Priestly Ordination in the Province of Peru. 5. For the better administration and more efficient apostolate, the Vincentian Congregation is divided into Provinces, Regions and Missions according to its Statutes and Practical Norms. Vincentiana Volume 40 Number 3 Vol. Vincent Rathappillil was appointed Regional Superior on June 11, 2006. Varghese Parappuram VC, the Superior General of the Vincentian Congregation laid the foundation stone to the Retreat Centre in Thika. Verified employers. Italiano. The Superior General is ele See All. Vincentian International Mission Services (VIMS) helps fuel the growth and development of the Congregation of the Mission especially in countries where resources are few and progress is difficult. Read in: Español. There are a number of apostolic societies, such as the Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul, who make vows or other bonds defined in their constitutions to undertake to live the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity, and obedience. Archbishop Timothy Costelloe with (L_R) Maddington Parish Priest Father Varghese Parackal, Vincentian Congregation Superior General, the Very Rev Fr Sebastian Thundathikunnel and Provincial Superior Rev Fr Mathew Kakkatupillil at the Mass to open and bless a new Vincentian retreat centre in Byford. Dominique Hanon was the new superior at the seminary of Amiens; he would later become Superior General of the Lazarists. Call Us Now! Afterwards everybody went to the Adamson University Theatre for the Vincentian Family meeting with the Superior General. To all the members of the Vincentian Family. His visit to the fourth Sister was longer because she was able to engage herself longer! Titled, "My Broken Christ," read Lenten Letter 2021 from Fr. Rome, 25 January 2017. Gay oversees almost 4,000 Vincentian priests and brothers and more than 23,000 Daughters of Charity in 90 countries. Dear Brothers and Sisters, May grace and peace of Our Lord Jesus Christ fill our hearts now and forever! Longding: The Vincentian Congregation has elected Father John Kandathinkara, a missionary priest working in Longding District of Arunachal Pradesh as their new superior general. The Vincentian Family, inter alia, has, as its incumbent head, Tomaž Mavrič [ pt] of Buenos Aires, the incumbent worldwide superior general of the Congregation of the Mission, elected during the community's 42nd General Assembly (June 27 – July 15, 2016) in Chicago. Vincentian leaders "unanimously acknowledged as a providential call for the Vincentian Family to begin a “new apostolate” of interreligious dialogue in a better and more appropriate way for the benefit of its mission. " Elected in January 17, 1661 following the death of Vincent de Paul in 1660, Fr Alméras held the office of Superior General till his own death on September 22, 1672. 5. Fr. SUPERIOR GENERAL: VINCENTIAN FAMILY HOMELESS ALLIANCE (FHA) INITIATIVE. 8. The younger Ozanam valued fraternal ties among male friends above all, and the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, founded in 1836, reflected this attachment to an egalitarian world of bachelor men. Members of our education faculty will present on their work combating poverty. 9.VI.2001 . Post navigation. (39) 06 661 3061 00164 Roma – Italia Fax (39) 06… Jubilee Year – 400 th Anniversary of the Vincentian Charism. Robert P. Maloney, responded to the proposal by calling for the meeting of the major superiors/heads of the various communities of the Vincentian Family. Robert P. Maloney, CM, 23rd Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission (1992 to 2004), made extensive contributions to the understanding of the Vincentian charism. Rome, 22 February 2021 Letter on the Vincentian Family Alliance (FHA) Initiative Fr. Robert Mahoney, C.M. On September 27, 2005 Andhra Vincentian Mission was officially raised to the status of a Region in the presence of the Genera… Photos. For the first time, all the international representatives of the 160 branches of the Vincentian Family, Superiors General and International Presidents, were invited to Rome this past January to meet, share, listen to each other, make plans, and take concrete steps to move forward into the future. Vincentian Mission Reception and Awarding of Special Academic Honors. After four months of its erection as the new Region, Father Mali is elected as the new Regional superior of the said Region, said Father Naresh Nayak, a Vincentian. Superior General, Mission, Social and Charitable Works Fr. Gregory visited a number of houses and communities of the North Indian Province. The Vincentian priests came to Tanzania as a result of the invitation by Vincentian sisters of Untermarchtel and Mbinga especially of