Carbon black has been shown to cause lung tumors in rats at high exposure concentrations. Personal Protective Equipment recommended in section 8 of the MSDS. Component Human experience Titanium dioxide 13463-67-7 Epidemiological studies to date have not revealed any evidence of a relation between exposure to titanium dioxide and diseases of the The most recent change is the European Commission’s classification of TiO 2 as a suspected carcinogen (cat 2.) About product and suppliers: anatase titanium dioxide msds solutions are extremely important for distinct industries to serve a variety of multiple purposes. Titanium dioxide Titania O2Ti 79,87 g/mol Concentration Titanium dioxide, nanoparticles range in size from 1 to 150 nm CAS-No. Results of a epidemiology study showed that employees who had been exposed to Titanium Dioxide were at no greater risk of 7920DL Titanium Oxide Nanoparticles/ Nanopowder MSDS for Download Titanium Oxide( TiO2 ) Nanopowder General Description This material is a fine white powder composed of titanium oxide particles ranging from 10nm to 30nm in diameter. Production. Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) is the main white pigment widely used across many packaged food products, including confections, soups, fillings, sauces, pet food, and powdered soft drinks to name a few. Titanium Dioxide TiO2, Anatase TiO2, Anatase TiO2 B101 manufacturer / supplier in China, offering TiO2 Pigment MSDS/Titanium Dioxide B-101 Anatase Grade, Rutile Titanium Dioxide TiO2 Pigment for Paint, Ink, Plastic, Hot Sale TiO2 Content 94%Min Rutile Titanium Dioxide Use for Leather, Coatings and Solvent Inks and so on. Store : 13463-67-7 Molecular Weight: 79.90 Chemical Formula: TiO2 HS Number: 2823-00-9000 TMC Co., Ltd The information in Titanium Dioxide MSDS was obtained from current and reliable sources. These titanium dioxide msds are also available in the form of MgO nanopowder that is widely used in numerous heating, agricultural, industrial, and electronic solutions. Inhalation: At high concentrations: can irritate the nose and throat. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET (MSDS) 09/04/2015 1/8 TITANIUM DIOXIDE AR MSDS CAS No: 13463-67-7 MSDS SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking 2-Hydroxy Ethyl Methacrylate. Hard copy (paper) MSDS Titanium Dioxide; MSDS No. You can ensure product safety from certified suppliers certified to the relevant standards. Short-term overexposure by inhalation to Titanium Dioxide may cause irritation of nose, throat, and lungs with cough, difficulty breathing or shortness of breath. Ti-Pure™ R-900 provides high brightness and excellent hiding in a wide variety of gloss applications. Do NOT allow rubbing of eyes or keeping eyes closed. 16. 150000002071 8 / 8 MSDS preparation date : 12/18/2013 Restrictions for use : Ti-Pure ® products may not be directly added to food or pharmaceuticals and are not recommended for use in medical devices or cosmetics. 1.. IntroductionStarting in the late 1960s, we have been involved in an unfolding story whose main character is the fascinating material titanium dioxide (TiO 2).This story began with photoelectrochemical solar energy conversion and then shifted into the area of environmental photocatalysis, including self-cleaning surfaces, and most recently into the area of photoinduced … Features and Benefits. Product Name: TI02/Titanium Dioxide Distributed By: HB Chemical 1665 Enterprise Parkway Twinsburg Oh 44087 Phone - 330-920-8023 MSDS Prepared By (w Suppliers Input): HB Chemical Chemical Name / Family: Titanium Dioxide CAS No. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET AEROXIDE® TiO2 P 25 Material no. EC-No. May cause allergy or asthma symptoms or breathing difficulties if inhaled . It is an universal purpose type titanium dioxide, more specifically for top grade water- & solvent-based coating system Architecture,Industry,Powder,Wood, Plastic, masterbatch, PVC, paper and so on.When used as a pigment, it is called titanium white, Pigment White 6 (PW6), or CI 77891. Material Safety Data Sheet Titanium Dioxide Pigment Date prepared: November 21, 2003 MSDS Ref. Titanium Dioxide Pigment - All grades Product Information Product Identifier: TITANIUM DIOXIDE PIGMENT Formula: TI02 Chemical Type: Pigment WHMIS Class: Not regulated Intended Use: Raw Material for manufacturing industry. Storage: Titanium dioxide is a stable chemical compound that does not decompose during storage but can pick up moisture from the environment if not stored properly effecting product performance. Policies. 