils [11]. Olanzapine is antipsychotic drug with antinausea, appetite stimulant and antiemetic activities … SMILES. Application must be made before the crop shields the weeds. An endangered species risk assessment is developed for federally listed Pacific salmon and steelhead. galigan Ingestion of toxic dose of... | … Ingestion of toxic dose of oxyfluorfen can be fatal among animals. The first of the three is a single and short-term very high level of exposure which can be experienced by individuals who commit suicide, as well as pesticide formulators. Vapor pressure 4: 1.87 x 10 -5 mmHg at 25 °C. Acylate the result with acetic anhydride, and then nitrify with mixed acid in the temperature of 20-30°C. We have found no reports, however, of the effects produced by an oxyfluorfen injection to the upper limb. 50 Rat > 5000 mg/kg (oxyfluorfen) Dermal toxicity: LD 50 Rabbit > 10000 mg/kg (oxyfluorfen) Inhalation: LC 50 Rat, 4h > 4.8 mg/L Skin irritation: Brief contact may cause severe skin irritation with pain and local redness. For a copy visit our website at Use Profile. Oxyfluorfen is a diphenyl-ether herbicide used for broad spectrum pre- and post-emergent control of annual broadleaf and grassy weeds in a variety of tree fruit, nut, vine, and field crops. China Mixture Herbicide Pendimethalin+Oxyfluorfen+Acetochlor 66% Ec, Find details about China Acetochlor, Agrochemicals from Mixture Herbicide Pendimethalin+Oxyfluorfen+Acetochlor 66% Ec - Shanghai Molotus Chemical Co., Ltd. On 14 May 2020, The Gazette of India issued Draft order "F. No. Oxyfluorfen 42874-03-3 240 g/L N-methyl pyrrolidone 100 g/L Liquid Hydrocarbon 626.4 g/L Other Ingredients Balance 4. Kao and Rin (1977) achieved control on bare soil with 2, 4-D and showed that mixing the herbicide with bark increased its period of activity. Oxyfluorfen 42874-03-3 240 g/L N-methyl-2-pyrolidone (NMP) 872-50-4 10.8 g/L Aromatic hydrocarbon - 60.6 g/L Other ingredients determined not to be hazardous - Add to 1L 4. Group G Herbicide. If swallowed do NOT induce vomiting. base label copy area under booklet 5” height x 5.375” width. Herbicides with the same mode-of- action will have the same translocation (movement) pattern and produce similar injury symptoms. Product Name: Apparent Oxyfluorfen 240 Herbicide Other Names: Oxyflurofen. Other Names: Oxyflurofen. It is a highly flammable chemical which irritates skin. June 17, 2019 - by Poison Sense. There are three types of pesticide poisoning. • Oxyfluorfen is rapidly absorbed, extensively metabolized, and rapidly eliminated mostly in the faeces. Do not apply when weather conditions favor drift to non-target areas. Genfarm Oxyfluorfen 240EC Herbicide 61576-1008 160901 Page 1 of 13 CAUTION KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING Genfarm Oxyfluorfen 240EC Herbicide ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 240 g/L OXYFLUORFEN SOLVENTS: 100 g/L N-METHYL PYRROLIDONE 605 g/L LIQUID HYDROCARBONS GROUP G HERBICIDE For … FIRST AID: Eye contact: Flush eyes with plenty of clean water, occasionally lifting upper and lower eye lids, for at least 15 minutes. The physical and chemical properties of soils, as well as climatic conditions, influence the behavior of herbicides applied in pre-emergence. Ingestion of toxic dose of oxyfluorfen can be fatal among animals. Bioassays were conducted under controlled laboratory conditions. The weight ratio of the effective compoents, triazole napropamide and oxyfluorfen, is 10:1 to 1:5. However, toxicity to humans are rare in literature. 2 thoughts on “ Toxic Business: Banned in the European Union, poisoning Kenya ” Nicholas September 5, 2019 at 7:34 am. Pickett et al. July 9, 2019 July 9, 2019. Human health assessment information on a chemical substance is included in the IRIS database only after a comprehensive review of toxicity data, as outlined in the . 014442 ABIRAMY A, RAO V N (Veterinary and Animal Sciences Dep, Teaching Veterinary Hospital, Mettupalayam, Puducherry-605 009) : Organophosphate poisoning and its management in a bitch. Avoid accidental spray contact or drift with established crops. 13035/15/2019-PP-I" by Ministry of Agriculture proposing a ban on 27 dangerous and harmful Pesticides and Herbicides. 