The IRC code further states in Section 1609.5.1 that the deck must be designed and installed in accordance with ASCE 7. nails, the entire roof deck will need to be re-nailed with 8D round head ring shank nails spaced no greater than 6 inches on center. Make sure to keep nails out of the tar strip as you work. For installing thicker shingles, it is recommendable to use long nails like the 30 mm nail. Drive nails every 3 inches along the rake at one end, pull it taut, and drive nails along the eave edge. A 1 1/2″ or 1 3/4″ long Home Depot roofing nails hold much better! If you need bigger nails including pikes, you may need to place a special order at the hardware store. (808) 455-4663 96-1173 Waihona St. Unit A8 Pearl City, HI 96782 You will also need to determine the amount of nails you'll need. 11 gage with 5 / 16-inch head. The cap-nail shank shall be a minimum of 12 gauge (0.105 inches) with a length to penetrate through the roof sheathing or a minimum of3/ 4-inch (19 mm) into the roof sheathing. Fasteners for asphalt shingles shall be galvanized, stainless steel, aluminum or copper roofing nails, minimum 12-gage [0.105 inch (2.67 mm)] shank with a minimum 3 / 8-inch-diameter (9.5 mm) head, of a length to penetrate through the roofing materials and a minimum of 3 / 4 inch (19.1 mm) into the roof sheathing. Alternatively, two 16-gage Type 304 or Type 316 stainless steel staples, with crown widths 7 / 16 inch (11.1 mm) minimum, 3 / 4 inch (19.1 mm) maximum, shall be used. Consider exchanging old metal flashing for new ones. You can make sure your nails are long enough by checking underneath the sheathing after you nail into it. In College Station roofing, nails provide added strength to both the outer roof (shingles, metal sheeting, etc.) Fixing clips, or nails are used to secure the roof tiles to the roof. Attaching your baseboards to the wall is a crucial step in … You should allow for about 2 1/2 pounds of nails per square. U.S. ($0.03 /nail) Stainless steel ring-shanked roofing nail 1 1/4" coils in a 600 pack by Home Depot retail for about $30. The basic steps required to achieve a safer, more wind resistant roof deck are: Remove the old shingles and underlying building paper to expose the roof deck. Smooth galvanized roofing nails 1 1/4” roofing nails sold in coils in a 7,200 pack at Home Depot retail for about $25. There’s always one or two around the attic. Staples should be galvanized type, at least 7/8" crown, and long enough to penetrate 3/4" into or through the sheathing. Where the roof sheathing is less than 3 / 4 inch (19 mm) … When reroofing with asphalt shingles, you should use nails that will penetrate at least 3/4 inch into the sheathing. (2) Reroofing of a manufactured/mobile home must be installed and vented according to the manufacturer's installation instructions. We have to use 30 mm long nails if we are installing thicker shingles like the laminated shingles Cambridge Xpress or Cambridge Xtreme 9,5°. 2 of reroofing. Replacing roof shingles is a long, loud job. For extra protection add a 3-foot-wide strip on top of the 18-incher. 3. The nails should be long enough to go 3 ⁄ 4 inch (1.9 cm) into the roof. Nails shall be stainless steel Type 304, or Type 316 or hot-dipped with a coating weight of ASTM A153 Class D (1.0 oz/ft 2). But according to the table in AS 1684.2-2010 this is insufficient for battens at 900mm centres in a N1 wind speed area. For the materials, asphalt shingles is the cheapest material and require less labor making them an attractive option in a pricing standpoint of view. A 10-by-10-foot (100 square feet) area is equal to one roofing square. 18″ and 24″ Handsplit and Resawn 6d Box 2″. There will be nails and a lot of granules from the shingles that you don't want pouring out of your downspouts the next time it rains. Reroofing Options on Asphalt Shingle Roofs. 16 to 20 rings per inch 4. Get to know their 10 steps to reroofing." PROS: The thicker tabs vary in size and shape for more dimension and crisper shadow lines, suggestive of wood or slate. All existing roof penetrations should be taken out of the old layer and have to be reinstalled in the new layer. Only top-quality materials are used for your roofing restoration, painting and repair. Snow areas. The roof/structure is completely open and can be seen from underneath. Reroofing saves the cost, trouble, and risks (water damage while the roof is exposed) associated with a tear-off. Nails shall be stainless steel Type 304, or Type 316 or hot-dipped with a coating weight of ASTM A153 Class D (1.0 oz/ft 2). Metal roofing offers an excellent option for replacing these standard roofing materials at the end of their lifespans. This type of bracing is used on small roofs where no ceiling joists are used and the building is not wide enough to require a truss. Reroofing and the Metal Roof. Where the roof sheathing is … Size is the largest cost factor. However, if you live in a windy region then you need to place 2 nails at the center of the shingle. Nesting each new row below an existing one keeps the new nails 2 inches below the existing, which will help minimize any splitting of the sheathing. This includes roof coverings such as shingles, slate, or wood shake shingles. Enter the size of your project and select the material and services you're interested in to estimate the cost of the project using 2021 price data. For most asphalt shingle ridge caps, there are two nails in each ridge cap, one on either side of the ridge. 