the special interest and initiative of late Sr.Gabriela, who requested Fr.Robert Maloney the then Superior Genaral of the CM, for a Vincentian Priest to be the Director of Sisters here in Mbinga. The experience has been so rich. Archives. Golden Jubilarians 2K19. By Fr Felix Antony – Longding: The Vincentian Congregation (VC) elected Father John Kandathinkara, a missionary priest working in Longding District of Arunachal Pradesh as their new Superior General during a general chapter gathering in Edappally, Kochi on 14 April 2021.. Father John Kandanthinkara, working as the Rector of the De Paul Mission in Tissa, Miao Diocese, will succeed … The Vincentian Solidarity Office (VSO) is a program of service of the General Curia of the Congregation of the Mission in Rome, Italy. We obey the pope, the local bishop, the superior general and the provincial. In Announcements, by mfreedman, on July 27th, 2016. 24th successor to St. Vincent de Paul. Français. Email Us at The text is simultaneously both praise and thanks for what was done during this jubilee that officially concludes on 25 January. 2014 . Now, by law Director General of the Vincentian Marian Youth (JMV), Vincentian Lay Missionaries (MiSeVi), and the Association of the Miraculous Medal. Posted on 5 October, 2011 by jmj2011fv. It is known as St. Joseph's Vincentian Novitiate, Blackrock, near Dublin. Tomaž Mavrič, C.M., Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission and successor of St. Vincent de Paul; Vincentian Heritage Convocation 2017, Honorees Mathew Vattakuzhy Asst. The Vincentian Family, inter alia, has, as its incumbent head, Father Tomaž Mavrič, C.M., of Buenos Aires, the incumbent worldwide superior general of the Congregation of the Mission, elected during the community's 42nd General Assembly (June 27–July 15, 2016) in Chicago. He became the superior general during the Congregation of the Mission’s general assembly in Rome in 2004. On Sunday, July 31, 2011 the Baltimore Basilica of National Shrine of the Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary, America’s First Cathedral hosted the very special event in the modern history of the Company of Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul and the Vincentian Family the USA.During the Eucharist presided by Most Rev. To read the letter in Spanish click HERE. More than half of the twenty six branches of the Vincentian Family in the Philippines were in attendance as introduced by Fr. Gregory Gay to be the key-note speaker. Good reading! Sr Ancita Vadayaparampil SCV . Vincentian … 9. Assistant General . In English speaking countries, members of the Congregation of the Mission are known variously as "Vincentian Priests and Brothers", "Vincentian Fathers and Brothers", "Vincentians", or even "the Vins". Superior General. Job email alerts. Born in 1926 in Drogheda, Fr McCullen entered the Vincentian Congregation in 1945 after studying at St Patrick’s College, Armagh. Highlights from Superior General’s Reflections. ... We, as the Vincentian Family must be champions and instruments of God’s peace. The superior general since 1788 was Felix Cayla, a man of great ability. The VSO was established by the Superior General and the General Council of the Congregation of the Mission on June 15, 2002, and opened for service on January 1, 2003. Superior Councils for collaborating with the General Council in the dissemination of it in their countries, publishing it in the official media of the SSVP, in addition to social networks and the Internet, besides discussing it in training courses and Vincentian gatherings. CONGREGAZIONE DELLA MISSIONE CURIA GENERALIZIA Via dei Capasso, 30 Tel. Home - Congregation of the Mission. Foundation. Longding, Apr 16: The Vincentian Congregation (VC) elected Father John Kandathinkara, a missionary priest working in Longding District of Arunachal Pradesh as their new Superior General during a general chapter gathering in Edappally, Kochi on 14 April 2021.. Father John Kandanthinkara, working as the Rector of the De Paul Mission in Tissa, Miao Diocese, will succeed … Longding, Apr 16: The Vincentian Congregation (VC) elected Father John Kandathinkara, a missionary priest working in Longding District of Arunachal Pradesh as their new Superior General during a general chapter gathering in Edappally, Kochi on 14 April 2021.. Father John Kandanthinkara, working as the Rector of the De Paul Mission in Tissa, Miao Diocese, will succeed … See more ideas about lent, reflection, lenten. Let me congratulate you and the other members of the Vincentian 8. The role and responsibilities of the Superior General are set out in the Constitutions of the Congregation of the Mission (Part Three, Chapter 1 Central Administration). Vincentian