2007-07-12. Studies indicate a low to moderate potential for bioaccumulation in aquatic species. This work aimed to evaluate the residual effect of sulfentrazone, isoxaflutole and oxyfluorfen in three soils. Give a glass of water. Company: Apparent Pty Ltd. Soil half-lives of 30-103 days were calculated for oxyfluorfen at different application rates and rainfall amounts(8). If there are life-threatening signs, efforts to stabilize animals by general mitigation methods should be started. Background Oxyfluorfen, a commercially available pesticide, commonly used for weed control in crop production, has been studied in terms of its toxicity, its carcinogenic properties, and its teratogenicity. Larvicide . oxyfluorfen/acre + 1 lb pendimethalin and 4 lbs oxyfluorfen + 2 lbs pendimethalin). Specific antidotal treatments, when available, may help to confirm the diagnosis. Heteranthera reniformis (mud plantain) is a weed of aquatic habit, which currently causes losses in the production of ornamental plants and irrigated crops, such as rice, and for which there are no herbicides registered in Brazil with proven control effectiveness. ), nicosulfuron ... symptoms of poisoning are very dependent on the species in question, the product dose and form of application, and the results of this study to other species of Orchideaceas or other ornamental species cannot be extrapolated. Eye contact: Immediately hold eyes open and flood with clean water. Address: Suite G.08, 762 Toorak Road, Hawthorn East, Vic. Oxyfluorfen [2-chloro-1-(3-ethoxy-4-nitrophenoxy)-4-(trifluoromethyl) benzene] is a diphenyl ether herbicide commonly used in agriculture to control broadleaf and grassy weeds with specific recommendations . detected oxyfluorfen in biological samples using silica gel 60 F 254 HPTLC glass plate as the stationary phase and a mixture of hexane and acetone in 8:2 ratio by volume as the mobile phase. Oxyfluorfen, and other light-dependent peroxidizing herbicides, act in plants by producing phototoxic compounds. Dewormer. AD021717. No example products containing oxyfluorfen can be listed at this time. If symptoms develop or persist, seek medical advice. It is practically insoluble in water, and therefore is unlikely to be appreciably mobile in most instances, unless the sorptive capacity of the soil is exceeded. Two weeks after the spill, samples of filtered and unfiltered +49 34291 3372-39 HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION: 2.1 Classification of the substance or mixture Flammable liquids … PDF | Oxyfluorfen is a phenoxyphenyl-type herbicide which is used for broad-spectrum control of broadleaf and grassy weeds. PO Box 3092, Cotham PO, Kew, Vic 3101 . ), flumioxazin (0, 12.5, 25 and, 40 g ha 1 a.i. ACN/ABN: 143 724 136 . The weeding composition has remarkable synergistic interaction and is applicable to removing annual weeds in rice fields. If swallowed, DO NOT induce vomiting. : 678447: Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture: Identified: Laboratory chemical uses: R&D: Uses advised against: HPC Standards GmbH Am Wieseneck 7 04451 Cunnersdorf Deutschland Tel. This assessment applies the findings of the Office of Pesticide Program’s The residues of oxyfluorfen recorded in clayey soil on 0 day was 0.498 µg g-1 with half-life (DT50) of 75.25 days. If poisoning is suspected, the first step in management is to halt further exposure. A cancer potency factor (Q1*) was used to estimate human risk. Oxyfluorfen 42874-03-3 240 g/L N-methyl-2-pyrolidone (NMP) 872-50-4 10.8 g/L Aromatic hydrocarbon - 60.6 g/L Other ingredients determined not to be hazardous - Add to 1L 4. The aim of this study was to evaluate herbicide leaching in three soil profiles.Doses of 0.50 and 0.75 kg ha-1 sulfentrazone, 0.113 and 0.169 kg ha-1 isoxaflutole, and 0.72 and 1.08 kg ha-1 oxyfluorfen were applied on the surface of 30 cm high PVC columns filled with the three soil following types: one with a sandy loam texture and two clayey ones with low and high organic matter contents. Oxyfluorfen, presently registered for nonbearing citrus, provided excellent weed control in citrus nurseries, but was phytotoxic to citrus rootstocks (Singh and Tucker, 1984c). Oxyfluorfen is classified as a possible human carcinogen based on combined hepatocellular