We have come into an amazing time of … Here, she unpacks the truth about the Leviathan spirit. 2) Python spirit desires to work through people and give the appearance of revelation, discernment, prophecy and the ability to tell the future, to be accurate. The battle for the mind of man will intensify in the last days. This spirit is dreadful and it is one the most mis-understood spirits ever. What is Leviathan- the twisting serpent? 10:4). “Beloved, believe not every spirit but try the spirits whether they are of God, as many false prophets are gone out into the world.” (1 John 4:1) “They searched the … We also find in Hebrews that the sword is discerning. Leviathan is a spirit, he is a twisted serpent the word twisted is the adjective that gives away his nature and what the Leviathan spirit is and does. Do you have pride’s symptoms? The Leviathan spirit can afflict generations of the same family as a result of Freemasonry. Job 41, Eivaz says, describes this spirit principality in detail. Punish leviathan, the piercing serpent, even leviathan the crooked serpent, with Your sore, great, and strong sword (Isaiah 27:1). Cut off the head of every hydra in the name of Jesus. Is someone in your life infected by the spirit of Leviathan, aka the spirit of pride? The Leviathan Spirit has many characteristics, but it mainly manifests itself as pride. Jezebel is not a demon spirit solely assigned to women. ... Again, you do need this gift of discerning of spirits from the Holy Spirit to be able to see this when it happens, but it is very easily seen by the people who do have this gift in full operation from the Holy Spirit. HOW TO OVERCOME THE SPIRIT OF DIVISION Well guys it's been a while since we discussed the SPIRIT OF DIVISION. Ephesians 6:12 talks about spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms and Jezebel is one of those, along with Leviathan, Python, and others. For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Discerning the Spirit of Leviathan Part 2 (Ep. There must be discernment that gives us precision in the realm of the Spirit. “His sneezes flash forth light, And his eyes are like the eyelids of the morning. I hope everyone remembers that this is the Spirit that works behind the scene to cause separation. Fiorella Giordano 8th Ocean - Sound & Love in Motion Email: fiorella.giordano@eighthocean.org Website: www.eighthocean.org. If one is under the Leviathan curse then anxiety is a sure sign that one is under such curse. Leviathan’s rows of scales are his pride.His scales are so close together that no air can pass through. Air in the spirit represents the Holy Spirit. The Leviathan Spirit has many characteristics, but it mainly manifests itself as pride. Job 42 makes it clear that Leviathan, the spirit of separation, will not run from man-made weapons. We have come into an amazing time of challenge and change in the Body of Christ. Job 41:18-34 describes Leviathan completely. The LEVIATHAN SPIRIT seeks to KILL/STRANGLE or CHOKE the Holy Spirit GETTING FREE OF THE RELIGIOUS SPIRIT It is a strong conviction that God works (only) in a particular way. Discerning of spirits is one of the least understood spiritual gifts in the Body of Christ. 27) The Spirit of Leviathan will look for a host, a person, who has the attitude of pride inside of them and then use them to victimize and destroy other people. operate powerfully and effectively in that gift to wage spiritual warfare effectively.. To receive daily, prophetic emails from The Elijah List to your inbox CLICK HERE Here, she unpacks the truth about the Leviathan spirit. If an ancestor has ever been a Grandmaster of a lodge, or into High Level Witchcraft the Leviathan spirit upgrades into what is known as the Leviathan curse. If you find it difficult to focus, or experience moments when your mind is flooded with hostile hateful accusing thoughts towards others, you have encountered a spirit the Bible describes as Leviathan the “twisting serpent.” There go the ships: there is that leviathan, whom thou hast made […] Find out more in this week’s podcast. Leviathan is a spirit, he is a twisted serpent the word twisted is the adjective that gives away his nature and what the Leviathan spirit is and does. Leviathan’s scales are so tight that they prevent the Holy Spirit and the fresh winds of God to flow in their life or the in life of a ministry. In Scripture this spirit is regarded as a sea monster or seen as a serpent of some type. “Out of his mouth go burning torches; Sparks of fire leap forth. In Scripture this spirit is regarded as a sea monster or seen as a serpent of some type. Discerning the spirit of Leviathan Part 1. The very word "Leviathan" means "to twist." The battle for the mind of man will intensify in the last days. Pray for guidance and discernment and test everything against the word of God.

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