Safeguarding Commitment; Child Protection Policy; Code of Conduct; The Vincentians in Oceania …called to bring good news to the poor. American Vincentian Provincial Assemblies, 1843-2010 Compiled by John E. Rybolt, C.M. ): Very Rev. Nov 13, 2017 - Our Superior celebrate Vespers and reflects on the beatification of 60 Vincentian Family Martyrs In the Basilica of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal. Mathew Naickomparambil. Honorary Degree – Doctor of Humane Letters (L.H.D. A society of apostolic life is a group of men or women within the Catholic Church who have come together for a specific purpose and live fraternally. the former Superior General of the Vincentian Fathers and Brothers, wrote "Vincent turned the Church upside down. The Vincentian Family (Congregation of the Mission, Daughters of Charity, Ladies of Charity, St. Vincent de Paul Society, International Association of Charity and others) is a collaborative organization of charity groups that were founded by St. Vincent, founded to respond … Read More. Superior General Vincentgiri Generalate P.B 4, Mananthavady, Wayanad Dt., Kerala -670 645, Mobile: 9447040259 E-mail: . He put the poor on top, with the rest of us in service and support, being evangelized by them and evangelizing them. At present the Congregation has three provinces, three dependent regions and two missions and altogether there are 2 bishops, 535 priests, 1 brother and 165 professed seminarians. The sacrament of marriage in general and the particular marital relationship that Amélie and Frédéric developed were central to his understanding of the Catholic social vocation. Vincentiana; Nuntia; Letters; FAMVIN; Saint Vincent de Paul: Healing the Wounds of Yesterday and Today. On November 4, 2011 His Excellency Bishop David Kamau blessed the Prayer Hall and Very Rev. the Superior General, visited the North Indian Province. The Superior General Very Rev. Fr. These funds belong to the individual confrere but can only be used for his personal use with the permission of the superior of the house. Superior General – Future of the Miraculous Medal – “I request that the various branches of our Vincentian Family, particularly those with a special devotion to the Miraculous Medal to pray, reflect, and discuss how to promote awareness and further … Three of these Sisters are well into their nineties but their delight at seeing our Superior General and responding to him was a joy to behold. Fr. When Fr. SUPERIOR GENERAL: VINCENTIAN FAMILY HOMELESS ALLIANCE (FHA) INITIATIVE. I take this opportunity to address you, the Vincentian Family, with much gratitude for all we have experienced together recently. The Institute, founded in 1979, is sponsored by the ten provinces of the Congregation of the Mission (the Lazarists or Vincentians) and the Company of the Daughters of Charity in the United States. Superior General. Father Gregory Gay CM, Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission, speaks of mercy. The vow of poverty challenges each confrere to find … Letter of the Superior General (Mission Appeal Letter – 2020) October 29, 2020. Constant attention to seeking a just society necessitates solidarity, and solidarity is the center of all Vincentian values." Since 20 April 2020, its Superior General is Françoise Petit. He talks about the Vincentian Family and the joys of being a part of such a large, international family. Active in His Service. Fr Richard McCullen CM was 89 years old. by Józef Kapuściak CM. L. ABELLY, The Life of the Venerable Servant of God Vincent de Paul: Founder and First Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission, 3 vol., edited by John E. Rybolt, CM, translated by William Quinn, FSC, notes by Edward R. Udovic, CM and John E. Rybolt, CM, introduction by Stafford Poole, CM, New City Press, New Rochelle, New York, 1993; P. COSTE, The Life and Work of Saint … Former superior general Robert Maloney examines what the heart of Jesus meant to Vincent de Paul and Louise de Marillac. As usual at this time of the year, Father Tomaž Mavrič, CM, Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission addresses the Vincentian Family on the occasion of the feast of St. Vincent de Paul, celebrated on September 27. Fr René Alméras CM was the second Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission, and the immediate successor of Vincent de Paul. NUNTIA November 2020. The 66-year-old priest was elected April 14 during the Kerala-based congregation’s general chapter held at Edappally in Kochi. In 1858 the Irish College in Paris, founded in the last years of the sixteenth century, was transferred to the Irish Vincentians. By Felix Anthony. Silver Jubilarians 2k19. As you might have