adenomas/carcinomas in the mouse carcinogenicity study. • Oxyfluorfen 2E Herbicide is phytotoxic to plant foliage. PO Box 3092, Cotham PO, Kew, Vic 3101 . Have the product label or SDS with you when calling Use: A selective agricultural emulsifiable concentrate herbicide. Footnotes. Telephone Number: 03 9822 1321 . Inhalation: LC 50 >5.4 mg/l. In 2018, Punjab had sought to review licenses and not to issue fresh licenses for 2,4-D, benfuracarb, dicofl, methomyl and monocrotophos, which are … Saponify with inorganic acid, and react with equimolar bromethyl. Oxyfluorfen TSNI02768 99.8% l 7-May-2018 F APC 13-000008 RH-50671 (X 11488795) TSN309143 99% I 5-May-2019 F APC 17-000290 RH-34672 TSNI02937 100% 25-May-2025 FAPC 17-000311 RH-42382 TSNI02955 98.7% I 2-Mal-2018 F APC 14-000174 The Certificates of Analysis for the test substances can be found in Figure I-Figure 4. 1,2,4 Unless otherwise stated, all data in this fact sheet refer to the acid form. The alterations in haem biosynthesis (anaemia) and in liver are the primary toxic effects. May cause slight corneal injury. Oxyfluorfen may pose risks to animals not conveyed by standard guideline toxicity studies because oxyfluorfen's mode of action suggests it may be more toxic in the presence of light (phototoxic). We have found no reports, however, of the effects produced by an oxyfluorfen injection to the upper limb. Octanol-Water Partition Coefficient (K ow) 2: 4.70. No specific antidotes are available for organochlorine poisoning. Animals should be separated from any possible source before attempting to stabilize and support them. Anticholinergic Poisonings. Std. In the past, there have been few commonly accepted or uniform reporting procedures for bee kills, and this lack has contributed to the small amount of good data on bee kills which the industry can point to in justifying its concern about such incidents. Genfarm Oxyfluorfen 240EC Herbicide 61576-1008 160901 Page 1 of 13 CAUTION KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING Genfarm Oxyfluorfen 240EC Herbicide ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 240 g/L OXYFLUORFEN SOLVENTS: 100 g/L N-METHYL PYRROLIDONE 605 g/L LIQUID HYDROCARBONS G For selective weed control of … High quality 240 G/L Oxyfluorfen EC Selective Herbicide For Soybean Field High Effective from China, China's leading Selective Herbicide product market, With strict quality control Selective Herbicide factories, Producing high quality 240 G/L Oxyfluorfen EC Selective Herbicide For Soybean Field High Effective products. FIRST AID MEASURES In case of poisoning by any exposure route contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre on 131 126. Once oxyfluorfen is adsorbed to soil particles, it is not readily removed [58]. What's more, it is used as low toxic and tag-type herbicides. We conclude that at the doses evaluated in this study, the herbicide oxyfluorfen, s-metolachlor, linuron, oxadiazon and pendimethalin have potential for application in sunflower pre-emergence. The alterations of the AChE activity in the brains of two fresh water fishes; Oreochromis niloticus and Gambusia affinis were measured after exposure to acute, sub-acute and chronic concentrations from the widely used herbicide; oxyfluorfen. Organophosphate Poisoning 1. A diphenyl-ether herbicide. sprayer (EPA 2000). Phone Australia 13 11 26. The above standards may be obtained free of charge … Potential Hazard Rating: VL=Very low, L=Low, LM=Low to Moderate, M=Moderate, LH=Low to High, MH=Moderate to High, H=High, VH=Very High, N=None, NKR=No Known Risk, —=No data ; Water quality ratings from Pesticide Choice: Best Management Practice (BMP) for Protecting Surface Water Quality in … National Pesticide Information Retrieval System's USEPA/OPP Chemical Ingredients Database on Oxyfluorfen (42874-03-3). Available from, as of August 1, 2007: Broad spectrum pre- and post-emergent control of annual broadleaf and grassy weeds in a variety of tree, fruit, nut, vine, and field crops. Effects on aquatic organisms: Oxyfluorfen is highly toxic to aquatic invertebrates, freshwater clams, oysters, aquatic plants, and fish. The FQPA Safety Factor for protection of … Apparent Oxyfluorfen 240 Herbicide . Propaquizafop is a quinoxaline derivative used