2, H351 STOT RE 2, H373 SECTION 4: First aid measures 4.1. Note: This section lists all products manufactured by KRONOS worldwide. Most of our titanium production is destined for the automotive industry, which uses it to manufacture complex mechanical parts. Titanium Dioxide R656. Information on toxicological effects Acute toxicity : Oral: Harmful if swallowed. - Dust may be irritating to eyes, will not lead to permanent damage to eye tissue. Kontak dengan kulit (1) Titanium dioksida: Secara topikal bahan ini dilaporkan tidak toksik dan secara kimiawi tidak mengiritasi. Manufactured via a proprietary chloride process, Ti … T3627; Mallinckrodt Baker: Phillipsburg, NJ, November 12, 2003. ACS Style Guide 2006 edition addresses how to cite an MSDS. MSDS/COA Download. If the online version was used, the designation “Online” is included in brackets after the MSDS number, and the URL and date accessed are included at the end of the citation. 65 Components This product does not contain any chemicals known to State of California to cause cancer, birth defects, or any other reproductive harm. MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) Rutile Section 1 : Product and Company Identification Synonyms: Titanium Dioxide, Rutile, CAS No. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product Name: Titanium Dioxide, Powder Synonyms/Generic Names: Titanium (IV) oxide, Titania Product Number: 5855 Product Use: Industrial, Manufacturing or Laboratory use Manufacturer: Columbus Chemical Industries, Inc. N4335 Temkin Rd. What are the potential health effects of titanium dioxide? Specification 132843 Order Number Version 2.4 / US Revision date 06/26/2013 Print Date 12/06/2013 Page 6 / 9 MSDS-US (R11/011) / 6/26/2013 1:48 inorganic particles (fine dusts)- such as titanium dioxide - is ongoing. Material Safety Data Sheet Titanium dioxide MSDS Section 1: Chemical Product and Company Identification Product Name: Titanium dioxide Catalog Codes: SLT2686, SLT1966, SLT3259 CAS#: 13463-67-7 RTECS: XR2275000 TSCA: TSCA 8(b) inventory: Titanium dioxide CI#: Not available. of ISK’s titanium dioxide products (WHITE Pigments)). Material Safety Data Sheet Section 1 – Product Description Product name: Nano Titanium dioxide, rutile, 99.5% . 6$)(7< '$7$ 6+((7 &rqirupv wr 5hjxodwlrq 1r &)5 'dwh ri lvvxh 'dwh ri uhylvlrq 0dufk 'dwh ri lvvxh 0dufk 06'6 1r /rprq %loolrqvb5 b86b However, the data is provided without any warranty, expressed or implied, regarding its correctness or accuracy. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET (MSDS) COTIOX KA-100 Anatase Titanium Dioxide For General Grade Company Name : COSMO CHEMICAL CO.,LTD. Common Name Titanium Dioxide Rutile Formula TiO 2 CAS Number 13463-67-7 COMPONENT CAS NUMBER CONCENTRATION Titanium Dioxide 13463-67-7 >= 92% Aluminum Oxide 1344-28-1 2.6 – 3.5% Silicon Dioxide 7631-86-9 0.8 – 3.3% TITANIUM DIOXIDE Page 2 of 6 Determining Your Exposure Other Effects Read the product manufacturer’s Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and the label to determine product ingredients and important safety and health information Signal word. titanium dioxide msds manufacturer/supplier, China titanium dioxide msds manufacturer & factory list, find qualified Chinese titanium dioxide msds manufacturers, suppliers, factories, exporters & wholesalers quickly on Titanium Dioxide 13463-67-7 236-675-5 100 . 