Please visit the lab website, or my personal website, for additional information on my work. Raymond R. Ma, Joseph T. Belter, and Aaron M. Dollar To test tactile manipulation capabilities, a cylinder is rolled along the TacThumb using the opposing nontactile finger. As a consequence, some of them provide similar information but other can provide completely different assessments. Work Experience. Science and Education Publishing, publisher of open access journals in the scientific, technical and medical fields. Here, we present the tactile thumb (TacThumb): a cheap, robust, 3-D-printed optical tactile sensor integrated on the Yale GrabLab … As of July 1, 2015, the Yale Alumni Magazine operates as a department of Yale University. Prior to Joining JPL he worked in the GRAB Lab at Yale University where he designed and built … The tactile information permits localization of the test cylinder along the TacThumb to submillimeter accuracy over most of the movement range. & M.Phil 2018). Here, we present the tactile thumb (TacThumb): a cheap, robust, 3-D-printed optical tactile sensor integrated on the Yale GrabLab model M2 gripper. About the Author. Yale University Grab Lab /. It is typically impractical to experiment with … Feb. 1 - The Call for Papers for a GRAB Lab-led Special Issue on Benchmarking for Robotic Grasping and Manipulation in the IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters Journal has been released. and Ph.D. degrees in Engineering Science at Harvard University, and was a postdoctoral associate at MIT in Health Sciences and Technology and the Media Lab. Yale University (2010-2016) PhD in MechE MS in MechE Thesis: Strategies for Dexterous Manipulation with Underactuated, Robotic Hands. I currently reside in the Yale GRAB Lab under the supervision of Professor Aaron Dollar. Model S Results. 34(11), pp. Our lab founded (along with Sidd Srinivasa (CMU) and Pieter Abbeel (Berkeley)) and leads the YCB Object and Model Set benchmarking effort. . We have recently release a large dataset consisting of tagged video and image data of 28 hours of human grasping movements in unstructured environments: Yale Human Grasping Dataset . Yale GRAB Lab Aug 2010 - May 2011 10 ... Publications CurveBoards: Integrating Breadboards into Physical Objects to Prototype Function in the Context of Form Technical research and development of ceramic 3D printing techniques. 251-255, 2015. I am using MATLAB2018a to generate symbolic equations of Christoffel symbols for 6DOF robot starting from Lagrange equations. April 23, 2021. Millions of patients worldwide suffer from knee joint disorders, including quadriceps weakness, Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome, or from injuries, stroke, post-polio, multiples sclerosis, or SCI. We believe that our research in GRASP is better with a diverse team in a collaborative environment. An improvement in lower extremity assistive devices will benefit some or all of these patients. sensor integrated on the Yale GrabLab model M2 gripper. He earned a B.S. 10 (2), 025006, 2018. OPENROBOTHARDWARE. 402.5/404. “Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity.” – Horace Mann U.S. Patent 10,449,692, issued October 22, 2019. Our natural heritage has shaped us as a nation, a culture, and as individuals. Frederick Shic, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor at the Yale Child Study Center. Ahsan is a 4th year graduate student at the Social Robotics Lab and the GRABLab at Yale University, supervised by Dr. Brian Scassellati and Dr. Aaron Dollar respectively. However, the application of tactile feedback to dexterous manipulation remains a challenging unsolved problem, with robot capabilities lagging far behind those of humans. Shared with the Yale GRAB Lab. e-mail: Contributed by the Mechanisms and Robotics Committee of ASME for publication in the J OURNAL OF M ECHANISMS AND R OBOTICS . The Creation and Integration of Knowledge through Scholarly Research, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation. The Yale Human Grasping Data Set: Grasp, Object, and Task Data in Household and Machine Shop Environments, International Journal of Robotics Research, vol. 270/404. Júlia Borràs is a Mathematician and Computer Scientist since 2004 and 2006, respectively, and she obtained her European Ph.D. degree in 2011 working on kinematics and reconfiguration designs for the Stewart-Gough parallel platform. Feb. 24 - Prof. Dollar and the GRAB Lab were featured in a six-page spread in the Yale Alumni Magazine. Keeping America's Covenant by Michael A. Soukup and Gary E. Machlis. Here we present the TacThumb (Tactile Thumb): a cheap, robust, 3d-printed optical tactile sensor integrated on the Yale GrabLab model M2 gripper. Aaron Dollar is the John J. Lee Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science at Yale University. We have recently release a large dataset consisting of tagged video and image data of 28 hours of human grasping movements in unstructured environments: Yale Human Grasping Dataset. Prof. Dollar is the editor and co-founder of, an open repository for robotics pedagogical materials. ... Publications … ⋄ Yale University 2014–2015 Associate Research Scientist,GRABLab,Department of Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science PI: A.M.Dollar 2011–2014 Postdoctoral Associate,GRABLab,Department of Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science Advisor:A.M.Dollar ⋄ The Johns Hopkins University 3. By changing the torque reference, you can engage the high and low friction surfaces to perform different manipulation behaviors. Diversity Statement. For more information: B. Calli, A. M. Dollar, “Vision-based Precision Manipulation with Underactuated Hands: Simple and Effective Solutions for Dexterity,” Proceedings of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2016. The Yale human grasping dataset: Grasp, object, and task data in household and machine shop environments February 2014 The International Journal of Robotics Research 34(3):251-255 Dr. Mark Price – 2016 MS / 2020 PhD – Post-Doc @ Human Robot Systems Lab and Integrative Locomotion Lab Dr. Ericber Jimenez Francisco – 2020 PhD – Post-Doc @ UMass Musculoskeletal and Orthopedic Biomechanics Lab Dr. Vinh Nguyen – 2016 MS / 2019 PhD – Ghost Robotics Soumitra Sitole – 2018 MS – PhD in the MRRL Punith Lakshmi – 2017 MS – Integrated Construction – Robotics Division Youssef Jaber – 2017 MS – Ingersoll Rand Dr. Abhijit Kadrolkar – 2016 PhD – Medtronic Dr. Andrew La… Prof. Dollar recently started a new group at Yale tentatively called Yale Tech for Conservation. We have recently begun to make some of our robotic hand designs freely available as Open Hardware through the Yale OpenHand Project. I have a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (B.S. Yale University Careers ... - Design and development of the Yale GrabLab Hand - A novel anthropomorphic, multi-grasp, body-powered terminal device. 