as systemic herbicide for annual and perennial grasses. Most are used in the paddy fields, due to low poisonous effect on fish and shellfish. Press Release | 20th May 2020. Use only the 0.008 lb ai/a rate on tall fescue and perennial ryegrass and low rates of oxyfluorfen ranging from 0.03 to 0.046 lb ai/a (2 to 3 oz/a Goal 2XL or Galigan 2E). If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Oxyfluorfen: Catalog No. It is very toxic to aquatic … (1992) reported that California citrus growers depend on herbicides for weed control. For dermal decontamination, remove clothing and wash skin … Eye irritation: May cause moderate eye irritation. ... Ingestion: If poisoning occurs, contact a Doctor or Poisons Information Centre. A truck carrying formulated oxyfluorfen (Goal 2XL) crashed on a bridge spilling approximately 20,000 gallons of herbicide into the creek yards from where the creek enters the Columbia River. 2 DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Timing: For best results spray when weeds are in the seedling stage. Rygel Oxyfluorfen Herbicide 3/8 CONDITIONS OF SALE The use of Rygel Oxyfluorfen Herbicide being beyond the control of the … Poisoning; Rapid growth; Produces spines, thorns or burrs; Likelihood of entry/control. CCOc1cc(ccc1[N+](=O) [O-])Oc2ccc(cc2Cl)C(F)(F)F Copy. Oxyfluorfen is registered for residential use. Darcy's law is valid for b) Al toxicity a) Only saturated flow c) Fe toxicity b) Only unsaturated flow d) H2S poisoning c) Both saturated and unsaturated flow d) None of the above 66. Acute Toxic Agents View All. It has a role as a xenobiotic, an environmental contaminant, an agrochemical and a phenoxy herbicide. Remarks Control is difficult, although tribenuron methyl tank mixes with oxyfluorfen or 2,4-D plus dicamba appear promising in grass grown for seed efficacy trials. : 42874-03-3 15. exposed base label copy area1” height x 6.5” width. Oxyfluorfen; CASRN 42874-03-3. Mild to moderate eye irritant; mild skin irritant (rabbits). Chlorpyrifos is a colorless to white crystalline solid. Then you can get the Oxyfluorfen. First-aid measures Remove affected person to fresh air until recovered. Oral:Acute oral LD 50 for rats and dogs >5000 mg/ kg. The used concentrations were acute: LC50 for 6 days, sub-acute 1/3 LC50 for 15 days and chronic … Herbicide Mode-Of-Action Summary. Oxyfluorfen and other herbicidal inhibitors of protoporphyrinogen oxidase are being evaluated by EFED and ORD for possible phototoxicity based on reports of porphyrin accumulation in test animals. 64742-94-5 40–60% Other Ingredients 5-25% Total 100% 4. 3123 . Pre-emergent and early post-emergent control of broadleaf weeds in dormant orchards. When substitution is at the ortho position, it has weeding activity only in illumination, such as chlornitrofen, poly tetramethylene oxide, bifenox, oxyfluorfen, etc. If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. It has caused cancer in some animals has had toxic InChI=1S/C15H11ClF3N O4/c1-2-23-14-8-10(4-5-12(14)20(21)22)24-13-6-3-9(7 … Have the product label or SDS with you when calling or going for treatment. Footnotes. Other Names: Oxyflurofen. Group G Herbicide. 2-Chloro-1-(3-ethoxy-4-nitrophenoxy)-4-(trifluoromethyl)benz ene. Oxyfluorfen 042874-03-3 23% N-methyl-2-pyrolidone (NMP) 872-50-4 10–20% Solvent naptha (petroleum) heavy aromatic. Sprayer: Wash the tank and clean all filters, screens and tips. /ACCIDENTAL POISONINGS/ On August 22, 2000, Fifteen Mile Creek near the Dalles Dam in Oregon was the site of an oxyfluorfen spill. Results in this paper are based on a harvest occurring on Jun 5, 1988. Most diphenyl ether herbicides are used on soil before seeding to prevent annual weeding and have a function of contact poisoning. Olanzapine Overdose. EPA is issuing a Notice of Intent to Cancel all remaining flubendiamide products manufactured by Bayer CropScience LP and Nichino America, Inc. because the companies failed to comply with a condition of registration and because the products pose risks to aquatic invertebrates that are important to the health of aquatic environments. 16. poisoning of bees by pesticides, those cases that are "clear cut" or "borderline" should be reported. You should be cautious while dealing with this chemical. (1991) showed that D. cordata can be effectively controlled under tea with glyphosate or oxyfluorfen. Telephone Number: 03 9822 1321 . 