already known, the Synod of Bishops of Syro Malabar Church in its Assembly in January 2019 had given a favorable opinion to initiate the cause of beatification and canonization of Rev. Fr. Golden Jubilarians 2K19. Jean-Baptiste Étienne and the Vincentian Revival, authored by Edward R. Udovic, C.M. Emmanuel attended seminary in Amiens, as had his older brother, Amable-Ferdinand- Joseph Bailly. Christmas … Congregation of the Mission (Latin: Congregatio Missionis; CM) is a vowed, Roman Catholic society of apostolic life of priests and brothers founded by Vincent de Paul.It is associated with the Vincentian Family, a loose federation of organizations who claim Vincent de Paul as their founder or Patron.They are popularly known as Vincentians, Paules, Lazarites, Lazarists, or Lazarians Fr. VINCENTIAN FAMILY ADVENT PRAYER . Celebrate Black History Month . 3 Article 1 5-1996 Letter of the Superior General, February 20 1996, Meeting of the Vincentian Family, February 2-3 1996 At present the Congregation is led by Fr. Blessed Vincentian Ghebre Michael: The First Fruit of African Holiness . Venerable Father Felix de Andreis, First Vincentian Superior in America First superior of the Congregation of the Mission (Lazarists) in the United States and Vicar-General of upper Louisiana, b. at Demonte, in Piedmont, Italy, 13 December, 1778; d. at St. Louis, Missouri, U.S., 15 October, 1820. For the first time, all the international representatives of the 160 branches of the Vincentian Family, Superiors General and International Presidents, were invited to Rome this past January to meet, share, listen to each other, make plans, and take concrete steps to move forward into the future. While attending a Vincentian Youth Day gathering in Piekary, Poland, four Niagara University students had the opportunity to meet the Congregation of the Mission’s newly appointed superior general, the Rev. In 2005 the Provincial Synaxis decided to raise Andhra Vincentian Mission to the status of a dependant Region. Mar 24, 2016 - Lent from the Vincentian Family perspective: resources, shares, reflections, witnesses. Photo: Caroline Smith. By Felix Anthony. Both schools are unaided and recognized educational institutions with the Provincial Superior as General Manager and Superior of Vincentian House, Choondal as the local manager. The Seven Sisters of the Northeastern states of India was declared as the new Region of the Congregation of the Mission in November last year by Father Tomaz Mavric, Superior General. The goal of the VSO is: He landed in the ‘City of Joy’- Kolkata, where, “Mother Teresa – the St. Vincent of 20th century” lived and worked. No Sunday Reflection Found on record yet. In 1991, the then Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission, Very Rev. Gregory Gay, CM addresse... 5 uploads “To have an inspiring start of this day, the general board had invited Fr. The Preparatory Commission for this meeting has asked me to speak to you about the “Vincentian Local Superior.” I will try to fulfil the conditions laid down by the Commission, that is to say “do not give a conference but make a This Advent, let us seek peace within to be one with the Prince of Peace of whom the prophet Micah said, “He shall take his place as shepherd by the strength of the LORD… he shall be peace. Gregorio Bañaga, CM, in his opening remarks. Tomaž Mavrič, CM. Superior General. Congregation of the Mission (Latin: Congregatio Missionis; CM) is a vowed, Roman Catholic society of apostolic life of priests and brothers founded by Vincent de Paul. Tuesday, September 25, 3:45–5 p.m. Russell J. Salvatore Dining Commons. Videos. Elected 25th Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission and of the Company of the Daughters of Charity. The 1996 publication The Vincentian Family Tree presents an overview of related communities from a genealogical perspective. 1. Tomaž Mavrič, C.M. On Thursday, we have an open dialogue on international homelessness and will hold our annual convocation in Alumni Chapel, during which … Superior General – Future of the Miraculous Medal. This work looks at the pivotal and controversial role of Jean-Baptiste Étienne (14th superior general) in the remarkable Vincentian revival following the chaos and destruction of the French Revolution and Napoleonic eras. Sep 23, 2015 - Superior General, Rev. by CM Communications | Sep 26, 2020 | News, Saint Vincent de Paul. We do not follow blindly, but rather open ourselves to God ... After you get to know the Vincentian mission, you can make a discernment retreat. Full-time, temporary, and part-time jobs. For the first time, all the international representatives of the 160 branches of the Vincentian Family, Superiors General and International Presidents, were invited to Rome this past January to meet, share, listen to each other, make plans, and take concrete steps to move forward into the future. Fr. SCN Provincial House KS V Raman Lane, East Boring Canal Road GPO Box 219 Patna, Bihar … After his visit, the Vincentian Family Council, Korea invited the branches of the Vincentian Family to take up this project but due to the coronavirus 19 pandemic, the members were not able to actively participate. +61 2 9805 1338. 