3 Effective date : 12.29.2014 Page 2 of 7 Titanium Dioxide Powder Created by Global Safety Management, Inc. -Tel: 1-813-435-5161 - Odour: Odourless Canadian TDG: Not specifically listed in Canadian TDG Regulations, but may be regulated as part of a chemical family or group Not Otherwise Specified (N.O.S. Name: Titanium Dioxide CAS: 13463-67-7 EC Number: 236-675-5 Chemical Formular: TiO2 Appearance: White solid Molecular Weight: 79.865 g/mol … 3 The relative … Material Safety Data Sheet Titanium dioxide MSDS Section 1: Chemical Product and Company Identification Product Name: Titanium dioxide Catalog Codes: 11856, 21856 CAS#: 13463-67-7 RTECS: XR2275000 TSCA: TSCA 8(b) inventory: Titanium dioxide CI#: Not available. SAFETY DATA SHEET according to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 (REACH) and Commission Regulation (EU) No 453/2010 Titanium Dioxide Pigment Date: 01.04.15 Version: 6.0 Replaces version: 5.0 Page 2 of 13 8600 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD, 20894 USA. Pure rutile has a density of 4.2 g/cm3, while pure anatase has a density of 3.8 g/cm3. : 13463-67-7 Molecular Weight: 79.90 Chemical Formula: TiO2 HS Number: 2823-00-9000 TMC Co., Ltd ).Consult the regulations. Namun, titanium dioksida kadang-kadang begitu oklusif sehingga menimbulkan miliaria (biang keringat). 13463-67-7 236-675-5-4. Titanium dioxide is a very white, opaque compound, used as a pigment in paints, plastics and paper. Phthalic Anhydride. Description:Titanium Dioxide is a naturally occurring oxide of titanium manufactured through chemical synthesis from high titanium mineral and strong acid. We are a leading supplier to the global Life Science industry with solutions and services for research, biotechnology development and production, and pharmaceutical drug therapy development and production. Find titanium dioxide and related products for scientific research at MilliporeSigma Request for a scientific opinion on Titanium dioxide (TiO2) (CAS/EC numbers 13463-67-7/236-675-5, 1317-70-0/215-280-1, 1317-80-2/215-282-2) used in cosmetic products Commission Department requesting the Opinion: Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs 1. First-aid Measures FIRST AID - EYE CONTACT: Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes holding eyelids open. For the purposes of these limits, respirable dust and inhalable dust are those fractions of the airborne dust which will be collected when sampling is undertaken in accordance with the methods described in MDHS14/3 General Titanium(IV) oxide CAS 13463-67-7 for analysis EMSURE® Reag. My company has received an MSDS from a supplier that lists Titaniun Dioxide as a carcinogen. Titanium Dioxide SECTION 1: Identification 1.1 Product identifier Product name Titanium Dioxide Product number chem-6 Brand Bulk Apothecary 1.4 Supplier's details Name Bulk Apothecary Address 115 Lena Dr Aurora OH 44202 United States Telephone 1-888-728-7612 email 1.5 Emergency phone number(s) 13463-67-7 white pwder TiO2 titanium dioxide R210 Assay:not lower than Appearance:white power Package:Offer 25kg/kraft bag with pallets or 500kg/ 1000kg big woven bag on clients' request Storage:The product is a kind of white powder which is safe, nontoxic and harmless.Keep from moisture during transport and should be stored in a cool, ventilated, dry place. 13463-67-7 REACH No. EH40 Occupational . 2-Ethylhexyl Acrylate. Titanium Reliable Source, Inc. Version: 1, Revision: 0, Date of issue: February 28, 2019, p. 2 of 10 Pictogram. Individual Protection Measures, Such as Personal Protective Equipment Note: This section lists all products manufactured by KRONOS worldwide. DINP. Titanium Dioxide Rutile 13463-67-7 236-675-5 91.5 Section 5: Fire and Explosion Data General Information: As in any fire, wear a self-contained breathing apparatus in pressure-demand, MSHA/NIOSH Skin Contact: May cause mild irritation. It’s with prominent dispersibili... view Anatase Titanium Dioxide A-201 July 3, 2017 Product CharacteristicsAnatase tio2 A-201 is a Anatase titanium dioxide produced by sulphate process. SECTION III - HAZARD IDENTIFICATION -Health 0 . 4.1 FIRST AID MEASURES Description of first aid measures General advice Contact. Address : … National Library of Medicine. From our earliest beginnings to modern times, KRONOS continues to lead the industry in … Titanium dioxide. Dust may be irritating to skin. Explosion hazard : Titanium tetrachloride is not flammable. Butyl Acrylate. Titanium Dioxide R688. 