1,2 Chlorpyrifos has a mild mercaptan (thiol) odor, similar to the smell of sulfur compounds found in rotten eggs, onions, garlic and skunks. Indian vet J 2008, 85(2), 204-5. The trial was conducted in a protected environment in a randomized block experimental design, with four replications. oxyfluorfen 42874-03-3 24 Other ingredients determined not to be hazardous up to 100% Section 4: FIRST AID MEASURES Description of Necessary First Aid Measures: In case of poisoning by any exposure route get to a doctor or hospital quickly. Group G Herbicide. Soil binding is highest in soils with high organic matter and clay content [58,11]. Percutaneous:Acute percutaneous LD 50 for rabbits >10 000 mg/kg. Email: … Oxyfluorfen is a phenoxyphenyl-type herbicide which is used for broad-spectrum control of broadleaf and grassy weeds. Formulations of glyphosate include an acid, monoammonium salt, diammonium salt, isopropylamine salt, potassium salt, sodium salt, and trimethylsulfonium or trimesium salt. The presence of pesticide residues in soil is a matter of serious concern as many compounds have been shown to produce adverse effects. Oxyfluorfen is highly toxic to very highly toxic to fish and aquatic invertebrates. However, concentrations predicted by the Agency's surface water models from normal use are generally not high enough to cause an acute concern for fish. Chronic risk to fish and acute and chronic risk to aquatic invertebrates may occur from some uses of oxyfluorfen. Apply in good growing conditions. However, toxicity to humans are rare in literature. Co Poisoning Distributor - Select 2021 high quality Co Poisoning Distributor products in best price from certified Chinese Co Powder manufacturers, Auto Parts Co suppliers, wholesalers and factory on, page 6 Europe PMC is an archive of life sciences journal literature. Potential Hazard Rating: VL=Very low, L=Low, LM=Low to Moderate, M=Moderate, LH=Low to High, MH=Moderate to High, H=High, VH=Very High, N=None, NKR=No Known Risk, —=No data ; Water quality ratings from Pesticide Choice: Best Management Practice (BMP) for Protecting Surface Water Quality in … Ingestion: Do not induce vomiting. … • Oxyfluorfen 2E Herbicide is phytotoxic to plant foliage. The diameter (in mm) of the soil particles which are carried away due to saltation 75. Get latest price of Adama Glyphogan Herbicide,Packaging Size - 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 L, 5 L, 20 L, 200 L, Packaging Type - Bottle, Brand - Glyphogan, Technical Name - Glyphosate 41% SL IPA Salt, Cas Number - 1071-83-6, Crop - Tea, Non Cropped Area, from dealers, distributors and retailers in India. Phytotoxicity:Soya beans and cotton may be injured by contact with oxyfluorfen. ACN/ABN: 143 724 136 . Malignant Hyperthermia. Oxyfluorfen remained in the top 0-5 cm in a 1992 and 1993 study with an application rate of 1.2 kg ai/ha(6). May 19, 2019. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET If additional hazard information is required refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet. Clinical Vignette You are posted as a CMO, casualty in the month of June. Ingestion of toxic dose of oxyfluorfen can be fatal among animals. May 27, 2019. Molecular Formula C 15 H 11 ClF 3 NO 4; Average mass 361.700 Da; Monoisotopic mass 361.032867 Da; ChemSpider ID 35974; More details: Systematic name. Do not apply when weather conditions favor drift to non-target areas. While sunflower recovered from poisoning caused by the oxadiazon was noted slower growth in culture by application of flumioxazin. Oxyfluorfen is a selective pre- and post-emergent contact herbicide used to control certain annual broadleaf and grassy weeds. Oxyfluorfen is a phenoxyphenyl-type herbicide which is used for broad-spectrum control of broadleaf and grassy weeds. peel back book here. First of all, the nitro group (NO 2 ) of oxyfluorfen was reduced into an amino group (NH 2 ) in the presence of stannous chloride (SnCl 2 ) and hydrochloric acid (HCl) to form a new compound (II). Oxyfluorfen penetrated to 5.41-8.89 cm with 3.2-12.8 cm of rain and had a half-life in the soil of 35 