18″ Straight Split 5d Box 1-3/4″. 1518.2.4 Underlayment nails shall be as defined in Section 1517.5.1. However installing new flashings, including special drip-edge flashings made for reroofing, will ensure a tight seal and a long life. Shingling a wooden storage shed roof is important for a great looking and long lasting shed. The average residential roof size is 1,700 square feet, which means a complete set of plywood will count about 53 sheets. For mansard roofs (21:12 and above), nail a nominal 6” (152 mm) from the bottom of the shingle and hand-seal shingles. Alternatively, two 16-gage Type 304 or Type 316 stainless steel staples, with crown widths 7 / 16 inch (11.1 mm) minimum, 3 / 4 inch (19.1 mm) maximum, shall be used. Position the nails according to the shingle specifications. Hammer the nails in at 10 inches (25 cm) intervals across the roof. Installing a shingle shed roof is very simple and requires little DIY know-how. A square is equal to 100 square feet of roof surface. That being said, most roofing contractors (and many insurance companies) will price their roof replacement services within $3.50 to $5.50 per square foot or $350 to $550 per square of architectural shingles installed. Additionally, in all areas of Florida if the existing roof decking is fastened with 8D round head ring shank nails spaced no greater than 6 inches on center, no additional nailing will be required. Application techniques. Most of the nails do not come through the plywood. 0.280 inch full round head diameter 5. Size the shingles properly: The size of the shingles is determined according to the shape of the roof. Roofing contractors look at several variables to determine the price of a new roof, including its size, pitch, accessibility and cost of materials. Toll Free: 800.544.7398 Phone: 513.870.9246 Fax: 513.870.9606 Ensure that you hammer the nails properly into the roof, don't leave the nails sticking up above the layer. Roofing nails. The nails should be about 1 inch from the edges. Felt roof shingles can be expected to last between 15 and 30 years with minimal maintenance required. Specify Project Size and Options Enter the number of "square feet" required for the project. Typically, a new roof installation is a two-day process, but it depends on the size of your roof. Use corrosion resistant nails. No matter what the project or what size the job, Grip-Rite has the optimal fastening solution. You should allow for about 2 … The new shingles must be the same size as the old ones or installation will be a nightmare. Roofing nails generally come in lengths of 1 to 1.75 inches (2.54 to 4.44 cm), although shorter and longer nails can be found. One element that makes roofing nails unique is the material they are made of. Today, insulation laid dry over a solid wood deck might be used, followed by various screws and stress plates. This study analyzes US roofing accessories demand by product, market, and subregion – in value terms in US dollars. Install a layer of roofing felt over the roof before you begin installing the … If the existing roof decking is fastened with 8D round head ring shank nails spaced no greater than 6 inches on center, no additional nailing willbe required. steel, stainless steel, aluminum or copper roofing nails, minimum 12 gage [0.105 inch (3 mm)] shank with a minimum -V 8-inch (10 mm) diameter head, ASTM F 1667, of a length to penetrate through the roofing materials and a minimum of 3/ 4 inch (19 mm) into the roof sheathing. An 8d nail is 2.5” long and protrudes though the roof sheathing a … Also known as 16-penny nails, these are 3.5 inches long, but their diameter varies depending on the type of nail. Nail lengths are measured in pennies, the symbol being the letter small "d". On the other hand, nailers from 18 to 23 are more likely to use for better finishes. nails, the entire roof deck will need to be renailed with 8D round head rin- g shank nails spaced no greater than 6 inch on es center. The head diameter is typically a standard 3/8-inch for all roofing nails. A home inspector doing a wind mitigation form for insurance verifies the 8d ring-shank nail by looking for a “shiner”—a nail that missed the top of the truss or rafter. Nail down loose roof sheathing to rafters. Use 1-1/2-in. Shingle Roof Nail Length When reroofing with asphalt shingles, you should use nails that will penetrate at least 3/4 inch into the sheathing. For reroofing (shingle over shingle) or hip and ridge application it is necessary to use minimum 35 mm long roofing nails. When installing asphalt shingles on felt only to any grade decking you should use 1-inch long roofing nails. These nails are hot galvanized, which helps them withstand sun and rain on your roof. Nails