December 4, 2020. High Schools. For Current SUHSD Employees Only. New User? 12 reviews of Sweetwater Union High School District "As one of the largest school districts, this district holds over 25 schools and thousands of students. 1130 Fifth Avenue Chula Vista, CA 91911 Phone: (619) 585-6081 Fax: (619) 407-4950 Return to District Homepage 2021 Graduation/Promotion Statement COVID-19 Information for Parents and Guardians; Non-Discrimination, Title … Help. Site Search. Click Here for information on the athletic programs offered throughout the Sweetwater District. Performance Data. School Board Sweetwater Union High School District. Empowering students to achieve their goals. Head Start and Early Head Start Registration for 2021-2022 School Year (PDF) Sweetwater Union High School District. May 5. Sweetwater High School Once a Devil, Always a Devil! A couple of the high schools have made top national lists and recognition. Senior Semester 7th block. For Sweetwater Union High School District offered insurance plans, please contact your schools ASB office for more information. Return to District Homepage The Computerized Random Selection for those that applied will be held May 11, 2021. Thank you for your interest in the Sweetwater Union High School District. This District is committed to holding its students to rigorous academic standards which will successfully prepare them to meet the challenges of the 21st Century. Classified Exam Opportunity. More info about online tools for students: Online Tools. Interested in Summer School? Email: Location: Sweetwater High School, 414 S High St, Sweetwater… Certificated (non-management) SEA and SCGA Salary Schedules. High School ... Softball at District Tournament Starts. It is the perfect opportunity to: learn the basics for your Math, Science, or English classes, navigate the campus, and take advantage of academic programs offered. School Board Calendar Sweetwater High School Once a Devil, Always a Devil! If you are a knowledgeable individual with a collaborative style of leadership that corresponds to one of our current vacancies, we invite you to consider bringing your talents, skills, and enthusiasm to our district! Awards Night - Fairview Baptist Tabernacle. The SubFinder system is being replaced with Aesop effective January 1, 2016! Call: 619-585-7995 (parents only). … Site Search. Sweetwater, Tx 79556. Sweetwater Union High School District. The Sweetwater Summer Arts Academy is a FREE one week learning opportunity offered each summer to Sweetwater Union High School District students in Visual and Performing Arts classes.. 2021 Summer School. Pre-Approved Consultants and Contractors The Purchasing Department maintains a list of pre-approved consultants and contractors for various services on their Vendors web page. Site Search. Sweetwater Union High School District. The Sweetwater District has expanded educational opportunities during the 2020/21 school year to accommodate the growing needs of students and families. We support school, district and community partnerships. Site Search. September 23, 2020. This is a great school district with lots of remodeling coming up soon at some schools, thank you to Prop O!" ... High School effective 1-1-2017 (updated 12-4-2017) Extra Service Assignment – Jr & Middle effective 1-1-2017; Miscellaneous Counselor Rates effective 7 … Sweetwater Union High School District. Principal: Roman Del Rosario Castle Park High School. Site Search. Human Resource Services Division Main Number: (619) 691-5530 FAX Number: (619) 420-6836. Launch Academy is an innovative program designed to serve students who benefit from a customized virtual education solution. 11107 N Hwy 30, Sweetwater, OK 73666 Phone: 580-534-2272 Fax: 580-534-2273 Presented by OPSRC Powered by Edlio Edlio Login Calendar Staff Directory Homework Directions Dr. Ana Maria Alvarez Sweetwater Union High School District. Site Search. We sustain positive, equitable and safe learning environments. What are the requirements for becoming a substitute teacher with a valid teaching credential? Sweetwater High School. Salary Schedules. The Sweetwater Union High School District Health Services web site is intended to provide general information of interest to students and parents regarding health information and resources. Sweetwater Union High School District believes that students’ participation in school sponsored athletic activities improves academic achievement and should be part of a well-rounded education. The site is not intended to provide medical advice for specific symptoms or conditions; nor is it a substitute for medical or professional care. HR Staff. Parent Username. Online Student Lunch Applications will be available starting Thursday, July 1, 2021. We promote respect and responsibility for … 2021 Graduation/Promotion Statement COVID-19 Information for Parents and Guardians; The Sweetwater Union High School District is a school district headquartered in Chula Vista, California. 1130 Fifth Avenue Chula Vista, CA 91911 Phone: (619) 585-4405 Fax: (619) 407-4980. Forgot Username? Each day will be divided into 5 sessions including … Please read this letter from the SUHI Summer Bridge Leadership Team . Forgot Password? Assistant Superintendents. Information From The Sweetwater Union High School District. Site Search. The Sweetwater Union High School District, the largest secondary school district in California, is seeking experienced, innovative and energetic professionals to join the districts management team. Welcome to the Sweetwater Union High School District’s Aesop substitute system webpage! Learn all about how to navigate the portal as a student here. Location: TBA. Human Resources has added an exam date for this Wednesday, June 9, 2021. Welcome to the Illuminate Home Connection Portal! 