1 of 4 LTS Research Laboratories, Inc. Safety Data Sheet Titanium Oxide Advice for firefighters Safety Data Sheet according to 29CFR1910/1200 and GHS Rev. The TLV and PEL show it to be nuisance dust. The MSDS was prepared using the guidelines provided by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Form Z400.1 – 1993. Source Products By Show Name: Chemsrc provides titanium dioxide(CAS#:13463-67-7) MSDS, density, melting point, boiling point, structure, formula, molecular weight etc. Titanium dioxide LC50 Inhalation Dusts and mists Rat - Male >6.82 mg/L 4 hours LD50 Oral Rat >5000 mg/kg - Aluminium oxide LC50 Inhalation Dusts and mists Rat - Male, PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME: Titanium Oxide (TiO2) Pieces GENERAL USE: Physical vapor deposition of thin films GENERIC NAME: Titanium(IV) oxide, Titanium dioxide MANUFACTURER 24 HR. : 13463-67-7 Other Names: TiO2, Titanium white Main Uses: Pigment, filler, opacifying agent Appearance: White powder. TiO2 is not listed as a carcinogen by either NTP or IARC. Recommended Use: coating, paint, battery, textile As the voice of the titanium dioxide industry, the Titanium Dioxide Manufacturers Association (TDMA) is working closely with EU authorities to ensure the safe use of TiO 2 in all its applications. Titanium dioksida: Inhalasi dapat menyebabkan iritasi dan batuk. The most common use—coatings and plastics—accounts for more than 80 percent of global consumption. features the purest and top-class anatase titanium dioxide msds solutions from leading sellers who excel in delivering high-quality products worth your money. TiO2 is an impurity in their clay mineral produce. MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) Rutile Section 1 : Product and Company Identification Synonyms:Titanium Dioxide, Rutile, CAS No.:13463-67-7 Molecular Weight:79.90 Page 1 of 6 Revised on 9/28/2012 Safety Data Sheet Titanium Dioxide, Powder 1. Titanium dioxide (TiO2) is an important inorganic chemical product, which has important applications in coatings, inks, paper, plastics, chemicals, ceramics and other industries. Development. Rutile Titanium Dioxide R-2012 June 29, 2017 Titanium dioxide Anatase Type Fiber Grade is white powder, insoluble in water, no toxicity, chemical performance stability, high tint reducing power and hiding power. Fire hazard : Irritating dense white fumes of titanium dioxide and hydrogen chloride develop when material is exposed to water or open flame. Titanium dioxide pigment (chemical formula: TiO 2) is an inorganic white pigment found in an array of end uses. 2-Hydroxy Propyl Methacrylate. Acrylic Acid Glacial Grade. Ph Eur - Find MSDS or SDS, a COA, data sheets and more information. Remarks . ISK is a chemical manufacturer contributing to a better living environment and improved food production. Since 1916, KRONOS Worldwide, Inc. has been producing titanium dioxide pigments (TiO 2 ), the world's primary pigment for providing whiteness, brightness and opacity. Information concerning the handling and use of our products are provided below. Debu dapat menyebabkan gangguan pada hidung. Titanium dioxide (TiO 2, titania) is one of the most important materials having various important applications, such as water and air purification, self-cleaning materials and photovoltaic cells.TiO 2 is an n-type semiconductor having a wide band gap (3.2eV for anatase and 3.0eV for rutile). CAS No. H334. Mubychem Group has several manufacturing facilities spread across Western India and world wide contacts and toll … To determine which products are available in your region, click on the Product Selection Wizard on the right. MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) Rutile Section 1 : Product and Company Identification Synonyms: Titanium Dioxide, Rutile, CAS No. It is 1.2. Danger . Unsuitable extinguishing media Material Safety Data Sheet DuPont ™ Ti-Pure ® Titanium Dioxide Pigment - Paint Coatings - Dry Grades Version 3.1 Revision Date 12/18/2013 Ref. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET (MSDS) 09/04/2015 1/8 TITANIUM DIOXIDE AR MSDS CAS No: 13463-67-7 MSDS SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking Titanium dioxide | TiO2 - PubChem. Hydrogen chloride. Titanium dioxide is an odorless powder that is added to foods and over-the-counter products to enhance their white color or opacity. Common Name Titanium Dioxide Rutile Formula TiO 2 CAS Number 13463-67-7 COMPONENT CAS NUMBER CONCENTRATION Titanium Dioxide 13463-67-7 >= 92% Aluminum Oxide 1344-28-1 2.6 – 3.5% Silicon Dioxide 7631-86-9 0.8 – 3.3% Details of the supplier … Fisher Science Education™ Titanium Dioxide Structure Search; Print SDS. In case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible). Precautionary statement(s) P261 Hard copy (paper) MSDS Titanium Dioxide ; MSDS No. Nano titanium dioxide 13463-67-7 TWA 10 mg/m3 UK. Titanium dioxide is an odorless powder that is added to foods and over-the-counter products to enhance their white color or opacity. Product. Ti-Pure™ R-706 is a rutile titanium dioxide (TiO₂) pigment that is a benchmark grade for interior and exterior coatings. Features and Benefits. It is also used to produce toothpaste, sunscreen and cosmetics. MSDS obtained from an Internet search Coatings and resins Industry Series Titanium Dioxide R681. OTHER INFORMATION The viscosity level of these titanium dioxide msds is extremely high, however, it can be diluted with other solutions very easily. 150000002071 8 / 8 MSDS preparation date : 12/18/2013 Restrictions for use : Ti-Pure ® products may not be directly added to … This product may contain carbon black. Articles of titanium dioxide are included as well. National Center for Biotechnology Information. No adverse effects expected. Titanium dioxide 13463-67-7 Contains a component which is classified as an IARC 2B carcinogen (possibly carcinogenic to humans). DuPont ™ Ti-Pure ® Titanium Dioxide Pigment - Paint Coatings - Dry Grades Version 3.1 Revision Date 12/18/2013 Ref. It is an alumina surface coated anatase titanium dioxide. FIRST AID MEASURES 4.1 Description of first aid measures Page 1 of 6 Titanium Dioxide CAS No 13463-67-7 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET SDS/MSDS This page introduces the outline, specifications and uses (paints, inks, plastics, paper, others) etc. : 01-2119489379-17-xxxx Product Use: White pigment for application in following industries: Fisher Science Education™ Titanium Dioxide . SunPURO® TITANIUM DIOXIDE (C47-5001) C.I 77891. Pigment White 6. Titanium dioxide has been assigned exposure limits by ACGIH and OSHA base on nuisance dust and not toxicity. Use fire-extinguishing media suitable for the surrounding fire. : AC384290000; AC384290010; AC384290500; AC384292500 CAS-No 13463-67-7 Synonyms Titanium dioxide Recommended Use Laboratory chemicals. The SDS must be fully read and understood prior to any exposure, handling or use of any product. Butyl Methacrylate. MSDS No : M-2200-305 Titanium Oxide (TiO2) Pieces 1. National Institutes of Health. The following information is provided to assist if titanium tetrachloride is present in a fire situation. SAFETY DATA SHEET Creation Date 21-Sep-2009 Revision Date 17-Nov-2020 Revision Number 5 1. Titanium Dioxide (CAS No) 13463-67-7 40 - 50 Carc. 5.3. Synonyms : Titanium dioxide Titania Formula : O2Ti Molecular Weight : 79,89 g/mol 4. Newly developed "Aluminum free type micro titanium dioxide" (PDF:739KB) Jun.29,2010 Announcement concerning micro titanium dioxide for drug products Tayca underwent and passed an FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) GMP inspection in regard to the manufacture of micro titanium dioxide MT-100TV, in August 2009. The above is the search results for Chinese Titanium Dioxide Msds, click for more recommended manufacturers & suppliers listings such as titanium dioxide, titanium dioxide rutile, tio2. They reference the NIOSH Pocketguide. Ti-Pure™ R-900 is a rutile titanium dioxide (TiO₂) pigment with a simplified surface design that opens an extended range of performance options. You need to store them in a cool dry place away from flammable substances. Section 1: Chemical Product and Company Identification Material Identification: TIOPREM C® GRAY Formula: TiO2, Titanium Dioxide The msds titanium dioxide food grade products are most popular in India, Pakistan, Vietnam, Indonesia, Brazil, Russia, Mexico, United States, Turkey, Germany, etc. Titanium Dioxide, Powder 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product Name: Titanium Dioxide, Powder Synonyms/Generic Names:Titanium (IV) oxide, Titania Product Number: 5855 Product Use:Industrial, Manufacturing or Laboratory use Manufacturer:Columbus Chemical Industries, Inc. N4335 Temkin Rd. Columbus, WI. 53925 … Titanium Dioxide Pigment Date: 01.04.15 Version: 6.0 Replaces version: 5.0 Page 1 of 13 1. The above is the search results for Chinese Titanium Dioxide Msds, click for more recommended manufacturers & suppliers listings such as titanium dioxide, titanium dioxide rutile, tio2. TITANIUM TETRACHLORIDE, 99% (7550-45-0) LD50 oral rat 1780 mg/kg ATE US (dust, mist) 0.404 mg/l/4h Titanium tetrachloride (7550-45-0) Titanium Oxide (TiO, TiO2, Ti2O3, Ti3O5 powder and pieces) Suitable extinguishing media The product is not flammable. 