that are longer than six inches are called pikes and they are seldom used on roofs. The most commonly used roofing nails range from one to two inches in length. If you need bigger nails including pikes, you may need to place a special order at the hardware store. The one to two inch roofing nails are suitable for most types of roof shingles. To estimate costs for your project: 1. If it was originally secured using staples or 6D nails, it must be completely re-nailed to the new standard. There are many different types of nails available, but nails for a roof are specifically designed for nailing shingles. One box of 1" nails does about 2.5 - 3 square @ 6 nails per shingle. Before 2008 some homes already had 8D nails with correct spacing and some did not. Asbestos: Must follow the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment’s (CDPHE) requirements for a certified asbestos inspection and removal and may be required to show proof of the inspection. For hip and ridge application or re-roofing (shingle over shingle), it is necessary to use a minimum of 35 mm long roofing nails. STANDARD NAILING PATTERN: Nail shingles with 4 nails approximately 6 7/8” (174 mm) from bottom of shingle, in nailing area, as shown. Expect to spend £1,050 to £2,100 to remove your current roof before installing a replacement. ... Tiles are laid sequentially up the roof from the gutter line. And nails have come through the plywood and show all over the attic and all the way around the soffit overhang on the outside.… Some are just the tips of nail that have come through the tongue and groove and some larger nails come through the trusses and have spilt the wood…My husband said this is normal, but it wasn’t that way before. Usually, the nailers' size ranged from 15 to 16 gauge. FORM #330: Reroof Requirements and Project Worksheet PAGE 2 OF 2 REROOFING PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS & REQUIREMENTS Keep your building and inhabitants safe and follow these requirements Fasteners Nails or staples must extend at least ¾-inch into or through the sheathing, except where such penetrations would be visible at eaves or porch overhangs. Pry off old roof shingles with pitch fork. Choices about reroofing are often limited to appearance, cost and the ability of the roof to keep the homeowner dry. We decided to go with an ivory Marlarkey shingle, which they said were also energy star certified. My understanding is that after 2008 all roof decks had to be re-nailed when a new roof is installed. They have over 25 years’ experience in the field, so they know what they’re doing. Some homes being built after 2002 the builders started to use the new nailing and some AHJ required new nailing on new builds. If reroofing is warranted, I measure the existing shingles to determine whether they're standard (12x36 inches) or metric (13x39 inches). The shingles are usually the same size as the basic three tab, but a laminated shingle can weigh up to 50 percent more, which may increase durability and come with a longer warranty. But generally in a roof the second course is approximately double of first course and the remaining third, fourth and so on courses are of variable sizes to cover the whole roof as the slanting roof narrows towards the top. Some homes being built after 2002 the builders started to use the new nailing and some AHJ required new nailing on new builds. This includes correct type, grade and size of nails, which will differ depending on what materials they’re being used. Personally I use two nails when fixing this issue about one inch apart just to be sure the issue does not happen again. When installing dimensional shingles to felt only, recommends you use 1 1/4-inch nails. When you choose a responsible roofing company, they’ll do almost all of the work, from prepping your old roof for removal to cleaning up after the job is done. An average roof size in the US is about A larger-size head might increase the risk of exposing part of the nail head in standard nailing locations on the shingle. 3. Exception: Single-family residential structures permitted subject to the Florida Building Code are not required to comply with this section. House floor joists are generally about 8 to 10 inches wide, so nail length is not an issue. Run a broom magnet over the yard to pick up stray nails. Generally, you should use four nails per shingle in the field of the roof, and 5 nails per starter shingle. PROS: The thicker tabs vary in size and shape for more dimension and crisper shadow lines, suggestive of wood or slate. The nail must be countersunk to prevent the nail head from protruding and leaving an uneven surface. The fastening rate of deck to trusses of 16 inches on center (o.c.) Roof Replacement Cost. Nails must not be exposed. Typical roofing construction will last somewhere between 5 and 20 years. 1518.2.3 Tin caps and nails or cap nails shall be as defined in Section 1517.5.2. 