05.05.21. Sweetwater Union High School District . While the high schools in the Sweetwater Union High School District have been given permission to share the information that parks, such as Universal Studios, are advertising for Seniors, the district and Southwest High School shall not be liable for any participation in Grad Nite events that Seniors schedule and attend on their own this year. Jupiter Grades Sweetwater High will be using Jupiter Grades as its uniform grading system. By using one grading system, this will make it easier for parents to monitor student grades and communicate with teachers effectively. You can also change the language and set up weekly alerts. With the Summer Meals Program, children and teens ages 18 and younger can continue to eat healthy throughout the summer at no cost. For questions about specific sports offered at your child’s school site, please visit the ASB office on your campus or speak with your school’s Athletic Director. Sweetwater ISD will be serving breakfast at the Sweetwater Intermediate Campus Our children need nutritious meals to learn, grow, thrive even when school is out. Username: Password: Create Account Forgot Password If this isn't your district, you can search for your district here. Information From The Sweetwater Union High School District. Sweetwater High will be using Jupiter Grades as its uniform grading system. 1130 Fifth Avenue Chula Vista, CA 91911 Phone: (619) 691-5550 Fax: (619) 425-3394 Return to District Homepage Then, watch the video below and register: ... Information From The Sweetwater Union High School District. Classified Employment. Without Insurance, a student athlete will not be able to clear for a sport. The 2019 Academy takes place at Chula Vista High School from June 10th through June 14th, 2019 from 9am-4pm, Monday thru Friday.Lunch will be served. Sweetwater Called out for Not Disclosing Deal With Employees The San Diego County Office of Education sent a letter to the Sweetwater Union High School District … 1395 Hilltop Drive 1130 Fifth Avenue Chula Vista, CA 91911 Phone: (619) 691-5553 Fax: (619) 420-0339 Return to District Homepage For additional information please contact the Sweetwater Union High School District’s Planning and Construction Department at (619) 691-5553. Log in to Campus Student or. Please call the main number for all … Location: Sweetwater High School, 414 South High Street, Sweetwater, TN 37874-2337. Make sure you talk to your counselor to verify it’s the correct option for you. 1130 Fifth Avenue Chula Vista, CA 91911 Phone: (619) 691-5553 Fax: (619) 420-0339 Return to District Homepage Administration. The Black Student Union Elders of the Sweetwater Union High School District are pleased to present our next Empowering Speakers Series event. On May 7, we will have a conversation with Daniel Adams, Associate Psychometrician at the Educational Testing Service (ETS), the corporate partner of the College Board that develops and administers the SAT. National Honor Society Sweetwater Chapter. Password Show. Please send your email request to: (325) 235-4371 phone. Dr. Moises Aguirre Superintendent The Sweetwater school board and district employees share accountability for district's operations, but Superintendent Karen Janney, the chief financial officer … About SUHSD, school board, departments, schools, employment, news, and contact details. Bonita Vista High School. By using one grading system, this will make it easier for parents to monitor student grades and communicate with teachers effectively. Maribel Gavin Principal Phone: (619) 474-9700 ... Information From The Sweetwater Union High School District. (325) 235-4861 fax. Site Search. For questions - Student Support Services Department: Summer Bridge 2021 will be happening at Sweetwater High School. We encourage wellness and healthy lifestyles. Bus Pass assistance, please call Transportation Department (619) 691-5527. The union high school district serves over 42,000 high school-aged students and over 32,000 adult learners. Sweetwater High School Transcript Request Form. October 27, 2020. SUHSD offers a variety of athletic activities for Grade 7-12. DATES: June 7th, 2021 to June 17th, 2021. 1205 Ragland Street. Sweetwater Union High School District. You can also change the language and set up weekly alerts. 2021 Graduation/Promotion Statement COVID-19 Information for Parents and Guardians Welcome to Student Support Services. Site Search. Online Tools – Sweetwater High School. Sweetwater Union High School District is looking for Substitute Teachers! Homepage for Sweetwater Union High School District. The Grants and Communications Department at the Sweetwater Union High School District provides accurate news and information regarding activities, events, honors and achievements to the school community and the general public about the district. May 12. Sweetwater Union High School District. As of 2011, the school district is the largest secondary school district in California.. Start your registration process by going to your school’s clearance domain. Sweetwater Independent School District. Phone: (619) 397-2000 Fax: (619) 656-1203. June 18, 2020. 751 Otay Lakes Road Chula Vista, CA 91913. This new automated system greatly simplifies and streamlines the process of recording and managing absences and finding substitutes.
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