13463-67-7. Identification Product Name Titanium(IV) oxide Cat No. Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) CAS#: 13463-67-7 Xylene CAS#: 95-47-6 New Jersey Right To Know Components Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) CAS#: 13463-67-7 Xylene CAS#: 95-47-6 California Prop. Get medical attention. DOP. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE AND OF THE COMPANY 1.1 Product identifier Substance name Titanium dioxide Trade name Titanium dioxide pigment all types: TiOx-220, TiOx-230, TiOx-270, TiOx-271, TiOx-280 EC# 236-675-5 CAS# 13463-67-7 To determine which products are available in your region, click on the Product Selection Wizard on the right. 2 The titanium dioxide content and density of the pigments de-pend on the type and quantity of the treatment substances used to improve the application properties. Titanium Dioxide SDS, MSDS Sheet: Muby Chemicals of Mubychem Group, established in 1976, is the original manufacturers of Specialty Chemicals, Pharmaceutical Excipient, Fragrance Food & Flavor chemicals, Reagent Grade Chemicals, Shale Gas Fracturing Chemicals in India. May cause an allergic skin reaction . Extinguish with alcohol-resistant foam, carbon dioxide, dry powder or water fog. Wash thoroughly after handling. It provides flexibility and reliability for applications and formulations where appearance is critical. This MSDS format adheres to the standards and regulatory requirements of the United States. FOIA. FOB Price: USD $ 2750.0-2750.0/Metric Ton. Rutile titanium dioxide pigment, produced by sulfate process. These concentrations … Main Routes of Exposure: Inhalation; skin contact; eye contact. Inhalation:dust,mist: Fatal if inhaled. CAS Registry No. T3627; Mallinckrodt Baker: Phillipsburg, NJ, November 12, 2003. Department of Health and Human Services. Min.Order: 10 Metric Ton. SunPURO™ TITANIUM DIOXIDE (C47-5001) by Sun Chemical is a coloring pigment. Question: What is the carcinogen status of TiO2 as per OSHA? SECTION 11: Toxicological information 11.1. PRECHEZA's production program is focused mainly on manufacturing of inorganic pigments and other chemicals gained as intermediate products.The most important product manufactured by Precheza is PRETIOX titanium dioxide.Our own technology of titanium dioxide manufacturing is considered family silver of the Czech Republic.The Czech Republic was the 4th country in the world to develop it as … Exposure Limits . Titanium Dioxide 13463-67-7 0.1-1.0 Not Available Not Available Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 0.1-1.0 GHS02-GHS07-GHS08 H225-304-332-351-373 4. Uses advised against Food, drug, pesticide or biocidal product use. Exhibits high brightness with a blue tone. Eye Contact: May cause slight irritation as a "foreign object". Titanium dioxide did not show a significant or dose-dependent Titanium dioxide did not show a significant or dose-dependent increase in chromosome aberrations in the bone marrow of male mice via i. p. injection up to the maximum dose of 2500mg/kg bw 17 and 36 hours after dosing. Titanium Dioxide Msds 13463-67-7 Ntr-606 Rutile/tio2 Rutile From China Manufacturer With Low Price , Find Complete Details about Titanium Dioxide Msds 13463-67-7 Ntr-606 Rutile/tio2 Rutile From China Manufacturer With Low Price,Anatase Titanium Dioxide,Msds Titanium Dioxide 13463-67-7,Titanium Dioxide Rutile from Oxide Supplier or Manufacturer-Zhengzhou Sino Chemical Co., Ltd. Description of first aid measures First-aid measures general : Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. Observe good industrial hygiene practices. Fire 0 - Dust may be irritating to lungs and cause sneezing. Ethyl Acrylate. Hazard statement(s) H317. Phthalic Anhydride.
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