40, No. As usual at this time, the Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission and the Daughters of Charity have sent a reflection to the entire Vincentian Family on the occasion of the feast of Saint Vincent de Paul on September 27: Rome, 20 September 2017. Click here to … com. They use the initials DC after their names. The needs of the poor, personal and communal commitments, pastoral responsibilities, and the Vincentian tradition are some of the criteria that guide a Vincentian’s discernment concerning poverty. They include: in West Bengal, Queen of Peace, Kolkata; in Odisha, Vijoy Bhavan To all Confreres. The theme was: “The Vincentian Family moving forward” at the beginning of the fifth century of our … Vincentian attitude and criteria which must be internalized in order to evangelize from a Vincentian perspective. Sebastian Thundathikunnel, elected Superior General on 21 April 2009. To read the letter in English, click HERE. If you feel called to enter more fully into the preparation process, you can petition to become a candidate. Download the Newsletter as a PDF file. Tomaž Mavrič, CMSuperior General... « read more » Sunday's Reflection . De Paul HSS has completed 33 years of meritorious and esteemed … Rev. Download. He, in turn, sends the Mass intentions and stipends to Vincentian priests serving in missionary areas throughout the world who are in need of such Mass intentions and stipends to support their works for the poor; they are very grateful to receive them. Rome, October 5, 2011 Young Vincentians. We will add this one soon... -- CM Philippines Featured Article . Varghese Puthussery inaugurated the residential block and retreat hall. Both De Paul Higher Secondary School and De Paul School are owned and managed by the Mary Matha Province of the Vincentian Congregation. Mobile: 09342235250 E-mail: Christmas Message by Fr. News from Fiji – April … Fr. Sr. Basanti Lakra SCN . NUNTIA December 2020. 1 June 1989 Dear Father Udovic: May the grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ be with us forever! Tomaž Mavrič, C.M., superior general of the Congregation of the Mission and 24 th successor of St. Vincent de Paul, will be welcomed by the university and address the community. Prior to that he had studied at the National Seminary in Maynooth. This charism has left such deep marks of Jesus’ unconditional love on the world throughout the last 400 years and continues to do so today!” These words of Fr. "Superior General" is the official title given to the leader of the Congregation of the Mission, a Community of Priests and Brothers (Society of Apostolic Life) in the Roman Catholic Church. The Vincentian Family comprises organizations inspired by the life and work of Vincent de Paul, a 17th-century priest who "transformed the face of France." By Caroline Smith. Suggestions and comments: cgi.circularletter@gmail. See All. Tomaž Mavrič, CM, Superior General, visited Korea in 2019, he introduced the 13 Houses Campaign and encouraged the Vincentian Family in Korea to work for its success. See All . by John Freund, CM | Dec 9, 2014 | Association of the Miraculous Medal, Vincentian Family. Tomaž Mavrič, C.M., superior general of the Congregation of the Mission and 24 th successor of St. Vincent de Paul. Gregory Gay CM, Superior General, a new Province of the … Read in: Español Lire en : Français Presentation based on excerpts from the 2015 Advent Letter of Father Gregory Gay, Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission: “A path that will make us effective mediators of God’s promises.” Having trouble viewing this presentation? Subsequently in the same year we obtained Nihil Obstat from the Congregation for the Cause of Saints, Rome. Read More. The missionaries were also to exercise gentleness and humility, the qualities Jesus attributed to his heart in Matthew 11:29. See All. Happy Birthday Dear Fr. Superior General addresses Vincentian Family on Christmas from St. Peter’s Square “Greetings from Via della Conzilliazione, the street that leads us to the St. Peter’s Square” says Fr. Email Us at 7. Posts The Vincentian Family Superior General Nothing to Show Right Now It appears whatever you were looking for is no longer here or perhaps