1. Attaching wire for clay and concrete tile shall not be … or plastic cap nails with a head diameter of not less than 1 inch (25.4 mm) with a thickness of at least 32-gauge sheet metal. It is outside in a yard. Most of our felt shingle range is guaranteed for 15 years by their manufacturer, giving you added confidence and peace of mind in your choice of roofing. The slope of the roof could also affect the cost of reroofing due to potential more labor and time required. In wind zones of 110 mph or less (such as Alachua County), if the roof was secured with 8D nails (but not ring-shank) at a lesser spacing, additional ring-shank round head nails must be added where necessary to meet the six-inch spacing. But if someone uses 1 1/4 or 1 1/2 inch long nails to install a second layer, its “Houston we have a problem”. A larger-size head might increase the risk of exposing part of the nail head in standard nailing locations on the shingle. Around 139 nails per pound for 4D 1-1/2" nails, ~105 nails per pound for 6D 2" nails and ~71 nails per pound for 8D 2 1/2" nails. " × 0.113") nails. To explain further, there are two variants of 16d nails – sinkers and commons. Nails that are longer than six inches are called pikes and they are seldom used on roofs. Seems 1 1/4" nails are recommended. Wood Shakes (minimum 3/4 ” sheathing) Wood Shakes Nail Type Minimum Length. If the structure can support the added weight, a typical 20-square (2,000-square-foot) reroof will cost at least $1,000 less than a tear-off job. The fix is the same as above, pull old nail out and replace with screw. To nail down new hip and ridge cap shingles even longer nails are needed. Nail straight into the shingle, and adjust the setting on your gun or the pressure on your compressor so the nails pull the shingle tight to the decking but stay flush with the surface. Details about re-roofing options and best practices for asphalt shingle roofs are. Some jobs can be completed in a day while others may take three. If you have high wind areas, you will want to use five nails pers shingle, equating to about 480 per square. "Bristile can reroof your home in as little as 2 days depending on the size of your roof and the work involved. Before 2008 some homes already had 8D nails with correct spacing and some did not. To nail a 3/4" thick wooden shelf support to drywall, you should use nails no shorter than 3/4" + 1/2" + 1 1/2" = 2 1/2" to 3". One IKO test found that ring shank nails have 300% more strength than smooth shank nails. Refer to the application instructions on your shingle wrappers for the correct nailing pattern. Use a starter strip or cut pieces for a starter course. I understand that the HVHZ is different, I am asking about everywhere else in … A system using staples driven through reinforced tape is still used, generally on newer plywood and OSB decking where no roof insulation is to be used. Bitumen shingles require galvanised nails with a minimum 10mm head to secure them. Ring diameter of 0.012 over shank diameter 3. along all framing members. Use galvanized roofing nails long enough to fully penetrate the sheathing, typically 1-1/2 inches for a second roof and 1 3/4 inches for a third. Nesting each new row below an existing one keeps the new nails 2 inches below the existing, which will help minimize any splitting of the sheathing. Roofing contractors estimate projects and materials by the square, so it is crucial to find this measurement to estimate the amount of material needed accurately. Whatever problems you have in your roof — be it rust, leaks, loose nails, old gutters — Top Kat Roofing can solve them! Because of this, prices for a new roof can range drastically. Most roof deck, 5/8" or thicker (24" rafter spacing), require at least 1.25" length nails. Roofs been on quite awhile and the nails held ok. Will the 1 1/4" nails rust since they will be below the plywood? Make sure you use a strong hammer and 1 inch (2.5 cm) roofing nails. 8. Be sure that these nails will hold the top edge of the course of shingles immediately below. Fasteners shall be long enough to penetrate into the sheathing 3 / 4 inch or through the thickness of the sheathing, whichever is less. nails to each end of a 1-inch tie. #12 x 1 in. Advantages of Reroofing Most building codes allow two layers of organic or fiberglass asphalt shingles on roofs with a 4/12 pitch or less, and three layers on steeper roofs. Use galvanized roofing nails long enough to fully penetrate the sheathing, typically 1-1/2 inches for a second roof and 1 3/4 inches for a third. A roof replacement will benefit you for the long-term, protecting your home for years to come and raising your home’s value. 16d is the most commonly used nail size for framing applications. How important is nailing baseboard trim? Hammer, nails; Jigsaw or reciprocating saw; Pry bar; First, head up to your attic and determine where you want to install your roof vent. Click to see full answer. 1 1/2" galvanized roofing nails require 30-50 lbs. Nails shall be stainless steel Type 304 or 316 or hot-dipped galvanized with a coating weight of ASTM A153 Class D (1.0 oz/ft 2). Continue reading below to learn more about what to expect for a roof replacement project.
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