Joseph Frank Keaton (October 4, 1895 – February 1, 1966), known professionally as 92 EX coupe "Rose" because she was red. Oddly enough, another baseball playing Buster Mills made his appearance around this time, a catcher for Holy Cross. The nickname probably started at the turn of the 20th century. He also played football, soccer, and basketball growing up, but baseball was his main sport.. High school. And I know that if you’re on the radio for 10 hours a day, you need to come up with topics. Buster: Uh-huh. Hey, I was wondering if you'd give me a cool nickname, like you did for Francine and Binky. A famous bearer was the silent movie star Buster … give the guys for not drinking alcohol? While Sam initially protests its use after he and Dean first reunite in 2005, it becomes clear it has as much meaning for Sam as it does for Dean when Gordon Walker uses it and Sam retorts "He's the only one who gets to call me that.". 1 Season 1 2 Season 2 3 Season 3 4 Season 4 5 Season 5 6 Season 6 7 Season 7 8 Season 8 9 Psych 2: … Law enforcement officers now know that when they beat a Negro up, they might have to answer for it on the witness stand. Although, he had other nicknames, appellations, and cognomens, especially one nickname he did not like. This Mills, who went by … After the nickname of John Ward (Yusuf Rais) (c. 1553 – 1622) an English sea captain turned Barbary Corsair, Ward was based in Tunis, where he died of plague. Instead of terrorizing the mean streets of a New York City slum, as the Kid did, Buster and Tige raised hell on Park Avenue. Keaton himself verified the origin of his nickname "Buster", given to him by Houdini, when at the age of three, fell down a flight of stairs and was picked up and dusted off by Houdini, who said to Keaton's father Joe, also nearby, that the fall was 'a buster'. Buster comes. Meaning & History. Last night’s traffic jam we slogged through would have been downright impossible to handle without him. His name was William H. Mills, and had been given the nickname Buster with Colonel Buster Mills in mind. When little Joe Keaton Jr. was about six months old, he fell down a flight of stairs. Broke in Two – A horse bucking. We don’t know who actually gave Buster his nickname. Who was the first to escape from the car? Brain: It's a book on advertising. look to God for answers? Originally a nickname denoting a person who broke things, from the word bust, a dialectal variant of burst. And boy did it stick. Blue-Skins – A nickname applied to the Presbyterians, ... Brisk Up – To come up with life and speed, take an erect or bold attitude. He worked with Buster Keaton on My Wonderful World of Slapstick (also available from Da Capo Press). His nickname “Buster” come from his father’s childhood nickname. In 1840 there were 11 Buster families living in Kentucky. This early 3rd Generation Colt Single Action Army in the Vault has a serial number, 99194SA, which dates it to 1978. Ice-Make (氷の造形魔法, アイスメイク Aisu Meiku): A form of Molding Magic that allows the user to create ice at his will and to shape it into objects. A Bronc Buster. For a count of every time Dean uses this nickname see Sammy. Shaver – One that is close in bargains, or a sharp dealer Shave Tail – A green, inexperienced person.. Shebang – A shanty or small house of boards.. Shecoonery – A whimsical corruption of the word chicanery.“This town’s got a monstrous bad name for meanery and shecoonery of all sorts Bronc Buster – A cowboy who could tame wild horses. I recently watched a documentary on Buster Keaton, which said he got his nickname in a certain way. Shaver – A child or young person of either sex; “What a cute little shaver.”. Jamal Adams, the unquestioned leader of the group, revealed how the nickname came to be in a Q&A with Bleacher Report’s Tyler Dunne. In 1931, Ernst Udet, the second-highest scoring German fighter ace of the First World War and future Luftwaffe architect, was in the United States to take part in a stunt flying display. In those days, according to Keaton, buster meant a spill or a fall that had the potential to really hurt someone. Production for The General involved guns, bombs, fires, and the blowing up of a bridge in a tiny Oregon town. Myth: Buster Keaton was given his nickname by Harry Houdini. He grew up a fan of the Atlanta Braves. The Buster family name was found in the USA, the UK, Canada, and Scotland between 1840 and 1920. The Browns are named after their original coach and co-founder, Paul Brown. See more. The Oxford Dictionary dates the word "butch" only back to the 1940s. Why didn’t B.J. Gus has also made up many names for himself, and other characters (both reoccurring and guest) have made up some nicknames for Gus as well. The most Buster families were found in the USA in 1880. Buster: Hi, Brain. Buster definition, a person who breaks up something: crime busters. Houdini said after the fall. In fact, Generation X, the name for those born between 1965 and 1980, did not exist while Howe and Strauss were writing Generations. According to Wikipedia, the character was a nice looking boy who often pulled pranks and got spanked by his mother. Early years. So it turns out, there is some history behind the team name. Forty years later, the movie was hailed as a masterpiece. "What a buster your kid took!" Why did B.J. Buster: Pleeease! The popularization of the word as a first name or nickname did not come about until the early twentieth century because of its usage by Buster Keaton. The Ju 87 was inspired by American dive-bombers like the Curtiss F8C (Image source: WikiCommons) The Stuka: An American idea. The 29-years-old Buster Posey grew up in Leesburg, Georgia with his parents, Gerald Dempsey Buster Posey II and Traci Posey. What excuse does B.J. Dick, of course, is the only rhyming nickname that stuck over time. Precise origin of nickname … Well, now it´s time to do a list of the nicknames and aliases that Gus […] Leon Hendrix performs at the 2010 NAMM Show in Anaheim, California. Then, as the decade drew to a close, his influential brand of extreme slapstick and stunt work