22(3), pp. 34 (3), pp. The hardware consists of a tube camera (RageCams, model 3225, 200 g, 22 mm dia×60 mm long, 640×480 resolution) with a wide-angle fisheye lens (2.5 mm, ~140° field of view) attached to a three-band head strap. Gripper: Model B. 2. Prior to consulting, I obtained a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Yale University, where I worked under the supervision of Dr. Aaron Dollar at the Yale GRABLab (Department of Mechanical Engineering and Material Science). About the GRASP Lab. 36-52, 2015. Spencer Backus. "Three-dimensional (3D) printing." For hands, the legs are the fingers and the platform the object being manipulated. Sample Publications: Berk Calli, Aaron Walsman, Arjun Singh, Siddhartha Srinivasa, Pieter Abbeel, and Aaron M. Dollar Benchmarking in Manipulation Research: The YCB Object and Model Set and Benchmarking Protocols, IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, vol. Robot grasp quality metrics are used to evaluate, compare and select robotic grasp configurations. MPC strategy helps to recover system efficiency even in large modeling errors. The Yale OpenHand Project is a movement to advance the design and use of robotic hands designed and built through rapid-prototyping techniques in order to encourage more variation and innovation in mechanical hardware.. Sample Publication: Spencer B. Backus and Aaron M. Dollar A Prismatic-Revolute-Revolute Joint Hand for Grasping From Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Other Minimally Constrained Vehicles, ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, vol. My first postdoc, at the GrabLab, Yale University, I applied my knowledge about parallel robots to the kinetostatics of hands holding objects with precision grasps, that have similar structure to a parallel manipulator. Many of them have been proposed based on a diversity of underlying principles and to assess different aspects of the grasp configurations. Model B Results. All Aerial Manipulation Publications >> Spencer Backus: Spencer Backus joined the Robotic Vehicles and Manipulators Group in 2017 and is working on projects related to grasping underwater and in space. I am a graduate student at the GRAB Lab at Yale University. Publications Journal Publications • Doctoral candidate and research assistant for the Yale School of Engineering and Applied Science GrabLab with Professor Aaron Dollar. Sample Publications: Lael U. Odhner and Aaron M. Dollar Stable, Open-Loop Precision Manipulation with Underactuated Hands, International Journal of Robotics Research, vol. 1. About; Linked Projects; Interesting Links; Tutorials; Contact Prof. Dollar is the editor and co-founder of, an open repository for robotics pedagogical materials. We are currently seeking exceptional students to join our team as PhD and Master's candidates. Applicants should have a background in Mechanical or Electrical Engineering or a closely related field. Publications. Active Orthoses. President Biden’s recent proclamation for National Park Week and the annual observance of National Park Week itself testify to the value of national parks to our nation. Peg Insertion Learning Benchmark (B-PI/0.X) UC Berkeley / Arjun Singh, Pieter Abbeel. Earlier print and digital content of the Yale Alumni Magazine was published and copyrighted by Yale Alumni Publications, Inc., and is used under license. 2014) and two Master's degrees from Yale (M.S. Dexterous Manipulation RoboticGrasping UnderactuatedMechanisms 2015 All Dexterous Manipulation Publications … I work on robotic manipulation, specifically how hand design can be leveraged to increase dexterity. Read full text articles or submit your research for publishing. in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, S.M. Many other Yale SEAS … Yale Center for Engineering Innovation & Design (CEID) is a great university-wide facility for tinkering with mechanical and electronic designs. To test tactile manipulation capabilities, a cylinder is rolled along the TacThumb using the opposing non-tactile finger. Awards/Honors. Image: Yale GRAB Lab The finger pushing the object [left] is torque controlled, while the other finger is position controlled and leads the motion. Manuscript received August 2, 2014; final manuscript received November 26, 2014; published online February 27, 2015. Commercially available robotic hands are often expensive, customized for specific platforms, and difficult to modify. ... (BE in Electrical Engineering, BS in Computer Science) and Yale University in 2019 (MS in Mechanical Engineering, MPhil in Mechanical Engineering). MIT (2006-2010) SB in MechE, SB in EECS Thesis: Torque Measurement with Inexpensive Compliant Mechanisms. Yale GRAB Lab Department of Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science Yale University New Haven, CT 06511 United States {ian.bullock,thomas.feix,aaron.dollar} The Yale Human Grasping Data Set: Grasp, Object, and Task Data in Household and Machine Shop Environments Abstract This paper presents a dataset of human grasping behavior in GRASP Lab. 1347-1360, 2015. To test tactile manipulation capabilities, a cylinder is rolled along the TacThumb using the opposing nontactile finger. Fabrication facility with conventional machining, 3D printing and molding.
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