wasn't here to begin with. Paul Puthuva officially inaugurated the Retreat Centre. Search and apply for the latest Service person jobs in Freedom, PA. Father Robert Maloney, C.M, whose mandate as the superior general of the Congregation of the Mission saw the emergence of the modern day Vincentian Family Collaboration, notes that St Vincent is unbeatable when it comes to organisation and networking. SUPERIOR GENERAL: LENTEN LETTER 2021. On May 9th, in countless cities and towns and villages, the feast of Saint Louise de … This listing is a brief sketch of the provincial assemblies of the Congregation of the Mission held in the American province, later the Western Midwest Province, and again Western. We also raise funds for special projects of the Superior General so that the mission of St. Vincent dePaul thrives in the 21st century. The Vincentian Studies Institute of the United States (VSI), at DePaul University, Chicago, is a Roman Catholic organization to promote the Vincentian Family.. Videos. Superior General's Message. Varkey Kattarath, the Founder of Vincentian Congregation. CIF; VSO; SIEV; VF-UN; News; Vocations; Formation. Fr. Dear Confreres, May the grace and peace of Jesus be always with us! The Superior General, Fr.Tomás Mavric, C.M., the 25th successor of St. Vincent de Paul, established VIMS in 2019 as an expansion of the mission of St. Vincent dePaul begun in 1617 in France. GENERAL AND PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION GENERAL ADMINISTRATION Superior General F V.rarghese Parappuram Councilors Fr. In this episode, we are in the company of Father Gregory Gay, former Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission (Vincentians) and Daughters of Charity. Since 25 May 2015, its Superior General is Kathleen Appler. The institute was founded by Vincent de Paul, a French priest, and Louise de Marillac, a widow. The need for organization in working with the poor suggested to De Paul the forming of a confraternity among the women of his parish in Châtillon-les-Dombes. The Vincentian Local Superior . Fr. Vincentian Safeguarding Commitment; Child Protection Policy; Code of Conduct; The Vincentians in Oceania …called to bring good news to the poor. Rev. Competitive salary. The Very Rev. Vincent de Paul. +61 2 9805 1338. Vincent realised that effective evangelisation and service of the poor would require organisation. The Vincentian Congregation, a south Indian religious congregation started in Kerala State in 1904, has elected Father John Kandathinkara as its new superior general during the general chapter in Edappally, Kochi, on April 14, 2021. From the website of the Brothers of the CMM (Congregatio Fratrum Beatae Mariae Virginis, Mater Misericordiae). Tuesday, we will welcome to our campus the Very Rev. On 19 March 2011 Very Rev. Requests for Gregorian Masses the Association receives are sent to our Vincentian Superior General in Rome. By Felix Anthony. Tomaž Mavrič CM, Superior General, writes of the significance, hopes, and plans for the Jubilee Year of the 400th Anniversary of the Vincentian Charism. My heart is overwhelmed with thankfulness and joy for this ‘gift from heaven,’ allowing the Vincentian Family to celebrate the 400th Anniversary of the Vincentian charism. Estimated Reading Time: Saint Vincent and Mental Prayer Some preliminary considerations I use the phrase “mental prayer” purposely in this chapter, rather than “meditation.” Lenten Letter 2021 from Superior General to the Vincentian Family. Free, fast and easy way find a job of 800.000+ postings in Freedom, PA and other big cities in USA. Hanon took an interest in Ferdinand’s education. 7. Vincent Rathappillil was appointed Regional Superior on June 11, 2006. 8. On June 8, 2007 Vincentian Prayer House Nairobi was blessed by His Grace Ndingi Mwana Nzeki, the former Archbishop of Nairobi Archdiocese. The Superior General Very Rev. Fr. Varghese Puthussery inaugurated the residential block and retreat hall. 9. He became the 22nd successor of St Vincent De Paul in 1980 and served as Superior General from 1980 to 1992. Vincent prayed that the Congregation would have the heart of Jesus, or the zeal, to bring God’s love to the poor. VIMS raises and distributes funds in support of projects approved by the Vincentian Solidarity Office as well as others approved by the Superior General. On June 8, 2007 Vincentian Prayer House Nairobi was blessed by His Grace Ndingi Mwana Nzeki, the former Archbishop of Nairobi Archdiocese. Fr. The third Sister was in bed, her smile was brilliant and her face radiant as she was introduced to Fr Tomaž. Letter of the Superior General (Mission Appeal Letter – 2020) October 29, 2020.
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