hit a bump in the road. Why does B.J. Checking further we found the name was derived from the Old English word crabba, which means crab, or from the Old English word crabbe, which means wild apple. I SAID, 'BUT YOU TOLD ME YOU WERE GOING TO … A. Although the word is an Americanism that dates to at least the 1830s, it is not known to have been used as a first name at the time of the American Civil War. earl hines come up to me, he says, 'listen, come back.' Either Buster is insane and seeing things, scribbling in the sand, and all that… or Buster is truly becoming enlightened and is really seeing things clearly for the first time. FollowShare on Tumblr Article By Guillermo Paz Ok, if you are following a little this site, you´ll already know Psych is by far one of our favourite shows on TV right now; and we are giving it quite some coverage. In Gray's case, he uses Static Ice-Make, meaning he can shape his ice into inanimate things or weapons. Joe started calling him Buster, and the nickname stuck. Hudson was born Roy Harold Scherer Jr. on November 17, 1925, in Winnetka, Illinois, and would go on to become an immensely popular actor, … Throughout the 1920s, Joseph Frank “Buster” Keaton was a comedic force of nature on the big screen. When the filming was over, the comedic legend’s career was in tatters. Additionally, my pleasing baritone seems to inspirit ol’ Dan here and keep him in good heart during the day’s measure of hoof clops. However, the “Trust Buster” name is probably more suited for Roosevelt’s successor, William Howard Taft, who brought an end to 90 trusts in one term. The jury found W. D. Lyons guilty, but only imposed a life sentence instead of the death penalty. Posey played Soccer, football, and basketball growing up, but he chose baseball. The result was a descent into alcoholism and depression that became so bad it led to Keaton being institutionalized. While I can't reproduce that here, Wikipedia has something close to it: According to a frequently repeated story, which may be apocryphal,[14] Keaton acquired the nickname "Buster" at the age of about 18 months. The Ballad of Buster Scruggs: [first lines; after he’s finished singing] Buster Scruggs: A song never fails to ease my mind out here in the West, where the distances are great and the scenery monotonous. President Theodore Roosevelt became known as the "trust buster" in 1904 when his administration used the Sherman Anti-Trust Act to break up the Northern Securities Company. But since the Browns isn't a mascot, the team has Brownie the Elf. … One of the fan-favorite ongoing jokes in Psych is the many nicknames given to Gus. I thought I might learn some pointers to help boost sales at the ice-cream shop. What you reading? Weekend Roundup: Part 2: Buster Posey’s “nickname”. Why couldn’t the boys save Rob from the explosion? Making its first appearance in 1902, Buster Brown was Richard F. Outcault’s follow-up to his breakthrough strip, Hogan’s Alley, starring the Yellow Kid. In 1819, Buster Scruggs was born and raised in San Saba, Texas. “They were on a buster… Brain: Well, I'm kind of busy. At one point in England, the name Dick was so popular that … Buster Keaton’s Last Stand. Boy did I like that, and so did the Negroes in the courtroom. ... Buster or Bust – A frolic, a spree. Library of Congress/Archive Photos/Getty Images. Dean's nickname for Sam is "Sammy," generally used either for teasing or in moments of great emotion. He was given a special nickname known as “the San Saba Songbird”, due to his wonderful and amazing musical talent. The Northern Securities Company was a monopoly that controlled the main railroad lines from Chicago to the Pacific Northwest. According to some versions he laughed when he landed. It may in fact have been Houdini, but probably not. The circumstances are relatively clear. Why? B/R: Where did “New Jack City” come from? His nickname, "Buster", came from his father's childhood nickname. Charles Samuels, a New York newspaperman, wrote biographies of Jody Garland, Lizzie Borden, and Evelyn Nesbit. Who did Rob call to for help? The surname Crabb is a nickname for a cross-grained, ill-tempered, or fractious person. sit behind Rob? On nearly every episode of Psych, Dulé Hill's Burton "Gus" Guster would receive an embarrassing new nickname courtesy of his best friend and partner, Shawn Spencer (James Roday).It became almost a weekly tradition for Shawn to introduce Gus with a false - but funny - nickname that would usually earn him a frustrated look from Gus. By Julian Smith. Early Life. 93 LX sedan "Silver" because is was Seattle Silver (not very original) 93 EX coupe "Emmy" (officially Emerald) because she was that color green. Chambered in .45 Colt with a … I had believed it went back to the 19th century. Savvy showman Joe Keaton liked the nickname, which has stuck for more than 100 years. The nickname became the first ever usage of Buster as a name. Posey, the oldest of four children, was born to Demp and Tracy Posey on March 27, 1987, in Leesburg, Georgia. HE SAYS, 'COME GET THIS CHARLIE PARKER 'BECAUSE THAT IS THE WORST GUY IN THE WORLD.' 93 EX sedan "Jade" (same color as Emmy, but needed a different name) 92 EX coupe "Woody" because it was Rose wood Brown. In a logical way, this is how the accident-prone Keaton obtained his well-known nickname, given to him by none other than the famous escape artist Harry Houdini, Buster's Godfather, when Keaton fell down a flight of steps. Although Taft may have done more to control the trusts while in office, Roosevelt retains the nickname because he … Marty Lurie is a Godsend on the weekends. One thing that makes this inversion stuff compelling is the fact that Buster says more than once that it feels like the system is intentionally keeping him down. Over the years, Shawn has made up over a hundred nicknames for him. Buster Brown was a comic strip started in 1902. This was about 24% of all the recorded Buster's in the USA. The surname Crabb may have been applied as a nickname for some who was crabby.
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