days(7). IRIS assessment development process. It is an aromatic ether, an organochlorine compound, a quinoxaline derivative, a carboxylic ester and an oxime O-ether. FIRST AID: Consult the Poisons Information Centre (131126) or a doctor in every case of suspected chemical poisoning. Molbase Encyclopedia provides oxyfluorfen (42874-03-3) basic information, physical and chemical properties, safety information, toxicity, customs data, synthetic routes, maps, MSDS, generation methods and uses, and its upstream and downstream products, find oxyfluorfen … Give a glass of water. Oxyfluorfen is formulated with other active ingredients including oryzalin, glyphosate, pendamethalin, and Imazapyr. A diphenyl-ether herbicide. However, dissolved or soil adsorbed oxyfluorfen may be transported from agriculture areas to aquatic ecosystems by run-off surface water. Check for, and remove if present, … Highly likely to be transported internationally accidentally ; Highly likely to be transported internationally deliberately; Difficult to identify/detect as a commodity contaminant; Difficult to identify/detect in the field; Difficult/costly to control; Uses Top of page. Kabir et al. Phone 131 126. Avoid accidental spray contact or drift with established crops. Oxyfluorfen is highly hydrophobic, therefore may bio-concentrate in animal fatty tissues increasing the risk for prolonged poisoning. As time permits, a more … Wash mouth out with water and give water to drink. Email: … The order of persistence of oxyfluorfen in soil denoted by half-life i.e. Oxyfluorfen is of low acute oral, dermal, and inhalation toxicity. +49 34291 3372-36 Fax. 2,3. Background Oxyfluorfen, a commercially available pesticide, commonly used for weed control in crop production, has been studied in terms of its toxicity, its carcinogenic properties, and its teratogenicity. If swallowed, do NOT induce vomiting. • Some labeled crops are tolerant to over-the-top applications of Oxyfluorfen 2E Herbicide if applied during dormancy. The mode-of-action is the overall manner in which a herbicide affects a plant at the tissue or cellular level. IN CASE OF SPILLS, POISONING OR FIRE TELEPHONE EMERGENCY RESPONSE NUMBER 1-800-424-9300 (24 HOURS A DAY). In case of Poisoning: Poison Information Centre: +27 82 446 8946 Tygerberg Hospital: (+27 21) 931 6129 Poison Emergency Enquiries: (+27 21) 689 5227 Common Name: Oxyfluorfen 240 g/ℓ EC Chemical Name: 2-chloro- , , -trifluoro-p-tolyl 3-ethoxy-4-nitrophenylether Empirical formula: C 15 H 11 CℓF 3 NO 4 CAS No. High quality Selective Natural Weed Killer , 240 G/L Oxyfluorfen Herbicide For Garlic Field from China, China's leading Selective Herbicide product market, With strict quality control Selective Herbicide factories, Producing high quality Selective Natural Weed Killer , 240 G/L Oxyfluorfen Herbicide For Garlic Field products. Statistical analysis was conducted using ANOVA and Fisher’s least significant difference (LSD) test at p = 0.05. Address: Suite G.08, 762 Toorak Road, Hawthorn East, Vic. Create. Use: A selective agricultural emulsifiable concentrate herbicide. A pesticide poisoning occurs when pesticides, chemicals intended to control a pest, affect non-target organisms such as humans, wildlife, plant, or bees.There are three types of pesticide poisoning. Phone Poisons Information Centre. Vapours may irritate eyes causing mild discomfort and 3123 . Oxyfluorfen is a phenoxyphenyl-type herbicide which is used for broad-spectrum control of broadleaf and grassy weeds. Acute Toxic Agents / Functional Class. This Website is built with the sole purpose of spreading facts and debunking misinformation spread by lobbies. PAN India welcomes the proposal of Government of India to ban the 27 pesticides, and urges the Agriculture Ministry to review all the remaining pesticides registered in India with the same criteria used for assessing the 27 chemicals and … InChi. The invention relates to weeding composition containing triazole napropamide and oxyfluorfen. Phone 131 126. Since the biosynthesis of heme is inhibited by oxyfluorfen, there is the possibility that porphyrin precursors of heme could accumulate in the skin and be activated by light and cause toxicity.
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